Thursday, February 27, 2020

Wrong side of the bed

I don't know what crawled up DH's butt during the night, but he was a total crab yesterday. First off, after he got up in the morning and was sitting at his computer in his den I came downstairs and let him know I was going to be on a phone meeting call for awhile starting at around 10am. He had a bad reaction to that. Really?!  Geez Louise.

Then about 11am I hear the dogs barking. Figured it was UPS or FedEx. I had my office door shut, because I was expecting the phone call from my boss at any minute for the meeting with the auditor, so I couldn't go downstairs and I figured DH was downstairs, so he'd handle whatever it was. I guess he had gone back to bed. Heard the doorbell ring (like UPS or FedEx does when they drop something off at the door) but he didn't go answer it. Well, it was the computer from work, but it was shipped needing a signature, so the driver didn't leave it, just a door tag on the door. DH brings it up to me (I'm still waiting for my boss to call to start the meeting) throwing a fit that he didn't leave it at the door. I explained that apparently our IT company shipped it requiring a signature, nothing I can do about it. FedEx will try to re-deliver it tomorrow. Then he's complaining that I didn't come down and answer the door. Then 15 minutes later he's back up in my office throwing a fit that every time FedEx comes (not very often, it's almost always UPS) they make a mess in the gravel driveway because for some reason the guy can't just pull through the circular drive. He's gotta turn his wheels hard, back up and make a mess digging into the gravel (now soft due to warm weather and snow melted) and throwing a fit that deliveries are coming almost every day. Well, ya....I order most of our needs online, rather than making the trips into the city 45 miles away.

I can't control that I place an order for say 5 things on our list of needs, one week, and they deliver it all in separate boxes on 3 different days. Then about 2 hours later another FedEx delivery shows up delivering one item from a Walmart order. Couldn't they have put both my deliveries yesterday on the same delivery van? I get that he's tired of delivery trucks pulling in here all the time. The UPS guy is now like 7pm each night, which is kind of annoying. It started that way during the Christmas season, they started having a guy that actually delivered out of a rented pickup truck. (weird). Well, he's still delivering out of it and still delivering at 7pm, 2 months past Christmas season.

So, I will just try to use the Amazon delivery option of a specific delivery day of the week and I guess make more trips to the city (which will make him complain, of course, if I start doing that). Can't win with the guy. I always say to myself it must be exhausting living in his brain. Everything has got to be just so and done just so. Everything people say or do he's gotta analyze over and over (when 99% of the time it has nothing to even do with him, but he takes everything personally). Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me that that is what brought on all his health issues all those years ago - just the stress of living inside his head. It's gotta wear a body out! It wears me out! I can see how having a mind like that could lead to chronic pain.

Obviously moving here to have a more relaxing life hasn't helped him much the past few years. He will always find something to complain about. I doubt he will ever get out of his loop of over thinking every little thing and needing something to complain about (he takes after his mother). He will often say to me (after he calms down) "I shouldn't be complaining, I have nothing to complain about living here".  He doesn't seem to see the correlation between being upset/angry/mad and then feeling worse than he usually does. When I look back to when his health issues started (with real physical symptoms) he was self employed and totally on edge 110% of the time. Always. For years and years. I think it wrecked havoc with his nervous system/immune system or something.


  1. Oh. Poor you. You know, my husband had a period when he was just a jerk--irritable, self-centered, paranoid, and just miserable to be around. He had recently begun taking a medication which I knew caused personality changes, and I, as well as the doctor, warned him ahead of time this may happen, but of course, self awareness went out the window too. I finally got to the Come-to-Jesus point with him, which sent him back to the doctor, for a change of medication. Wouldncha' know, first thing my homeboy does is come home and tell me aaaaalllll the side effects this medication can cause, and that was the cause of his problem, as if it was the first time I'm hearing it. My response? "Or you're just an asshole, but either way, it changes by the end of this new course of medication, or you're out." Fortunately, we got past that medical condition, and things changed for the better, but honestly? How much is a soul supposed to take for any reason?

    1. Good for you! At least you figured out why he was a jerk. My dh just is one, in general a lot of the time, LOL. No medications causing it.

  2. Oh DH! I cannot imagine living with the chronic pain, discomfort that he is living with. There are definitely ways to quiet the mind, or process out the over thinking - if he ever becomes interested in that, it could be helpful. But it is no fun for you to deal with the grumpiness ever so often, so I feel for you too!

    1. I can't imagine it either, which is why I just mostly let all his crap go in one ear and out the other (thank goodness I am not high strung, like he is). It is no fun to deal with.

  3. Maybe he needs to consult a mental health professional for tips on how to rewire his thinking or drugs or something. If his mental health is causing(at least in part)his physical health issues it's not a bad plan. And you shouldn't have to put up with the fallout of his issues if there is a solution.

    1. I don't know what is causing his health problems, it's just my theory that mental health can cause physical issues. He's pretty much had it with doctors, since he spent so much time with them with no answers as to why his muscles hurt, cramp, etc, all the time. Every test was "well, it's not this..."

  4. My ex was also very highly-strung, worried about everything, and seemed to have a mind that was in a constant state of chaos. It was HELL to live with. I felt like I was on speed all the time. He seemed to make a big deal about EVERYTHING! I really pity you. It can't be a bed of roses for him either but it's dreadful living with someone like that too!

    1. I think his mind must just be overwhelmed a lot of the time, even pre getting sick. When he can focus on one thing (like a project) he does a lot better.

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