Thursday, February 27, 2020

Computer and groudhog day

My new computer from work arrived. I've decided to wait until either Friday afternoon (I only work half day) or Saturday to hook it all up. I don't need anymore downtime with work! and I'm sure there will be some issue, most likely with getting the vpn set up, which I'm sure they didn't put on there for me, even though I mentioned that is all I really need on it, a couple of times. It's a Dell, as my current one, but the tower is less than half the size of the one I have.

I also want to figure out how to transfer my personal (since I will also use it for my personal computer) Firefox saved settings to it. I know there is a way, I just don't remember how off the top of my head. I will also need to transfer my documents and pictures I have on my current computer, so I have them on the new one. I may, for awhile, just leave my current computer on my desk and if I need/want to use it, I can then just switch over the monitors to it. Not ideal, but at least it still works and I'll be able to get everything off of it (hopefully it doesn't die before I get that done).

The IRS audit for work is going fairly well. Nothing real major has come up, though I'm sure he'll find a few things to write up about. He had mentioned before he might need to also come back tomorrow, but after yesterday he told my boss he didn't need to. He's looked at all the documents he needs to feel prepared to finish this up. She said he seems impressed with our organization and processes. When we were in our phone/online meetin yesterday I was sharing my screen, while he was asking to look at specific transactions in our accounting software. He didn't realize you could attach documents to the transactions in this software and thought that was really neat. I said ya, that was a life changer for us, being able to do that. I attach everything related to a transaction - copy of bills, PO's etc. I can even attach emails, which is really helpful in giving more detail. And it's so quick and easy to get that detail for a transaction. In the old, file cabinet days, it would have taken half the day to go back and try to find the backup documentation he was asking for (especially since it's 3 years old and would have been stored in boxes by now). I had it in front of him in seconds. He was like "wow, I didn't know it had that feature!".

Dealing with my mom and her tax 1099 forms is like groundhog day every day this week! Eeek!. I can't seem to get her to remember that she's given me all the info now. I keep saying it's ok to just file those away now. But, she keeps leaving them on her desk and then can't remember it's all taken care of. She had written a note to "ask" me on her retirement account tax documents. I keep reminding her, yes, we've already taken care of it. Last night I told her to now write "FILE" on it and put it in her file drawer. She said ok, but I'm sure she just set it down, thinking she'll remember to do it later.

Also, apparently two of my stepbrothers and one of their wives went and visited and had lunch with her yesterday. She never mentioned that they were coming, so it wouldn't surprise me she forgot, or at least forgot while we were talking each day. She called me right in between my work meeting calls, so when I answered I just said "hi, can I call you back in a little bit?" She said sure. When I tried back she didn't answer, so I figured she must have went down for lunch and couldn't hear her phone. Then she did call me back after she got to her apartment and said "oh, I just got back from eating lunch with "the kids", they came to see me. I'm like who? She meant her step kids. She said she didn't remember now why she called me earlier, but I kind of got the impression maybe they were still there with her so I said ok, well if you think of it just call me back. She called me after dinner but said she still couldn't remember why she called - she thought maybe the steps had a question about her moving or something so she called to ask me. But, you think if they were still there when she called me back after lunch, they would have reminded her what to ask me about. Who knows now. Then she went back into the tax forms questions.....

And she just called me again ask about her tax forms on her desk....Again I told her she gave me the info on them, I'm good and to just file them in her file cabinet now.......and I just reminded her again that it will be a week or so before I get to doing her tax return, but we have lots of time still left before April 15th. Fifteen minutes later she calls me back to ask "now, have you sent my tax return for me to sign yet?" I said no...I haven't done it yet, but you won't need to sign anything since I send it in electronically". I don't know how I'm going to get her to just put those papers in her filing cabinet so that she gets them off her mind!


  1. Maybe check her accounts to make sure they didn't try to get her to change things. Or ask her if they had her sign anything. Sorry, I don't trust them.

    1. That's a good idea. At this point I'm afraid she probably wouldn't remember if she did, though.

    2. I was wondering the same thing. It is hard to believe they wanted nothing! How often have these people been to visit her? When was the last time??? I wonder if they went through her things to see what was going on. This worries me and annoys me.

    3. I think the last time SB (and wife) saw my mom was mid December when they went to do see her BF one last time. I don't know how long it's been since she's seen the other SB, but I know he usually only sees her about once a year. Like my dd said, we won't have to worry about that once we get her over here with me.

  2. Sorry for your mom's memory issues. I am sure it must be both sad and annoying at the same time. She can't help it unfortunately. Hope the stepkids did not try to meddle in her affairs. Bringing her closer to you will definitely give you peace of mind. Hope you have a nice and uneventful weekend.

  3. It is sad and I never say anything to her like that we've already talked about this many times. I just keep saying oh ya, we took care of that already and then she'll say did I already ask you about it?". But, I always find it interesting that during/right after SB is involved with her she's always worse in memory, so he must on some level stress her out. (even though he is a mellow guy)

  4. My aunt asks me about her taxes all year round as well :)! The mind is funny, powerful and confusing all at the same time

    1. It sure is! It amazes me how sometimes she's pretty good and other times forget it!
