Sunday, March 1, 2020

More real estate and more memory

Speaking of local real estate there is a house a little over a mile down the road from us that has been for sale for 2 years. They're asking almost a million dollars. Supposedly they use(d) it for a bed and breakfast, but I've never seen it advertised anywhere. It has a view of the river (low bank) but the house sits across the main road from the river part of the property. In some ways, it's a bit like ours in that it's all windows facing the river, except it's like 6 bedrooms. It's ok inside - but not for a million dollars! That house I posted about in my previous post is nicer inside. It's just decorated weird. Like you walk in the front door basically into a game room/bar type great room. There's a pool table in the middle, seating in a few different areas (it's a huge room) and a bar type kitchen room in the corner. Just strange to me. And with some of the pictures in the listing - unless they are selling the furniture with it, I'm not sure why they would include those pics. Who needs to see a close up of a side table or a headboard up close? LOL. Plus, the colors inside are a bit much. The lady that owns it is a house painter, so I suppose that is why. We had actually got a painting quote from her, since she's local and we were trying to use local contractors when we could, but just to do our shop (easy) she wanted over double what our contractor was paying his painter lady. (who by the way apparently isn't working for him anymore, after many years of doing the painting for his jobs. It sounds like she's gone a bit off the deep end....)

Most houses in this area are either super nice and expensive or they are very old and crappy. That little nice 8 year old house we had in town was not the norm for this area. So, the kinds like we had in town get snapped up quick, because they are nice and in most peoples price range. Houses in the upper end market take a long time to find a buyer and usually they are buyers from out of the area. There are only a little over 4000 people in this whole county, so it's a small market to be sure.  I just found it very interesting that that house I posted about yesterday actually increased their price by $300,000. LOL.

My mom has really been forgetful this week. Ugh. Finally, on Friday she seemed to have gotten the tax forms off her mind. Then she calls me yesterday afternoon and says she was looking at her emails (which she only seems to do maybe once a week, or unless I've specifically told her I emailed her) and there is one where I sent her pictures of the 2 tax forms (Social security and Credit union interest 1099's) which she opened and looked at the day I sent them earlier last week....did I still need her tax forms, is there something she needs to send me? Dang...I should have thought to delete that from her emails! So, I went over it all again and had to keep explaining to her those were just pictures of her previous year forms that I sent to her so that she would know what to look for in her papers on her desk, to find this years. Also, in her old emails were two from early January where I sent her links to the 4 retirement living places near me. She says something like if you think that one place will be ok you don't have to go look at the others. It sounded like she really didn't remember that I already visited the one (10 days ago) we are interested in and really liked it and had sent her more pictures of the inside of an apartment. And most importantly, she didn't seem to remember yesterday that this is the one we had decided to go with at the end of April. We even talked more about the actual moving process on Friday. I hope it's only that she's just a bit overwhelmed with thinking about all this too much. Today, I really need to make sure she has her pill box filled up. If she's been so forgetful last week, it wouldn't surprise me if she also is forgetting to take them again. I also reminded her it's the end of the month and that her rent check is due, if she hadn't already done it.

And winter returned last night and left a little blanket of snow again. DH is still in lots of texts/messaging with his older brother, though DH always tries to read more into what people are saying, so he's spending half of it trying to figure out what brother really means by certain comments or things he will talk about regarding their family/growing up type of stuff.

Today I'm going to see baby chicks :)


  1. Sibling angst never goes doe sit? DH had a little standing up for himself yesterday, that I personally feel was a bit over the top, and not worth commenting on, when so many other things his siblings do or say he lets slide.

    1. Makes me kind of glad I don't have any to deal with. I think part of what will eventually come about with older brother is DH standing up for himself and his opinions. I'm sure older brother's idea/memory of DH is when DH was still like 18 and whatever 8 year older big brother said was the gospel to DH growing up. DH has been an adult, without big brother for 35 years now, LOL.

  2. Oh siblings aren't easy are they. I haven't spoken to my sister in Denmark since my mom died 5 years ago. There was never an argument. On the contrary we all pitched in and helped her morally and financially when her bottom-feeder husband screwed her over. But in the end if someone, for whatever reason, chooses not to keep in touch so be it. You can't force it can you!

    1. That's what DH was saying yesterday - keeping in touch has to be a 2 way street and both his brothers never have bothered.
