Monday, March 2, 2020

Frustrations abound today

First off, I'm typing this from my iPad mini. Because the new computer our IT group sent me isn't set up like all my previous home computers. The computer at my desk at home has always been my "personal computer". (Even though the last 2 were purchased by my employer. The desktop on this home computer has all my personal crap. Documents pictures. Email. Internet. It was set up with a VPN and remote connection to log into another computer at the office. This computer at the office is my work "desktop" and has every thing I need on it to do my job.  On this home computer I also have another separate VPN/remote setting to log into my side job (same type of set up, I'm logging into a computer at that office that has my work desktop)

But this computer they just sent me got set up also as a work computer that is connected directly to their server, if that makes sense. I have work email and our teams program access from it but still need to remote into my computer at the office to have my full desktop and work programs.  I can't use this new computer as a personal computer (ie no personal privacy if it's linked to the server). That's just dumb for my set up.  Obviously I need a personal computer. But with this set up I'd need 2 different computers sitting here on my home desk. My boss agrees this is dumb and doesn't know why they set it up that way.

Ok, now I'm back to typing on a regular keyboard looking at my regular monitors. My boss had them get right on this. She also understands that I use my personal desktop to vpn into my side job and don't want to be logging into my side job from her company's server. That would not be good.

But, I can't figure out how to set up the VPN log in for my side job. I tried, but I'm obviously missing a step or have a setting wrong. I have an email into their IT group to help me. I use Firefox for my browser and copying the "profile" from my old computer to this one didn't work, so I tried the "sync" log in and that seems to have worked. All my saved tabs, bookmarks, logins and passwords are there, so at least there is that working, too. I still need to copy over pictures and documents I want on this new computer, but I can do that another day.

In good news, DH's sister finally texted him and his 2 brothers that their dad's will is finally getting closed and paid out and money being sent in about a week or so. DH's older brother, in their messaging, said to DH "I've never been told approx how much it might be". DH said neither have I, apparently it's a big secret to their sister, I guess.

DD and her husband just got their salary increase notifications today. She got 3.8% and her DH got 2.85%. Me....nothing still :(


  1. Go dump some broccoli soup on the floor and see how your frustration level rises. Okay, computer problems are the worst. And, yours sounds too complicated for me.

    1. it wasn't too complicated - just annoying and at least I know enough about computers to realize that is how they set it up and didn't load all my personal stuff on it, LOL

  2. We absolutely have to have sperate work and personal computers. The occasional e-mail on the work computer, or occasional logging into a health account or something on a break, fine, but the two are strictly separate. I could never use for something like blogging. I of course only occasionally telework, so it is different but for those that do work off site all the time, same rules.

    1. Exactly, when I worked at the office I rarely used it for personal. I just don't need 2 separate computers at home when all's this one at home is doing, to access work, is just a conduit to the actual computer at work. It doesn't need to be on their server at all.

  3. I used to hate not using my own computer at work. We used to send out large "requests for information" to 160+ delegations and my boss often wanted me to do it from his computer but I just couldn't. I knew where everything was on my computer. It's hard work getting it all set up again too isn't it. Good luck!

    1. I just did not want all my personal files, email, blogging, banking, etc on a computer that is linked to my work server! Nope, not happening, LOL. It's all fixed now and this computer here at home is not on the server anymore after IT guy detached it.
