Saturday, March 7, 2020

Checking off the to do list

The new senior living place is making life easy on me (and therefore my mom) on getting this all taken care of. First off, since I have DPOA I can sign everything. I just signed and emailed back a background check authorization. She quickly ran that and then a little later emailed me the rental agreement via Docusign. She also said I can pay this first months rent, move in fee, and $50 background check fee with a credit card, so I will do that with my mom's card. That will make it much easier than trying to explain numerous times to my mom that I need her to write out a check and mail it to me. I'm sure she would have asked me several times how much it needs to be for before she actually got it in the mail. Then she'd be asking me if she sent it or not. Plus, they require renters insurance and will add it on for $11/mo, unless you want to get your own policy. My mom actually just told me her own policy she has now is $150/year so I am just going to have them add the $11/mo to her rent and be done with it. One less thing for me to do/get taken care of.

I was messaging DD that I didn't realize it was clock change weekend. She said that is one of the reasons she decided to go see Grandma on she could change her digital clock/calendar. I said " smart you are!"  DD totally understands that overwhelming Grandma makes her more forgetful, while I'm sure my uncle doesn't quite get this causes it. I know every time my SB tried to "help" her he actually made things harder for her in most instances. I think her BF had that effect a lot, too. Especially because from what I saw I don't think he was very patient with her, which probably made her more forgetful and confused. Then his answer was just to have SB take over for her, and he just added to it.

It's an almost spring day here. Sunny and 55 degrees.

Okie dokie - I got mom's rent agreement signed and got her initial payment put on her credit card. Yay! Nice to get things checked off and done. Mom seemed better yesterday when I called her. She was going to go down to "Happy Hour" in the pub downstairs and have hors d'oeuvres and mingle, so that is good. She also had the idea herself that I could possibly stay in the guest apartment her place now has to rent out for resident's guests, so she is going to see if it's available. That was a good idea. A little cheaper than the nearby hotel and more convenient. 

I'm still waiting for DH to "get over" the older brother communications. I can see it starting to have problems already, so it's only a matter of time, I'm sure. DH is one of those types of people who gets all gung ho over a new friendship but then quickly has his rose colored glasses removed. Older brother will bring up childhood/family stuff and give his opinion, but if DH tries to give his opinion brother brushes him off (or at least that's how DH takes it). Both like cars, classic cars, etc, so if they aren't talking family crap they are talking cars....which has been extremely annoying to me because now that's about all DH thinks about and how he would like this car or that old truck. Blah blah blah blah blah. And when DH gets it in his mindset he thinks he wants/needs/deserves something that's all I'm going to hear about for quite awhile now. Mostly I just half listen and tune him out, haha.


  1. Is your DH about the same age as you? If so, I wonder if his disability for such a young man adds to the fixation on things he wants-something he might still be able to control. I have some mixed feelings about my husband retiring in under four years-the combination of too much time on his hands and thinking he needs to make up for things he didn't get to do or own when he was working.

    1. yes, he is same age as me. I'm sure you are right and having his health issues at such a young age (started at 37) and combined with how he grew up in a family of 5 kids and they really didn't have much of anything and pretty much anything he did have he had to share with his brother 15 months younger.

  2. Well done on working through your mom's to do list. Thank goodness she has you. And it's nice to see that she's going down to happy hour too. I suspect her next move will be quite upsetting for her again but at least being nearer to you I'm sure she'll settle down quicker!

    1. I'm sure it will be very tiring for her for several days but I'm hoping that knowing I'm there for her will make the transition easier.
