Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tuesday this and that

I'm trying to get a grocery order in for Walmart pick up tomorrow. It's been almost 3 weeks since my last trip and the cupboards are looking bare. I know last time I ordered a 15 oz tub of margarine. But it was not in my last order or on my receipt. I had to buy a different brand at our local grocery, as we of course ran out, as I expected. That's why I ordered it. I know I did. I make a list and I check the items off as I add them to the online cart.

So, last night I'm adding my things. I added margarine. This morning I'm adding a few more things and checking off my list, again. No margarine, again. What in the world. Well, it appears that I click on add to cart and for a second it adds it, then the message changes to "sorry, something went wrong". So, this time I ordered the big tub of it. That'll last a long time, LOL.  We have plenty of toilet paper, but DH said try to get some anyway (who knows how much more the media will incite the panic). Supposedly, they have the kind we use is in stock. I won't be surprised to get my email tomorrow, saying the order is ready and they are out of stock with it. I'm not going nuts, just one case/package, LOL. (usually I will buy 2 at a time)

Today is payroll processing day. Keeping my fingers crossed it will go well again, like the last one finally did. I'm just waiting on my boss to reply to an email to clarify a couple of people who show their PTO days as "pending" and not approved yet, though one's date is last week, so obviously not pending, LOL. It's always something though, holding me up from getting it done. This time it appears my boss isn't in the office yet, or if she is, she's in a meeting and not available to answer my email.

I'm in one of my lull's with no books to read. I hate that. I have like like 8 ebooks on hold, waiting my turn. And every time someone, who reads my blog, kindly gives me a book suggestion (like the one recently about Alzheimer's), I look it up and it's not available from my library. Frustrating. But, I just remembered about my Amazon Prime First Reads of one free book per month from a choice of several. I hadn't gotten one yet this month. I just finished last month's choice, which was pretty good.  This one I just picked is a science fiction one. Something to read, at least.

I  had a good MTurks earning day yesterday at over $16, so double my goal for the day.

So, when DH went to help woodworker friend with the 2 log beds he made he went with him to deliver them. It's to a nearby couple who just bought a place, basically straight across the river from us, but about halfway up the mountain on the other side. House with LOTS of acres, like they own most of that mountain. He said they seemed pretty nice and were about our age. And get this......that dang cell phone tower that had/has DH so mad...well, it sounds like that guy is even madder than my DH, if that is possible. Where they are up higher they also have a direct line sight to it....red blinking light all night long. He has gone so far as to complain to every one he can think to about it - even the FAA - he wants them to put up some kind shield or something to help block out the blinking light from certain angles (like at same level or lower like we can see). The lights are there for the planes. I wonder if he'll have any luck with that. But, DH said it was just good to know he's not the only one who's really mad over it. These people just bought their place in December and said literally a week after they closed on the place, that cell tower went up. He said he wouldn't have bought it if he knew it was going to be there.

I'm tired. It always takes me several days to adjust to the spring time change and really getting up an hour earlier now than the clock says it now is. Even the dogs weren't ready to get up these past 2  mornings. DH didn't even realize until halfway through Sunday the clocks even got changed, LOL.

Dinner last night was some more leftovers. I have some more of that "taco soup" left in the freezer. I don't have any sour cream to drop on top, but that's ok. I'm also made some corn bread to go with it. We still had shredded cheese to put on it and Frito scoops to eat it with, too.

I ended up talking to my mom a couple of times yesterday. She wanted to verify the dates I'm coming over when we move her and what nights she needed to see if her place has the guest apartment available to rent. They do and then she called me back to tell me. Twice yesterday she again asked me about her health insurance. I think I must have answered this 100 times in the past couple of months. I even wrote down a list of things/answers to things she keeps forgetting/asking me about. I emailed it to DD, she printed it out and took it to my mom when she visited. I had hoped having this list sitting on her desk or table might help her when she's wondering about this stuff. But, I guess not, LOL


  1. I don't understand the toilet paper thing. I am not afraid of the virus, but I am afraid of running out of toilet paper lol. We went to Costco last Friday to do our usual couple of month stock up and when I went to the paper product section to get toilet paper it was completely empty. When we went to check out the cashier asked if we got everything we wanted and I said no toilet paper. He said that every day last week they would put it out in the morning and it would be gone by noon. Crazy!!

    1. it's funny - my DD hates buying TP. We all tease her about it. Well literally a week before this craziness started with the shelves getting cleared she and her dD and gone to Costco and she sent us a picture of her cart with a case of TP and said "got my TP shopping out of the way for a few months LOL". Now we are telling her it's a good thing she got it when she did, LOL.

  2. It's too bad Sears doesn't put out a catalog anymore.....we were starting to stock up but all we have accomplished so far is a few extra cans of veggies....maybe we should save the labels off the cans for TP...ha, just kidding.

    1. LOL! We all may need to get creative if this keeps up.

  3. I can understand your hubs being irritated by that tower. I would be SOOOOO irritated by the red flashing light though too. It would feel like living in a "knockin shop" as my dad used to say (you might have to look that up)!

  4. Several times I have thought about maybe you should make a list of things she asks you about so she could read it. Glad you did. I bought tp when it was on sale two weeks ago, and then there is a run on it! I guessed knocking shop then looked it up. I would not like that red flashing light, either!

    1. I had thought maybe the list of things would help but she's probably forgets its even on her desk....
