Wednesday, March 4, 2020

As expected

Well, trying to print out the letter on my mom's printer was a bust. I knew that me trying to tell her over the phone how to open the document attached in her email and chose the print option would be awful, so I logged into her computer remotely (use Team Viewer). I opened her email where I sent the document to and opened the document. She had her printer turned on and paper in it, but it would not print. She was able to take a piece of mail on her desk and put it in her printers scanner and copy that and print it, but for some reason it will not print from her computer. It probably didn't even get plugged into her computer when she moved and SB set it up for her. Who knows. She was so confused by me remotely taking over her computer screen, LOL. She kept trying to tell me what she was seeing on her computer and I kept saying I know, it's me doing that! LOL. I was just going to now mail her the document to sign and include a stamped addressed envelope with it, so she can sign and mail to her investment broker.

Then DD said she could print it out and take it with her when she visits on Sunday, so we are going to do that. I can't mail it until tomorrow, so maybe she would get it Saturday or Monday, but with DD doing it I'll know for sure it got signed and sent off. I'm not even going to tell mom I'm not mailing it and DD is bringing. First off, she will just forget and keep asking me and secondly, DD was waiting until Friday or Saturday to even tell her she's coming to see her, because otherwise Grandma will just call her every evening with did you say you were coming over? or when did you say you were coming?

And right after we hung up about the printer deal, mom called me back and said "did I get my tax documents you needed mailed to you?". AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! LOL


  1. Well, that last made me laugh. I am so glad you are patient with your poor mom.

    1. I had to laugh a bit, too. Patience is my mantra now, LOL

  2. It's got to be scary watching the smart, on the ball woman you used to know change into someone so forgetful. I'm glad that she'll be soon living close by you. I don't know if she's been diagnosed with age related dementia (her behaviour is exactly like my aunt's) but that's what it sounds like. Dementia is such a terrible disease. It's like watching someone you know drift out to sea while you're stuck on shore. Good luck. You and pretty well most of that are in your age bracket with parents still alive, are entering trying years.

    1. It's mostly sad. She was diagnosed by her doctor last August with "severe short term memory loss". Her dad got Alzheimer's around age 78, but it seemed to progress quicker than her memory problems, so at least that is good. He only lived with it a couple of years before he passed in his sleep one night.

    2. Taking her meds and especially getting enough sleep will do wonders for her. Hopefully, things will improve a bit when she is closer to you.

    3. it kind of sounds like maybe she gets a bit too much sleep? She used to get up around 8:30 but now that BF has passed away (not that they lived together, but I think she was always doing stuff with him on a lot of days) it sounds like maybe she is sleeping in later than that. I used to try to call around 10:30 or 10:45 to chat and make sure she took her morning meds, but now it always sounds like maybe she hasn't been up long or I woke her up, so I call after lunch now.

  3. We used to have our informatics people log on to our computers remotely when we had problems and it always blew my mind so I can only begin to try to understand how it feels for your mom. But I hope it gets sorted out soon, and yes you had the patience of a saint!

    1. Our IT guys do it all the time, thankfully, LOL.

  4. Everything will be so much better once she moves closer to you and gets help to remember taking her meds.

    1. yes, I think that, along with me being able to take care of things easier will make things better in general.

  5. I was born HIV the age of 16 I lost my mother because of the HIV infection And I regretted why i never met Dr sunday who could have cured my mum for me because as a single other it was very hard for my mother I came across Dr Sunday herbal center and his herbal exploit online about how he cured all kind of human diseases like Chronic pancreatitis, HIV/Aids Herpes, Parkinson, Asthma, Autism,Copd, Epilepsy, Shingles, Cold Sore, Infertility, Chronic Fatigues Syndrome,Fibromyalgia, Love Spell, Prostate Cancer, Lung Cancer, Glaucoma., psoriasis, Cirrhosis of Liver, Cataracts, Muscular degeneration, Infectious mononucleosis., Cardiovascular disease, Lung disease. Enlarged prostate, Osteoporosis. Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis,
    Dementia, Breast Cancer, Blood Cancer, Colo-Rectal Cancer, Love Spell, Chronic Diarrhea, Ataxia, Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis, Weak Erection, Breast Enlargment, Penis Enlargment,Hpv, measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria Diabetes Hepatitis and Cancer I was so excited but frighten at the same time because I did not come across such article on the internet then I contacted Dr James on his {EMAIL}. he tells me how it works then I told him I want to proceed I paid him so swiftly Colorado post office I received my herbal medicine within 3/4 working days and I used the herbal medicine as he prescribed for me MORNING AND NIGHT and here living healthy again can imagine how God uses men to manifest his healing and powerful  works I'm writing this article in appreciation to thank Dr Sunday herbal center and to let you all know there is a cure for HIV/AIDS.THANK YOU  
