Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Getting adjusted

I'm still working on adjusting to a new computer. While all my Firefox stuff transferred over by signing in with sync, I'm finding I have to reenter some of my user names and passwords. And some sites don't seem to want to save my password, so that I don't have to reenter it each time. Like one of my banks. The user name saved, but the password won't. I have to keep reentering it each time and the screen doesn't pop up asking me if I want to save this. Even though in my Firefox settings it's set up that way. Frustrating. While I could log into MTurks, I found I had to reset all my settings. Another weird thing happening is with my remote desktop connection. The IT checked the box for using 2 screens (as I've always had it set up) but it won't save the setting, so each time I log into my work desktop I have to log back out and set it again in remote desktop and then log in again. Something I will have to ask IT about, but I'm kind of waiting to see if other issues pop up so I can ask all at once. I also couldn't figure out how to set up the VPN/Remote Desktop for my side job, so their IT guy just called me and got that set up in about 10 minutes. He seemed like a really nice guy and easy to talk to. Our main IT guy at my f/t job is a bit more stereotypical of computer geeks, LOL.

My mom seems to be doing better the past few days, compared to last week. I see she got her rent payment in and that check has cleared. On Sunday a friend of hers (from the retirees lunches she and BF used to go to) came and had lunch with her, so that was good for her.  DD just messaged me that she is going to go see her on Sunday, so that is really good. But, she's not telling grandma until like Friday, otherwise DD said she will call her like every day asking "when did you say you are coming? or "did you say you are coming?" LOL. But, I'm glad she's going for a visit and can see if her pill box is filled up for the week etc. I just called my mom to say hi and she answers "hi, I'll have to call you back later, I'm just heading downstairs to go grocery shopping with the group". Haha! Good to hear she is getting out and doing something. She mentioned last week she went down and after lunch one day they had some jazz musicians that she really enjoyed.  I was logged into her retirement account recently and realized that while her advisor guy got the secondary email contact changed to my email, I didn't realize he didn't change the online log in phone number contacts from SB's to mine, so I emailed him again. Geez, it can't be that hard to read a short email that says please change to this email address and this phone number.

DH can be an unhappy person at times, but dang, his 2 brothers seem to be way worse. Not that he's heard from his younger brother in awhile now, but all's he did was complain about when they were kids. His older brother does, too. DH just doesn't have the same memories of such a bad childhood as these 2 seem to have. I find it interesting. Like DH (and I) say, what's the point of spending your time griping and complaining about stuff from 50 years ago?!! LOL. And the irony of this older brother complaining that their parents hardly did/gave him anything is like the pot calling the kettle black, when he didn't even do that much for his 3 kids! I keep hoping this reunion with the older brother will fizzle it's way out, but no luck yet.

My friend in town needs a bigger bin or 2 to move her growing 2 dozen chicks into, so I'm going to run her over a couple of the big bins we have leftover from moving. They are a little bigger than what she has and she can put half in one and half in another.


  1. Has anyone asked your mother if the step kid wanted her to sign anything. I do not believe they have given up.

    My brother who was one year younger than I only wanted to talk about our childhood and our mother. That might have been okay, but he would start drinking and be stinking drunk so that I could not get a word in edgewise. He was mad my mother would not listen to his drunken rants. The other things were legitimate gripes that affected all of us, but I tried to move beyond it. I guess the fizzle will have happen in its own time.

    I am glad your mother has no time to talk on the phone...lol...and has started socializing.

  2. As far as my mom is telling me, they didn't try to get her to sign anything. DH's brother both drink and like your brother their rants about childhood and the parents are worse when they've been drinking.
