Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wednesday whining

NOPE. Couldn't do payroll yesterday. Gee........what a surprise.....This is the stupidest process I have ever dealt with. And this is a HUGE national payroll company. A half hour before the end of my work day yesterday I emailed my boss and said "I give up". I know a few weeks ago she had emailed the head person in charge of our account (not the payroll advisor I work with) that we really need to get this figured out how to get it to go smoother. I was cc'd but never saw a reply, if there was one. I guess my boss emailed her again about it yesterday and she finally replied she will look into it.

I was able to get it done this morning (it's a date glitch thing to do with our end of payroll cycle falling on a weekend). It's still a stupid and partially manual process. For example, if someone is coded in the system as a day off with out pay, it will not automatically adjust their pay for that day. i have to manually calculate how much the day without pay is and manually adjust it. If I had not gone through every single employee's "Timecard" (salary have them too, they just don't have to clock in and out) I would not have noticed the one person with the one day of "leave without pay". It's a time consuming process just to got through 57 employees timecards. I can't imagine having to do it if you have hundreds of employees. If I had not caught that, then she would have been paid her full salary, in error.  Not to mention I see this employee (besides the owners and managers) is the only one who has received a raise so far. Must be nice...........

I have a friend who is vegan...or a vegetarian....honestly, I don't really know the difference or really care, LOL. But, she likes crafts and recently posted a picture of some Easter egg decorating she did and in her post she said "these aren't real eggs, no chickens or chicks were harmed in the making of these eggs LOL". Good grief. Chickens lay eggs. What the heck are people supposed to do with eggs that chickens lay? Just do away with chickens then? I don't get it...........LOL

Last night DH said in his chats with his older brother that brother mentioned he'd like to get together with both of us someday to "discuss their sister". I laughed and told DH "I don't NEED to discuss their sister".  It's not that I don't WANT to discuss her........I have no NEED to discuss her. She is ancient history and irrelevant to me.  She and her DH can continue to pretend to be people they are not. Eventually, they will have to answer for what they did (and apparently we aren't the only ones they'll have to answer for) and they will be living with that for eternity. Works for me. In the meantime she can sit by her swimming pool surrounded by the literal junk yard her DH turned their property into, LOL.

I'm taking a long lunch break today and we are going to pick up my Walmart grocery order. Will there or won't there be toilet paper? LOL. We also have to make a quick stop into the Building Supply center and drop off a check for a few roof trusses DH is having them make for the shed/chicken coop.


  1. Vegan: No animal products whatsoever. The people I know who are vegan each do so for different reasons. I asked one about honey/beeswax candles, as they come from honeybees, which are an animal. He told me that honey and beeswax are a matter of preference among individuals. Some will, because honey doesn't come from bees, it's made by bees.

  2. I think the problem with eggs are that chickens are kept in small cages to just produce eggs but free range chickens who lay eggs from a farm i don’t see a problem with.

    1. I get it and have no problem if that's how someone wants to eat, etc. I just find that many people can be a bit hypocritical with things they want to preach to others about or are ok with one aspect but not another just because that particular aspect isn't convenient to them

    2. That’s how my vegetarian dd feels about chickens and eggs. She tries very hard not to use eggs that weren’t from free range chickens. There’s a lot of deception in the egg producing world. Now that she’s back here she uses my eggs. They aren’t technically free range, but they have a big pen and I do let them out daily. My thing is chickens that are fed a vegetarian diet-chickens aren’t vegetarians. Let a chicken be a chicken! I watched my chickens attack, kill, and start to eat a mouse a couple years ago.

    3. My friend even feeds her dog a vegetarian diet

  3. That seems very primitive for a business system. Who is driving this or not driving it?

    So, what did sister do?

    I think the egg and chicken remark was made without any thought whatsoever and just needs a

    I saw a picture in Publix of the local wM and there was NO tp, hand sanitizers, paper towels, and some other things, just empty shelves forever.

    1. The sister thing was 14 years ago and not worth my time to discuss anymore. Let's just say my family was the first she and her dh showed their true colors to and as we predicted at the time to his other family members we wouldn't be the last, and we weren't wrong.

  4. Sometimes when there is nastiness/bad behaviour in family all you can do is just cut them off isn't it.

    1. Yes, that was the only thing to do in this case, cut our losses and don't look back.
