Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The shed part 2

Linda (Practical Parsimony blogger) asked me how DH got rid of woodworker guy. I totally thought I wrote that part out, but apparently not. I think one eye is also leading to half a brain, LOL.

So, when the hired guy (guy in his 30's) showed up on Monday afternoon he and DH got busy working. No woodworker guy and they were both relieved thinking yay, he's not coming today. Nope. He shows up, walks up to stand there watching what they were working on and starts telling them what/how to do it. DH said he turned around and made the time out sign with his hands. Said time out! I don't need 3 bosses on this job. I know what I am doing and I know how to do it. If I didn't have 3 bosses (though the hired guy wasn't acting like that, DH was just trying to refer to all 3 of them) I wouldn't have had to spend 3 hours today fixing that window that was the wrong size (which is pretty hard to do once it's framed in!). We don't need to be told what to do. (DH didn't blame him specifically for the window being wrong.) Woodworker guy turned around and left.  The hired guy was like "good, about time someone said something to him".

It started with the concrete floor to the shed. The concrete guys poured it too late that season and it froze and crumbled and cracked. To fix it, rather than tear it all out and do it over they poured another slab on top. Well, that took away the little 4" concrete "wall" around the perimeter dh wanted. He wanted that because he likes to spray off the concrete flooring with a hose (that's how our shop and house garage are done). Woodworker guy says what's up with this concrete? why'd you do it that way? Dh says I didn't do it that way, the concrete guys messed it up and ended up doing it that way. Then Dh explained what he wanted so he could spray it out to clean the floor. Woodworker then had to go on and on telling DH to just sweep the concrete, that's all he does. (if he couldn't tell by now that DH is a neat freak?.......)

When Dh was starting to move all the lumber needed for framing from inside the garage (he had to pull it out from front garage door and carry it around to the back of the garage, where the shed is being built) woodworker guy starts in on that. He didn't ask either of them to help him with that. Why don't you just lay them across your little garden trailer and haul it back there? So, dh has to explain all that to him. First off there wouldn't be enough room to get it back there between garage and shed with the lumber laying that way across the little trailer. Second off there is no where to turn it around. Third off it's still basically fresh sod (because it got layed right before winter and never got to root in yet) and the frost is still coming up and dh doesn't want to damage the sod with the quad and trailer loaded down with lumber. "Well, you're gonna drive your new lawn tractor over it! it's just as heavy!" Dh says and I won't be driving the lawn tractor over it until after the frost has come up out of the ground......He still wanted to argue with DH about it. DH says I can carry the boards myself. I'm not paying someone $25/hr to haul boards and I can use the exercise. Good grief.

Among the many things woodworker friend questions DH about, last week it was the new (used) lawn tractor. What do you need that for? I have 2 acres of lawn and I use a walk behind mower. Are ya lazy? Again, dh says, well, as I've explained, my muscles can't do a walk behind mower, I get too cramped up, especially for as much lawn as we will have and in summer I usually end up mowing twice a week. Then DH says to him that our whole piece of property is 2 acres and he doubts that woodworker guy has 2 acres of lawn, LOL. Even I can tell that there is no way he has 2 acres of lawn! He does have a fairly large yard, as well as his ex-wife's yard in front and side of her little house. but there is in no way 2 acres of grass there to mow. Maybe a half acre in total at most.

He feels he has to tell DH how to do every thing. Even last fall when we were seeding the part of the lawn we were putting in that wasn't sod. DH is like I know - I've put in many lawns over the years. DH had mentioned to him that someday he hopes to pave our driveway. Guy is like what do you need to do that for? just use this crushed recycled stuff I have in my driveway. DH knows all about that stuff and it's crap material, so dh was standing in the guys driveway trying to explain what this stuff eventually does because it won't bind together. Guy just keeps arguing with dh about. DH finally just says you know, I worked in road construction for 25 years, so I'm not going to use that in my driveway.

Hired guy showed up again yesterday afternoon and they got all done what DH needed him to do. Now we are waiting on roofer (tomorrow I think) and dh will do the siding himself.

That open-ish part on the other end is where the chicken coop part is and will be wired in and a door on the end. The bigger enclosed part is the lawn tractor/garden storage part. DH also has a bunch of tongue and grove boards leftover that he will use up in the soffit area - to match our house and shop.

DH loves to joke around, but rarely ever at anyone else's expense. He usually does it at his own expense. But, this guy just takes it too far. He's obviously mad at DH over this, but just as well. DH doesn't need someone like that as a friend. That's not a friend. That's a bully/control freak.


  1. Woodworker sounds mean and lonely. It's too bad, because those people often just get left alone and end up wondering where all their friends are. I am sure if DH even tried to reasonably speak to him, he wouldn't take it in and listen to him. Good for DH for standing up for himself.

    Even when DH complains to you, it isn't like it is so often, just when he gets himself worked up and has even more pain/exhaustion. Glad that the project has been finished, and I hope your eye is at 100% soon

    1. I think you are exactly right, lonely for sure and when we met him DH is the type to see that and try to be friends and spend time with him. But, not at his own expense. Dh said to me I did kind of notice you weren't coming outside when we would stop by. I said I was tired of listening to him put you down and question every little thing. It's too exhausting for me. DH worked totally fine with the hired guy. They got along fine and often when it was just the two of them out there I could hear them laughing over things. There's no reason to be like woodworker guy has been. Probably why he's been divorced 3 times, eh?

    2. Glad your eye is healing. That sounds awful. Your eye doctor seems like a keeper.

      The woodworking guy seems like not only is he lonely but also jealous of your nice house and your DH high standards. Woodworker insecure and needs friends. Maybe DH speaking out will force the guy to take a look at himself, or DH will just be the bad guy - either say are better than the way things were!

    3. it's sounding like Dh will just be the bad guy, LOL. Like I told DH. He's not a friend. A friend is someone who encourages and supports you. A friend doesn't criticize every single thing you say or do. A friend is someone who makes you feel good to be around them.

  2. I wonder why no-one has ever filled that guy's mouth with quick-setting cement!

    1. I know! I told DH do NOT worry about it/him. DH had every right to stick of for himself (and his hired guy) and tell him to back off with the bossing nonsense. Not to mention the constant criticism he does. No one needs that crap.

  3. Tell your husband that he is probably the first guy he has tried to boss around and ridicule. Three divorces? What do you bet the guy criticized them all the time and tried to tell them how to do everything in the house?

    That is a very nice looking shed, not small at all. Good job.

    1. I meant "he is probably NOT the first guy he has tried to boss"

    2. I'm sure he probably does that with quite a few people - or at least people he thinks he can get away with treating like that. Those that he can't he probably doesn't have much to do with. It's a very nice shed - dh did a good job, as usual ;)
