Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Some improvement

It's been feeling like one step forward, two steps back with my eye. While Saturday night was pretty good, Sunday was not at all. Monday morning, first thing, I called the specialist. My eye dr. had already forwarded the referral and the info related to my eye. She said she would take it down to the specialist I am being referred to to look over and they would call me back for scheduling. She finally called back in the afternoon and couldn't do the appointment until Wednesday. Ugh. Ok, So, I gotta get through 2 more nights.

Sunday night was not good, again. My mom kept suggesting maybe I'm rubbing my eye sleeping and not realizing it. I said no, I'm really sure I'm not but then she said well maybe just having your eye against the pillow and moving your head is enough to rub it. She may have a good point, plus I usually always sleep on my right side. So, last night I only slept on my left side. I continued the routine of setting my alarm every 2 1/2 hours to put more ointment in.  Usually I have 2-3 times a night with my eye in pain, because apparently the healing part is getting rubbed off, under my eyelid.  I had no episodes at all last night. Such a relief! and my eye feels quite a bit better and I can even see a bit better out of it today. Still blurry, but I can actually read with it a little now. I am going to do the same thing tonight. I'm really hoping when I go in tomorrow to see specialist it will be showing an improvement. I'm still taking it easy today, though I was able to take care of a few things with work this morning.

Yesterday was also a surprise with my company owners and the online company meeting they had. My boss had told me in the morning what it was about, so I had forewarning but I'm sure it certainly surprised others. They laid off 6 people (we currently have about 60 employees). Honestly, I'm very surprised only 2 weeks into everyone working from home/this crisis, they felt the need to do this. The company certainly isn't hurting for money, nor does it have any debt. They also said they and the exec. managers (4) are all taking a reduction in salary for the time being. Though I'm not quite sure how that works when the 2 owners just each got 2 very large "bonus" type draws last week, LOL. Also, they are freezing all auto allowance and expense reimbursement payments, though no one should really have any of that right now anyway, with the stay home order. But, this means I won't get my $30/mo reimbursement for my internet expense.

One of the 6 should have already been let go anyway. She's constantly gone/sick and out of time off to use, so I've been expecting her getting let go soon. On a positive note our company is being held as the shining example to all the other reps for our major manufacturer, as we literally seamlessly went from a physical office company to a work from home company, right down to our phone system set up, overnight. They've been giving tips and advice to other companies, but for the most part it's the past several years of technology preparing that put us in this position.


  1. I hope the visit to the specialist leads to a rapid recovery for you!

  2. Your mom might be on to something. Your eye & the pillow. I hope your eye gets 100%.
    This is tough times for all businesses. Cleaning house is bound to happen.

    1. I'm hoping that's what helped. We'll see how tonight goes. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  3. I sleep on my left side every night and turn my left eye into the pillow. Often, I awake with my left eye blurry. I know my sleeping and burying my face in the pillow. And, the left side of my face has wrinkles! When I had cataracts out, it was hard not to push my face into the pillow.

    1. I'm hoping tonight goes well, too. I'm very encouraged that my eye is seeing better today, too.

  4. I did have to laugh about the wrinkles because I have noticed I have more on one side of my face, my sleeping side! But oh well that's how I'll sleep

  5. That pain must be terrible. Hope you get some answers and relief!

    1. it's like a quick stabbing pain in the eye. I'm hoping it's over soon!

  6. I hope your eye keeps improving. You mother had a point there, with the eye rubbing on the pillow! Glad to know that you weren't "let go" at work.

    1. Thank you. I feel really bad for those let go and I know it was a hard decision for our company management

  7. When my DH had cataract surgery he had to wear a plastic eye patch for several nights to protect the eye. Maybe that would help. I hope the specialist has a solution for you.

  8. It's strange that your company has laid off 6 people if they are not struggling financially. As you say, maybe it was a good excuse to get rid of just one person. There is some thought that companies (in the UK at least) can't request fiscal help if they haven't had to lay people off (or something like that). I imagine your job is safe either way - I certainly hope so. And good luck with your eye problems. That has got to be really difficult!

    1. it is strange to me, too. I know they are looking into some SBA loans being offered now. I'm guessing they think this is going to go on a lot longer than we all think it will and are just trying to stay ahead of it all.
