Thursday, March 19, 2020

The new normal

Not much new going on. That unexpected snow melted off quickly and it's sunny out again. DH had to go get a new battery for the riding mower (of course.....) but for a change our local auto parts store had what he needed in stock and he didn't have to go back and pick it up tomorrow. He's going to be a happy camper once he can start mowing. This tractor is like a step up bigger than the one he had at our old house.

I was kind of expecting MTurks to slow down during this crisis with everything closed up, since most of the hits I do are university surveys, but I'm not having any trouble finding hits and making my daily goal (when I attempt it). I'm going to keep taking advantage of earning what I can, while it's available.

I feel tired. Probably just the stress of life now and also worrying about my mom, though she has been much better the past 3 days.  Much less worrying and not asking me the same things every conversation. I keep checking the website of her county's health department every day. Six confirmed cases (out of like 300,000 people) so far, there.

DH and I decided to run into the city and do some shopping and see what we could get. First stop was Target. It was typical busy for mid day, but eerily quiet. It was like everyone was walking around and only talking in hushed tones. Mountain Dew was on sale $3/10.50 so DH got 12, stockup and stock up price. There was a worker in the aisle, so he asked if there was a limit on the soda and there was not. TP aisle completely empty. We stocked up on dog treats, ibuprofen (though that shelf was pretty empty), laundry detergent, chocolate, beef jerky, shaving cream, bar soap, dish soap and cereal.

Then we went over to the grocery store. Busy in there, too. DH took his cart over to the water aisle. It sounds like they had quite a bit and some of the water was stacked on the floor in the middle of the aisle (common). He said he looked all around to see if there was a sign with a limit and couldn't see one, so he took 3 cases of water. He got a few more bags of chips. I took my cart and got more bread (to put in freezer), cheese, lunch meat, chicken breasts, crackers and some fresh fruit and stuff to make strawberry shortcake.  There was no tomato soup in either store. We did find 2 boxes stuffed in the very back of the shelf left of the Crystal Light Tea on the go DH drinks all the time. Amazon did not have them to ship in my subscribe and save order this month. Target didn't have any of that tea flavor either. There were 3 bags of instant mashed potatoes left, so I got those to have on hand. As the cashier is ringing up our stuff, she rings up the 3 waters. A guy comes over to help bag and sees the 3 waters in our cart and says "only limit of 2" and pulls out the extra case, LOL. DH is like "was there a sign? I really looked". So, she had to remove that case of water from our total. Good grief.

We haven't had fast food in months and since it was lunch time and we were both hungry we went through Wendy's drive through. Each got a burger and shared a fries.

Amazon didn't ship 2 of my monthly subscribe and save items. DH's Crystal Light tea packets and my Carnation instant breakfast drink that I usually have for breakfast every morning, are out of stock. Ugh. I supposedly just found both online with Walmart, along with an 8 pack of tomato soup. We'll see. Says they won't get here until April 1st though.....including a case of TP......again, I doubt I'll see any/most of it.

I didn't get a picture, but on the way home, at the ranch down the road from us, it was great to see all the new baby calves with their momma's. At least some things are still normal - like spring time baby calves.


  1. I'll bet the baby calves are adorable. I've been outside more and taking notice of nature as well. Things I don't normally make time to stop for. More of the same here...stocking up on essentials and just waiting...

    1. I always love seeing the calves. Grazing cattle is always so relaxing for me to see.

  2. Being outside and seeing nature wake up for Spring and the baby calves in the fields is a very reassuring thing for me right now.

    1. yes, we all sure do need some reassuring right now.
