Monday, March 9, 2020

Monday mood

DD was able to help my mom with quite a bit yesterday. She got there at 10am and she was up and ready. DD had brought a few empty boxes for her. They also went through some of her linens and DD said got 2 big bags full to go to Goodwill. She also got some dishes she doesn't use put in a box to get rid of. Her stamps were right in her desk drawer, LOL. The document to have her investment account change the phone numbers got signed and in the mail.

Her meds are still a struggle. She's apparently not using the pill box anymore (even though every weekend when I ask her if she got her pill box filled up for the week, she either says yes, or I'm about to do that) as she says she remembers to take them because she has a note in her kitchen. So, I will have to talk to her AGAIN about that today. I'm going to tell her she has to use it. That is the only way we know if she's remembering to take (or not accidentally take twice because she forgot) and if she's not I'm going to have to hire someone to come in and do it for her. DD got her box filled up and her refill of one medication that needs to be split in half all split up.  I'm sure she is remembering most days, but.......Six more weeks and it won't be an issue anymore.......

They had lunch and a little after DD said she could tell she was getting tired (so more forgetting) so she took the stuff for Goodwill for her. I talked to her just after dinner time and while she sounded good I could tell she was a bit tired from the busy day and she asked me if she needed to send me a check for her new apartment and I had to tell her again that it was done on Friday and put on her credit card, so she doesn't need to mail a check. I'm having a hard time explaining to her that the lease is actually starting on 3/31, so she's paying a few weeks extra, but it's actually saving her money because if she started her lease in March, she will save $200/mo and save $2250 in the one time move in fee. That is more savings than the cost of the extra 3 weeks of rent for April. I keep trying to just leave it as basic of explanation as possible, but I'm a detail person so it's hard for me to do that sometimes! I'm sure she'll be much better today, she usually is after a nights sleep. Between the rent/lease on new apartment getting taken care of and getting rid of that extra stuff she's been worrying about the past few weeks, maybe she can have a bit less to worry about the next few weeks.

DH got up at a reasonable hour this morning, finally. He's been getting to bed later and later (and the sleeping in later and later), spending half the night messaging with his brother or sharing old pictures, etc. But, woodworker friend needed some help moving/loading some log beds he made for someone. It's good for him to get out of the house and do something, too. He needs to get his mind off his brother for half a minute. I'm am sick to death of hearing about DH's older brother. Who cares that he has pictures (most likely given to him by their mom, who was a scatterbrained mess) that were DH's pictures he took as a teenager (of cars, of course, LOL). DH is also the type of person who has to analyze everything someone says or does. It can get exhausting to listen to. I'm am sick to death of hearing about DH's older brother. Who cares that he has pictures (most likely given to him by their mom, who was a scatterbrained mess) that were DH's pictures he took as a teenager (of cars, of course, LOL). When DH visited him a few weeks ago he gave DH a couple of old photo albums to look through, but to be returned to brother. DH was messaging him some old photos he has and brother was asking how he got them on computer and DH said with a scanner. Brother said he wished he had one to do that with his old photos. DH offered to scan these old photos from the photo albums before he returns it. So, I hooked up our old printer/scanner on  his desk. It's old. It's slow. I warned DH it wouldn't be a fun process with that many photos, LOL. He did a bunch, but decided he wasn't doing any more. The pictures are so old and so stuck in the photo album he's worried he'll damage them and some already have torn edges. He told brother if they want to remove them from the albums he will scan them but he doesn't want to be responsible for possibly damaging any of their photos.

It's a pretty day out. I've probably mentioned this before but we have a bald eagles nest with a pair of eagles across the river and down a bit. We can see it from one of our windows. It's far away but enough that with our naked eye we can tell if one or both is in the nest with the white head. Usually they are not even in the nest. We see them more often just flying around. But, the female must have an egg(s) as she's been sitting in her nest all day for days now. We have a pair of binoculars but they are old and crappy so they really don't help much to see the nest better. Plus, when I try to look through them I can never seem to keep them stable, haha. We need to get a telescope that sits on a stand ;)


  1. I agree with you on the use of the pill box. Sometimes I forget taking my pills if I do not use the pill boxes. I have enough pill boxes to fill up for an entire month. So, every month I sit down and fill the boxes. This was not a big deal in the past but, nowadays, I have to take different pills at different times so, using the pill boxes make it so much easier.
    As for your DH, I guess you need warmer weather and tons of new projects for him. Do you intend to have a veggie garden for instance?

    1. I need a pill box too! so does my DH. I don't know why my mom can't understand how much easier it is to use it. DH will be able to keep very busy mowing and doing yard work soon, so that will help.

  2. Glad to hear that your daughter had a good visit with your mom and was able to help her with some things. Details tend to confuse older people who are having memory issues - I experienced that with my mother. I learned it was better to keep the explanations to a minimum and just say, "This is what we are doing". It was hard, though, because I couldn't really have a discussion with her, towards the end, and I missed that. She was the one I used to discuss things with, all the time.

    1. I'm really glad she got a chance to go see her and get a few things taken care of. That is the hard part for me as I'm used to giving details and it's hard to try to just give her basic info.

  3. Good to know everything is starting to work out. As for those old albums. Take a blow dryer and blow the pictures. They should easily separated from the backing. Enjoy the week. Jean

    1. That's good to know about the blow dryer. If it was our pictures, I'd have DH do that, but since they aren't his pictures, he's just going to let them take them off, if they wish. He's learned enough from his family and others that trying to "help" often leads to being blamed for stuff in the end.

  4. Your daughter is a little gem! I'm sure she eases your worry to have her help as she does.

    1. She sure is! and so smart, too :) And she's good with her Grandma, as far as being patient with her memory.

  5. I am glad your daughter is so patient. She will be patient with you some news for you, too.

    1. Yes, I'm already apologizing to DD for me some day LOL

  6. That is a huge savings for your mom ~ even if she doesn't understand it all! She is fortunate to have you and your DD helping her.

    1. it's a big savings, so hopefully she can handle living at this level of for awhile, before it gets more expensive with care.

  7. It will be so much better when you have your mom close enough to monitor some of her needs.

    1. I'm hoping it will make both our lives so much easier and the added benefit of being able to spend more time together.

  8. 31st March will soon come round and then your mum will be settled and close by. Your daughter sounds an absolute gem. xx

    1. Soon! though it won't be until April 24th we are moving her. We started her new lease March 31st as it would be $200/mo cheaper and $2250 less move in fee.
