Thursday, March 12, 2020

Thursday Update

Well, as expected, no TP with my Walmart pick up order. It's not like we are out, and I always have tried to keep ahead of the supply and usually pick up a case every other grocery trip or so.  It would appear we have plenty of tp....enough for months....but DH literally goes through almost a big roll A DAY. I have $12 on a Target gift card. I ordered a case online, along with some tissues, as I'm getting low. We'll see, but that will probably get back ordered, I'm guessing. Other stuff Walmart had to substitute was kitchen garbage bags and water. I usually get Walmart brand cases of water and they substituted Dasani. You'd think that people would be stocking up on milk, bread and eggs.

We also stopped at the building supply place and paid for our shed trusses that will be delivered next week. It was only $60 to deliver and being's it's 100 miles round dtrip for them to deliver, we thought that was pretty cheap and way easier then DH trying to figure out how to get them loaded and tied down on his flatbed car trailer. Then we stopped in at our HVAC guys office and picked up 2 furnace filters. DH had changed them last daylight savings clock change and put date of Nov 1 on it. Then he just went to replace and see's it's only been a little over 4 months. I guess DST isn't every 6 months.

My boss just sent out an email letting everyone know they can work from home, if they want/need to. DD's office has been working from home this week. DD's husbands job isn't the kind he can work from home and it's also just been reported that their company put on a hiring freeze and his job is to train new hires in a certain aspect of production. Hopefully he won't be laid off.

The colder winter weather has returned. It snowed a little bit last evening, but nothing stuck, though I just looked out my office window across to the higher mountains and see fresh snow up there now.  I just went out to the mailbox this morning and it's only like 23 degrees. They are predicting 4-6 inches of snow this weekend in our area and 8 degrees for a low on Saturday. This is exactly why I am waiting until the end of April to move my mom, because my luck I would have picked this weekend to be moving/traveling.

Even though I have told my mom several times since Friday, that I paid her new rent/one time move in fee on her credit card and how much, she called me yesterday because she didn't know what that large charge on her credit card was when she looked at her bank account online. At least she called me to check on it, rather than thinking it's fraud and trying to cancel, like she did with a charge last August. I also see while she was online yesterday evening, some spam must have slipped through during the rest of the day and she replied to some spam email to unsubscribe her so now her in box is filled with "mailer daemon" emails. Ugh. Of course, they will keep coming now for a while.

I took a break from M-Turks yesterday. That doesn't help me get to my goal, obviously, but some days I just can't do them, mentally. Plus, I was doing payroll in the morning, then took a long lunch to go to the city and then was busy working the rest of the afternoon. Plus I had a headache. I'll try to get back into it today. I'm at $16 so far, so I made up for yesterday. There was one HIT I was taking a survey about the Corona Virus and several times the survey said approximately 500 people in the US have died from it. At the end of many surveys are usually a place to type in any comments you may have about the survey. I never leave comments, as most are low paying enough that I'm not putting any more time into them to leave a comment. I just typed "there have not been 500 deaths in the US". I was kind of surprised to just get an email from the hit requestor saying they are apologizing for an error in their survey, they meant to say there have been <50 deaths.

DH is still waiting on the inheritance from his dad's will. His sister group texted him and his brothers like a good 10 days ago that the checks were being sent out last week or maybe early this week. Still nothing and like his brother said "is it that hard for her to keep them informed, like "hey, the checks got mailed today". Older brother had same thoughts as DH...the only way she is going to share even one bit of info is if she absolutely has to or if they ask, and then it's more likely she'd just ignore the question. He's like DH - not even bothering to ask her anything about it, at all. No one (but her of course) even knows how much there is being split between the 4 of them. (the other sister was left out of the will).


  1. I did some grocery shopping today. I admit, I bought more than what I usually buy. People are stocking up on TP here in Turkey too, so there is a shortage over here as well. So weird. I am a hoarder of TP but, I always have been. I have enough to last me a year. Lol! I bought flat bread since I do not have much freezer space. I also froze some meat products.

    1. it's definitely a time for some stockpiling a little extra.

  2. I went to one warehouse type store (not Costco), yesterday, and they had empty shelves where the toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water used to be! But, the grocery store had plenty and I bought some tp for a friend who had asked me to buy some for her. I generally keep a plentiful supply of paper goods, but, I needed a few groceries and laundry detergent.

    1. that's encouraging that the store had a good supply and good of you to help the friend out.

  3. I also went to the store yesterday and had a similar experience. Finally did find some, and yes, I stocked up!

    1. most people I'm hearing are finding some, so that is good.

  4. the stores should limit to like 1 or 2 per shopper
