Monday, March 30, 2020

Lazy Sunday

Saturday night wasn't too bad, considering how some nights have been. I feel asleep on the couch at 8pm. got up at 9pm. Put some more ointment in and went to bed. Set my phone alarm for midnight to add more ointment. At like 10:40 I had an episode of pain, but it only lasted like 5 minutes before it subsided. It did this twice more during the night, but each time was only like 5 minutes. MUCH better than other nights, where it would be like an hour - each time. This morning my eye does feel much less irritated and not bothering me every time I blink. Still very blurry, but at least it's not so uncomfortable. I got up at 7:30 to let the dogs out and feed them. Went back to bed and got up at 9:30 when DH got up. Lots of sleep was good! I made my "view" larger so easier to ready while typing this and reading on computer, a little better.

I made us blueberry muffins for breakfast. DH is now outside replacing parts of the sod the curbing guys had to cut out and some of the leftovers are going into new areas (next to coop/shed). Our neighbor also had some extra sod where they had to cut his grass out some so I think he gave DH his extra.

I've just been watching Blacklist on Netflix on my ipad mini. I'm about halfway through season 3. I also started watching Cheers that is now on Netflix. 11 seasons on that should be something nice to fill in and watch on our tv sometimes, too. That was always a funny show. I miss reading!

yesterday afternoon I made brownies. For dinner was just some pot roast soup (canned) and some mashed potatoes. I use some of the soup broth as gravy. I made DH some strawberry shortcake for dessert.

Friday night DH talked with his buddy on the phone quite awhile. This is the guy that lives about half hour from us and as soon as we started building he just sort of disappeared and hardly contacted DH anymore. DH tried 2-3 times over the course of many months to contact and stay in touch with him. Anyhow, last year he had given dh the referral of the guy who does the lawn curbing, so Friday DH texted buddy and just said thanks for the referral, he did a good job. Buddy texted back a couple of times and then ended up calling DH (at dh's suggestion). They did talk quite awhile, so that was good. It also made DH realize it's not DH who is the problem. Buddy is just not happy with his life, always comparing himself to everyone else, and of course also drinks quite a bit. I'm sure most of his problem with DH is that he's jealous, though why I have no idea. But, at least DH finally seemed to realize it's not him with the problem.


  1. You seriously need to get your DH on a training course on how to choose your friends. But I tend to agree about this latest guy. Drink it a terrible thing and it sounds like he's both depressed (the drink'll do that for you) and jealous. Glad your eye is feeling a little better though!

    1. yes, he often picks bad friends. And the really good ones....I'm not joking - they all die young. It's crazy. His 3 best friends over the years all died before 50 years old

  2. I'm glad your eye seems to be healing. Hopefully it will continue to do so. :)

  3. I am glad to hear you finally seem to be healing. Maybe the guy is not jealous, but so disgusted he is not successful that he avoids triggers for his drinking. He sounds sad. I had a woman who was rude to me for years, the daughter of a neighbor. She had something mean to say every time I was around her. Finally, after 20 years someone mentioned her and I commented that she did not like me. Half a dozen women spoke up, saying she was always that way to everyone. That really made me see it was not me; it was her.

    1. I don't enjoy being around people who feel like they have the right to tell us what we should be doing with every little thing. Who does that?!

    2. I had a very young woman who cleaned for me that corrected me on every little thing I did. the problem was she assumed things, got science wrong, and just annoyed me.
