Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Forging, worrying and mowing

Had to forge my boss's signature on something. Not the first time, LOL. And hey, at least I tell her about it. HAHA.

My mom was a lot better yesterday in the worrying department. She and a few others did go to the store in the morning and she was able to get the items she wanted. She said she wore gloves while out shopping and has been washing her hands like crazy. I talked to her twice yesterday and she was doing well. I also talked to my uncle last night. He is doing well, though not being able to go do all his normal activities is hard for him. He likes to stay busy and active.

The roof trusses for the shed/coop got delivered yesterday. DH went into town to the lumber store to order the rest of what he needs. We like to give the business to our local small town when we can. DH did a double check of what's leftover and realized he has more sheets of osb or whatever it is than he thought and his off the top of his head estimate on what it would all cost at the lumber store was a lot more, so the bill wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. The guy that delivered the trusses (from building supply place in the city) says so far business has not slowed down for them, so that is good to hear. Thankfully DH has quite a bit of what he needs from house build leftovers and it will be good to get that used up and out of the way. Though I guess he never did hear from the guy who he was going to pay to help build it. Typical. DH will plug along with it as best he can I assume and most likely woodworker friend will come over to help once he knows DH is working on it. Though DH didn't really want to ask him to help - he's kinda know it all/bossy and DH isn't in the mood and wants to build it how he wants to build it - not how friend will badger him to do how he thinks it should be done. I think today the lumber will get delivered.

I didn't do any MTurks on Monday, but I did earn a $1 bonus paid Monday. I was just too busy with side job stuff in my spare minutes from regular job. But, Tuesday I managed to do almost double my daily goal, so that works, too.

That lawn tractor DH saw on Marketplace was still available, so he went and got it after dinner last night. He had to drive over an hour to get to it, but worth it. It was such a beautiful sunny day yesterday, so he had a nice drive there, but didn't enjoy the drive back in the dark as always there is deer or elk to watch for. And of course, get a lawn mower and now it's snowing like crazy this morning, LOL. It's sitting in the driveway all covered in snow, haha.  It's a bit older John Deere, but in good shape and comes with various accessories, some kind of good bagging system and also a snow plow attachment that was never used. DH will take good care of it all and it should last us a good long time. We had a used JD lawn tractor at our old house and I don't know why DH sold it with the house! He will have plenty to mow soon, well we hope so. There is still quite a bit of area that we seeded right at the end of fall, if you may recall, so we'll have to see if that ends up coming up and filling in. And the crappy part?! If we need more of the same seed? Nope. The little feed store in the next town over, that we got it from, just closed down last month. It was some proprietary blend they ordered, I guess. Ugh. That's where trying to support local small business's bites you in the butt, eh? Oh well, we'll just have mismatched lawn, I guess.

After he picked the lawn tractor up from the guy he stopped at Lowe's (at like 9pm) because he is really in need of a couple of taller ladders. He only has a 6ft one and that is not cutting it for a lot of stuff around here. Even to just get up to our gutters. So, since he had the trailer (borrowed from friend) behind him he stopped and got a 10 ft ladder and an 8 ft ladder.  Expensive things, but the 8 ft one was on sale, at least.

Our receptionist at work has some free time on her hands so my boss is going to have her help me out with some stuff. I can show her how to do the tasks by getting on the phone with her and sharing my screen via Microsoft Teams. We sure have gotten use out of that program, since we started using it. So handy.


  1. Sod's Law - buy a lawnmower and need the snow shovel!

  2. A mismatched lawn will eventually grow so no one will ever notice. My lawn needs cutting badly now. Spring sprung here with a vengeance!

    1. that's what the feed store lady had told us before, so hopefully it doesn't take too long to all look the same. It will drive DH's OCD nuts until it all matches.

  3. I am glad the lawn mower turned out all he hoped it would be, especially since he had to drive a way.

    1. it seemed a fair price for used equipment and a huge savings over buying a new one.
