Sunday, March 8, 2020

Lazy Sunday

Yesterday was a typical Saturday. I spent the morning doing house cleaning chores. Sat down with a cup of tea and my mom called. She sounded better than most of the days this past week. She told me DD was visiting her and she remembered what time. DD is also bringing a few boxes with her, so that will give mom something to do with getting some things packed into them. I also told DD to take a look at her printer and see if she can get it working. I told her not to spend too much time on it, but if it's just something as simple as it needs to be connected to her computer, LOL.

The guy who was supposed to help (for pay) DH get started on the shed/chicken coop this weekend was a no show and no call. I knew he would do that. He's never been very reliable, as all the workers around here. It's a great weekend weather wise for doing some outside work. Frustrating. So, DH did absolutely nothing yesterday. I'm probably going to have to tell my friend, who has the few extra chicks, that she'll have to find another home for them. And just as I typed this she texted me about the chicks, LOL.

Another thing I did was research how often we should be flushing out our gas tankless water heaters. The plumber told us twice a year. The propane/gas guy said once a year. So, DH tells me to do some online research (like he doesn't have enough time on his hands to do it?? rolling eyes). So, it was kind of 60/40 in what I found. The mfg website said once a year, unless you have hard water (we do). Two plumber guy websites said once a year is ok with hard water. One of the guys said he has hard water and a big family using it and he does it once a year. He said if you have hard water and only one or two people using it, then could go every 2 years. So, instead of doing it every 6 months, DH decided he'll do it annually. It's just flushing them with vinegar, but I'm sure once a year is fine. The one heater is out in the shop and hardly gets used much now. The other is in the house and only serves our master bathroom/shower.

I think I'm going to buy one of those water testing kits to see how "good" our well water is for drinking, or if we should be having a filter. I think it's probably fine. I think the house does actually have a filter on it, where the shop didn't. When we lived in the shop the water quickly leaves the toilet and urinal some yellow/orange residue on it. I was always having to clean. I also noticed, when I used to have to wash our dishes in the shop, it almost had a tiny bit of a slimy feel to it. We haven't had that issue in the house at all, thank God. I would have found that extremely annoying.

In the afternoon I made a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. They really need to make the frosting containers just a bit bigger. I had another container but I didn't want to open it for just a little bit more and then end up wasting the rest, so I spread it thin as possible to make it fit. Most of the time I just use two, but it's such a waste. I should just find a recipe and make my own frosting, I suppose.

I had some leftover cheesy bacon hashbrown casserole in the fridge. We already had leftovers of it the second night, but DH noticed some still in the fridge, so he asked for it again last night. That was a great use of that one meal! 3 dinners. He rarely eats leftovers, but for some reason these shredded hashbrowns I got at Walmart were really good. Kind of a thicker shred.

I don't know what I'm doing today. Trying to work on some MTurks while I'm sitting here at my computer. $6.70 so far. I just realized I didn't charge up my phone and it's almost dead. Better get it charged because I'm sure once DD gets to grandma's she's going to call or text with a question on something to do with Grandma.

I was just outside walking around with the dogs this morning. Still cold at 36 degrees, but sunny and I could hear birds chirping, so they are coming back now. I am ready for spring.


  1. I am glad she still has good days. Maybe your daughter visiting perked her up. I hate no show/no call people, yes, literally hate them! I know that is not right, but they waste my time and energy and I have little energy left.

    1. DD said shew as up and ready for her when she got there at 10am, so that is good. I'm am sick to death of no show/no call people!

  2. Frosting is soooooo easy to make.
    Melt one stick of butter, (1/2 cup). Stir in 2/3 cup cocoa and a tsp of vanilla. (I add more) Mix in 3 cups powdered sugar alternately with 1/3 cup milk, adding more milk if needed to get to desired consistency.
    (I start with two cups of powdered sugar, added alternately with the milk, and then add more sugar or milk based on taste/consistency. We don't like sweet frostings. If you want a real treat, use cream instead of milk!)

    1. I'll have to try it next time. I'm sure it tastes much better too!

  3. Sounds like you had a busy day, yesterday. Too bad the guy who was supposed to help your husband with the chicken coop was a no show/no call. Does this mean that you won't be getting the baby chicks, after all? Hope your daughter is able to set up your mom's printer for her. Have a good rest of the day and a good week ahead.

    1. Probably not baby the time they get this done my friends extra baby chicks will be laying eggs, LOL.

  4. Oh I hope you get your chicks! Ya know, my husband built my coop in about 3 or 4 weekends. The coop is probably about 8x6 and 7 feet high. The attached run is about 6x10. I have 3 nesting boxes with a ramp up to them inside the coop, and then the lid lifts up outside so I can easily get the eggs. The coop is a simple coop with a slant roof, but it’s got shingles. The coop has siding to match the house, and a window-I found an old one at a thrift store. It is more than big enough for my 8 chickens, and cost about $600 to build. It doesn’t have electricity, but I don’t need that. It’s vented up at the rafters, but in the summer I just leave the “man door” open for air flow. In our climate the heat just isn’t an issue. -30 is a bigger concern in Montana lol. I say just get your husband to work! My husband is handy, but he’s an executive at a flooring company, he’s got no building training. I bet your Dh can build you a coop in no time if mine did it just working on weekends.

    1. Ours will be more garden shed than coop, so it's going to have roof trusses, etc so DH needs some extra help. If it was just a coop I'm sure he could do it by himself. We are going to use up our leftover house siding and shakes to match the house, too.
