Friday, March 13, 2020


Well, speak of the devil. DH's sis group texted the brothers yesterday afternoon and said she mailed out the inheritance payments. DH is such a dork - he actually thought it would come in today's mail. I guess because she ended her text to them with "Happy Friday" (on a Thursday) he thought that meant she sent them to arrive today. haha. I'm like there is no way she mailed them overnight and it might get here Saturday, but most likely Monday (I know how long it takes to mail stuff since I do it for work all the time). Sure enough, the USPS informed delivery shows Monday. Or she's dumb enough to think it only takes mail one day to get 2 states away. LOL.

I was reading a friend's Facebook post that they canceled their vacation to Hawaii they were supposed to go on in a few days. One of their friends says "oh no, why? what happened?". I'm thinking what - do you live under a rock?!!

In a matter of hours yesterday my company went from you can work from home if you like, to everyone is working from home now, at least through next week.  DD can't find her thermometer (pretty sure we got her one when she went to college) and said when she was at Target last night they were sold out. She tried online but Amazon wants like $75 (I think for ear thermometer type) and 2-3 weeks delivery. She's going to try RiteAid nearby her. I told her I have an extra digital oral thermometer I can mail her if she can't find one.

We are supposed to get 4-6 inches of snow starting an hour ago, but I see on the weather app it keeps getting pushed out an hour or two.

It's my half work Friday. I'm still working doing a bit for my side job.......but I feel a nap coming on this afternoon. In fact, with the cold and snow I see a lazy weekend ahead. When I was out with the dogs this morning I saw the buds of the wild yellow flower that bloom around here in the spring on the vacant lot next to us. Spring is trying to get here.  The momma bald eagle still sits in her nest all the time now. Yesterday afternoon I spotted pappa eagle sitting on a branch of their big nest just up above her. I wish I could get a good picture but it's too far away. I see they make telescopes you can attach your phone to and take pictures. I might have to get DH one of those some day....maybe as a birthday gift this summer.


  1. I bet you're glad you work from home anyway right. And I'm pretty sure I have a thermometer somewhere although I don't think I've ever used one. I NEVER took my kids' temperature when they were little (the French are obsessed with it). To me they were either "hot" or "cold" - worked for me - so I doubt I'll start using one now!

    1. I've never needed a thermometer too often. Thankfully when my kids were little they didn't get sick very often at all. Whenever DH says "I think I have a fever" I do the old back of the hand to the forehead (like mom always did LOL) and say "nope ,you're good"

  2. When I was a kid, whenever I got sick, my dad would make me take my temperature every hour. I would want to rest and sleep in my bed, but he would call hourly to see if my temp was going up or down. Lol! He was such a worrier. I remember stealing an aspirin pill from grandma whenever I felt coming down with a cold so that, it could cure me before my parents found out I was sick. It never worked though.

    1. that's a sweet memory of your dad, but I'm sure at the time it was annoying ;)
