Thursday, May 25, 2023

Well that sucks

The jerk who owns the lots next to us had a san-i-can delivered yesterday. Guess that means he's going to get started now. I thought maybe he'll show up this morning with his equipment, but nothing yet. We are all so NOT excited, as you can imagine. I don't even know if Mr told him about our street not being usable for 24 hours from Monday to Tuesday, LOL, for the re-sealing. I could just see him showing up Monday morning with his equipment and can't get to his property....

I just had a hunch lately that this is the weekend he was going to choose to start - holiday weekend, most residents here have guests, so of course it will be noisy and annoying. 

Our friends arrive some time tomorrow and dh is getting the lawn mowed, so it can last until he can do it again next week. He did some window washing yesterday. I'm doing some cleaning during my lunch break today. I have to work a half day tomorrow, but I think I'll spend a bit of that time straightening up my office a bit, haha.

My dd's vet figured out that her older dog has pancreatitis, so they put him on IV fluids and pain meds and kept him there overnight. Hopefully he'll start feeling better soon and be able to eat again. DH joked with her and said "did they ask you 1,345 times how much alcohol he drinks, like the doctors did with my pancreatitis?"

My mortgage is yet again being sold off to another company. Apparently the transfer date is 6/1, which if course is my payment due date and I don't have any new info yet on my account # or setting up online payments with the new mortgage company. I guess it will get figured out.


  1. I thought that guy was told by people in charge of things that he could not proceed. ??? I think I would make a call to whomever and ask about what he is up to now. Will the road be blocked or will he be able to run over the new road?
    Too bad about her dog. Does your husband drink anything? I sort of resent the questions on forms asking if I smoke, drink? When did I stop? It is sort of like if they ask me enough ways, I will trip up and tell the
    You are going to be exhausted if you have company three weekends in a row.

    1. He was told he cannot build a metal building, operate a business or extend his driveway out to the main highway. Last we heard (last Fall after he got the letter and threw a fit) he then told Mr. that they were just going to build a regular house now. That's all we know. He can come out and clear his property as he pleases, there is nothing against him doing that. My dh doesn't drink at all, LOL. I would say the last time he had a drink was over 20 years ago and even then it was very rare for him to drink. I am going to be exhausted. I'm going to need time off just from all that, haha.

    2. I had forgotten the particulars, just knew he was stopped. He seems like the type to build the house then repurpose or add to it to skirt the rules. I didn't think your husband or you drank since you never mentioned having a beer to cool off or anything. You can take off a week to

    3. I'm sure our troubles with this guy are far from over.....

  2. Oh! I had hoped that the jerk gave up building anything in that lot. I was also hoping he would sell it to some decent people who would make great neighbors. Hope your DD's doggie feels better soon.

  3. So how much booze DOES DD's dog drink? I think you're avoiding the question!!!!

    1. For as grumpy as that dog can get, he probably should drink. He sounds exactly like the Tasmanian Devil, LOL

  4. Poor Doggy!! My hubs had his 2nd attack if pancreatitis on March 19th. He spent 11 days in the hospital in the town where we work( we work at the same place and eere at work when it happened) and was then transferred to St. Vincent in Indianapolis. They were going to put him on a feeding tube tp byoass the stomach, but when he got there they decided not to and discharged him after 2 days. So scary! We took the plunge and he retired May 5th. I wanted him away from his work area where he is expised to so many chemicals. We work in an insulation factory. Finances are going ti get tricky but we will justed gave ti deal. All that to say, I feel so sorry fir animals who cant explain their pain. Doggy needs to quit smokking, drinking and lay off the red meat:) Busted And Disgusted

    1. My hubby had to spend 10 days and off and on will say "I feel like I'm going to have another pancreatitis attack". Ugh. DD's dog isn't really improving yet, which is getting concerning.

  5. They asked my husband the same thing and he has never drank!
