Friday, May 26, 2023

Short and sweet

I think I am ready for our guests. They'll be here sometime today. Usually she will text me to give me an idea what time but I haven't heard anything yet this morning. I never know what to plan for dinners, LOL. Guy friend is so picky and usually we end up eating out almost every day they are here. Sometimes a late lunch/early dinner or sometimes at regular dinner time. I did make him peanut butter cookies last night :) If we don't go out tonight, I'll just make some hamburgers.

Other than the san-i-can sitting between their 2 lots, nothing has started going on there yet. 

Our weather has turned kind of crappy. Cloudy and chilly, chance of rain off and on. Hopefully it's at least not raining while we are at the flea market tomorrow. I can deal with chilly, just won't enjoy it if its raining on us. Usually it's too hot this weekend.

I'm trying to finish up what I can with work before I have next week off.  Bills are paid, $ in account to cover payroll next week, etc. I also needed to make sure my assistant has enough work to keep him busy, so that's not a problem, LOL.

Our friends texted a little bit ago and should be here soon. I probably won't get much time to blog for the next few days :)



  1. Hopefully, it won't rain for your flea market trip. I also hate rain and the necessity for rain gear when it is too warm bundled up. Even mild weather can be sweat-inducing when it rains, even a drizzle. Have fun.

  2. Enjoy your time with your friends and your week off.

  3. Hope you have decent weather. I know what a pain it is to plan for picky eaters. Their loss :)
    Good luck at the flea market!

  4. I hope your weekend goes very well. It's extra work having guests but worth it to see old friends. And lovely afterwards!

  5. This probably sounds uncharitable, but, I have found the problem with moving to less populated areas in the hopes of discovering "paradise," (which we did when we moved her, to the North Sound, and also when we bought our second home in the Panhandle) is that eventually, others catch on, and in they come. I have experienced unprecedented growth in the past 3 places I have owned homes. One of our kids said it's almost as if people follow me! I love my neighbors, (some more than others, to be sure,) but I don't want a lot of them.

  6. Coming on to add that I would tell you precisely where I live, as I'm sure you are familiar with it, but I don't see a link to email you privately.
