Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A good week so far

The forklift was a success, and as I figured, he would have it all done in just a few hours, not 2 days, LOL. The guy who dropped it off told dh that if he got done early and called it in that he was done we'd get a credit, so by not not needing it today and calling it in before they closed yesterday we will get a credit back of $230. Not sure when they are going to pick it back up. When he dropped it off he even said it might be Friday instead of Thursday. Now it could even be today, they didn't say when I called. DH was going to use the forklift after he was done to help Mr. Neighbor with something at his house, but it was pouring rain, so they had to cancel that idea.

We got the new cabinet that matches dh's desk unboxed and put in his den. The top does come seperate and has to be screwed on from underneath, but other than that it is assembled when shipped. But, it's missing one of the rubber "feet" that screw in the bottom corners. DH had a bit of small square piece of rubber to help make it level, but I got online with a customer service chat this morning and they are sending me out another of the "leveling" feet.

The old cabinet in there was our old tv cabinet and I'm going to put that one the local for sale marketplace. I tried a couple/few years ago, but I think I was asking way too much and got no interest in it. Now I'm thinking maybe $50.....or's a nice wood cabinet with 2 glass front doors and shelves inside.

In good news - I get to take Friday off now. Why? Because dd and sil are coming over Thursday instead of Friday! Yay! SIL is working from home Thursday (so will dd) and then they are leaving about 1:30 in the afternoon. They will get here around 10pm, but that's better than them leaving their house early Friday morning and not getting here until Friday afternoon. They are also driving over one of their Mustangs and dh now has space for them to park inside the shop, LOL.

We don't really have an specific plans for the weekend, other than we will go see my mom on Saturday, rather than Sunday/Mother's day as they will be going home mid day Sunday. Also, while we are in the city on Saturday, dh wants to stop at the cemetery and leave some flowers for his mom.

I have payroll to do today, but I think it's going to be a smooth one. So far it's going good and no hiccups, other than waiting on my boss to answer a question about an employee who is on the calendar to have time off, but it has not been requested/recorded in the payroll system. 

The yellow wild spring flowers (Arrowleaf balsamroot) are in bloom. They cover most of the lot next door and are one of my favorite things for a couple weeks each spring. I had expected not to see it last spring (they bought the property in fall of 2021), then I for sure thought last spring would be the last I'd get to see of them, but since they haven't started anything on the property, I'm getting one more spring to enjoy them :)


  1. The call to the forklift company was certainly profitable. Things are going well, it seems. Those are beautiful flowers.

  2. I always have success on Facebook Marketplace when I offer the item for free! For me having someone come and collect - eg cabinets, desks etc - makes it worthwhile.
    My sis-in-law likes to charge a very small amount but even that seems to put people off.
