Thursday, May 18, 2023

Carry on

My assistant is one lucky guy....he still has a job for now. Grrr.  My boss met with him for like 2 hours yesterday afternoon. I guess this is his last chance. He basically did say he wasn't working to his full capacity this past week and a half, but also said that adding the invoices was really slowing him down. He insisted to her that he did message with the inside IT guy. My boss said she didn't think to say "ok, show me your chat with him (he had his work laptop with him). She also said she will double check with that inside IT guy - because he is your stereotypical IT guy...extremely "literal" and she asked him if he had "talked" to our assistant on Friday - not did he "message" with him, and he is so literal in thinking that maybe he really did message with him.

I'm not buying that the adding invoices slowed him way down at all, as I can tell from system time stamps that he can go along and add invoices and each one only takes him a minute or two. He'll enter like 20 minutes and then stops for an hour or more and then nothing is getting done, etc.

I was in on the meeting for a short period and then talked to my boss on the phone after she was done talking with him (I guess she talked to him for like 2 hours). I then took another report (later month) from the same mfg, same 1 1/2 pages length, # of invoices to add. and I figured out (learned something new and neat!) how to record my computer screens while I worked through adding the invoices from the report. I just did the first page, it had 20 invoices listed on it. I did it in 5 minutes! I sent the video to my boss and said obviously we can't expect him to work at the speed that I can, but even if he was 5x slower than me he still should have had these entered in a 1/2 hour......not hours and hours.

Ugh - anyway, that's where it's at, so it's what I have to work with. Boss said this morning that she is writing him up and any other issues he will just be let go. 

I just had a super nice chat with the accountant for our IT company we use. I have emailed with her numerous times over the years, and we have gotten to know each other a little bit that way, but we've never actually talked on the phone. She is sooo nice. I just enjoyed chatting with her so much.

I need to get all my annual flowers and rather than go in this weekend and deal with a crowded Lowe's or Home Depot, we are going to go in this evening, after I get off work. I'm hoping that's a slow time at the garden center (we should get there around 5:15) and we can get all our stuff. Then we'll go to Walmart and pick up the order I placed and grab some fast food drive thru dinner on the way home. Then I can plant them all this weekend and not have to spend half a day Saturday or Sunday trying to buy it all then.


  1. If he worked hard, you wouldn't even be checking what he is actually doing ... ! I hope this shapes him up.

    1. Exactly. The prior 2 weeks he did really well, got lots done. I recall each of those Fridays, when I was done for the day messaging him to have a good weekend and telling him he did great for the week. Then the first 3 days of last week I was busy on a project and figured it was going along with how he had performed the past 2 weeks. Then last Thurs morning I checked to see how far along he was and ya....not good.

  2. There are lots of employees who do well in interviews, do great on the job and then slack off. First impressions and all. They think they have it made once people are happy with them.
    Do you ever look at the sale plants? All they need is a little love in the form of water, maybe some trimming and fertilizer. In a week or less they look fine.

  3. Question, how did you record your screen? I have not been able to figure that out!

    1. My Windows has an Xbox gaming option that records. To open click the windows key, Alt, and G and it will pop up to allow you to start recording and click it when you are done and it saves a video. It's really a neat feature! My boss loved it.

    2. Thank you and You're lucky! I tried that and my company has that setting disabled and will not let me permission to have it accessible. Instead, they want to charge my department a $500 license fee for another program. Makes no sense at all.
