Monday, May 29, 2023

Taking it easy today

We've been having a fun time with our friends visiting. All the way from Texas in a cooler with ice, they brought us a Nothing Bundt cake, haha. Two in one month is quite the treat. We stayed up late talking Friday night. Saturday morning we went to the big flea market. I think in the past we have always gone on Sunday, where while it had lots of people there it wasn't too bad. Saturday was so crowded, so we really didn't enjoy it as much. I found nothing to buy, nor did dh. Friend bought a couple of things, so at least it wasn't all for naught. We got out of there just in time before the rain started pouring.

The cat loves these people, LOL. He always has and has no problem sharing his house with them.

After the flea market we went for a late lunch (and early dinner) at a nearby bar restaurant. As we were going to get back on the interstate dh noticed a sign on a little drive up hut on the other side of the road that said "ice cream". Somehow we all managed to also stuff some ice cream into ourselves. Dh had a banana milk shake and is ready to go back for another one. ('s only like 40 miles haha). We all took a nap after we got home. We are all getting old.

They are used to sleeping in, so yesterday was no real plan but figured we'd eventually get around to going to do something. After lunch the guys decided there was stuff they needed at Harbor Tools in the city, so we headed out but took a bit of a more scenic way to get there and stopped at a historic place we had gone to when dd/sil were here. We didn't go inside to do the museum, just walked around the grounds to see the displays. Then got over to Harbor Freight before they closed. Then it was dinner time so we decided on bbq at Famous Daves, which was good. Of course we've been having cake at home for dessert every night. There is one small piece left.

Today we are supposed to be on "lockdown" for the pavement permitting. It's not raining today, but no crew has shown us yet and it's 8:30am and no word on if they are coming or not. You'd think we'd have been let know if they weren't coming?? We are all tired and just happy to stay here and hang out and do nothing today.

Friends are going to take the tv console cabinet I listed on marketplace, that no one wants, so that is great to get rid of that. They have room in the back of their pickup to take it. We brought lots of bbq leftovers (we had gotten the big family meal) so that will be our dinner today, as well as I'll probably make some ham and cheese sliders.

Well, now it's almost 9am and still no crew or word on if they are coming or not. But, I always forget "in the morning" with work crews here typically means 9:30 or 10. Not 8am.


  1. Sounds like a great visit, even the cat is happy, LOL! Today is a holiday for you, I wonder if they realized that when they booked it in?

  2. It all sounds great, a good weekend. Maybe kitty was happy they did not bring a dog. I love those places that have ice cream for an unplanned stop. Here, guys show up early to avoid the heat by knocking off about 3 pm. Imagine my horror when "early" means 6 am in the summer.

  3. My Dh likes Famous Dave’s, but I think it’s just ok. I tell him no place makes bbq chicken as good as his, and it’s true! He’s really got that figured out. Good thing since it’s one of my favorites. He smoked a brisket yesterday that was also better than any restaurant, but that’s not a favorite meal of mine.
