Friday, May 19, 2023

Ready to plant

Ok - we have flowers! I'll be busy on Saturday :)

It doesn't look like as much because you can't see all the packs and packs of petunia's and some lobelia that are down flat behind whatever that thing is called that goes across. We also got 4 extra big pre planted pots to set in front of garage and shop, that we've never put any flowers there before. The pots are pretty cute, so next year I will just try to replant and hopefully it will be cheaper. 

We went to Lowe's, but also ended up having to go to Home Depot. I think we had to do that last year, too, so next year I am just going to try to remember just go to Home Depot for it all. For some dumb reason Lowe's doesn't have daylilies or trailing lobelia and they didn't last year either, but I forgot that. Last year we added a bunch of daylilies out along the front fence and one of the plants didn't make it, so I just needed one to replace.

First we stopped at the bank to get some cash out for Memorial weekend, when our friends will be visiting and we'll go to the big annual flea market. I want to have cash just in case there is something we want to buy. I was just happy that I actually remembered to stop and do this ahead of time, LOL.

Then we went to Walmart and picked up our load of groceries (all loaded in the back seat of the truck) and then we were starving, as it was almost 7pm. We decided to give Chick-fil-a a try, since Wendy's discontinued their grilled chicken sandwich. I must say I don't know what all the hubbub is about. I found Wendy's grilled chicken to be much better. This one was ok, but we didn't realize it comes with no sauce or something on it - very dry. The waffle fries were good, though.

We didn't get home until 8pm and then another 20 minutes putting the groceries away. By the time I got to sit down it was almost time for bed. But, I'm glad we went in the evening, instead of Saturday. Not near as crowded trying to buy the flowers and the Walmart pickup was quicker as it was a slow time for them, too. We really didn't have time to stop in and see my mom this trip. I think I may go in and see her on Sunday. I won't have time during our friends visit the next weekend, while they are here for 5 days.

My assistant got lots done yesterday - imagine that! Just proves he was totally slacking for a week and a half. My boss said that during their meeting he mentioned he was going to go spend the weekend at his grandparents, but he could take his laptop and work some. She told him that unless he's using his laptop AND the second monitor she supplied him, then he wouldn't not be working efficiently to get the work done, so that is a no. It's very slow to try to do this work with one monitor.

Our friends arrive some time next Friday, usually it's afternoon. I have the following week off work (as originally they thought they may come for the whole week) but then was thinking maybe I need to add Friday, but I see that my office is closing at noon on Friday, so I don't need to take it off. I can work the morning as I'm sure they won't be here until afternoon. And I guess if by chance they do show up in the morning, then I'll just take it off. Anyway, it will be nice having a week off, even though our friends are only staying until Tuesday. Then I'll have some time the rest of the week to go see my mom again.

I am so glad it's Friday. It's been a stressful week, dealing with the assistant issues.


  1. The assistant sounds like he still wants to do things his way. He is not going to work out.
    You have lots of planting to do. I cannot wait to see all the flowers in place. After Mother's Day, Lowe's was really short on lots of flowers. Next year, I will go before. The gate on the truck looks handy to keep things in place. What color daylilies did you buy?

    1. Our spring starts late here, so the garden centers are full still. I have all yellow daylilies. I've honestly never seen other colors at Home Depot and until recently didn't even realize they came in other colors!

  2. I hope your boss doesn't give the guy a 2nd & 3rd chance. She obviously is trying to be fair. He better not take advantage her.
    You got some nice plants. Enjoy them:)

    1. he got his 2nd chance. She says no 3rd chance. We'll see, I guess.

  3. I had a student who could not turn up on time, ever.
    One morning her mother rang me to say her daughter couldn't continue, given the times of the buses.
    When I pointed out that a bus ran past her house that would get her in on time ( I said I knew this as I was on that bus myself every morning! ) she said she'd mention this to her daughter!
    ( presumably when she got up! )

    1. The ones that make excuses and enable this are the worst. My dd gets up at 4:45 in the morning to leave their house at 5:30, LOL. I'm even like that is too early, haha!
