Sunday, May 21, 2023

Lots of color

Yesterday was flower planting day, along with a couple of replacement shrubs we got. I haven't gotten any pictures yet. I had m garden gloves on and they were dirty and wet, so I didn't use my phone. I did take one picture on Friday, of all the wild flowers on the lot next door. And you can see the phlox blooming in one of our whiskey barrels.

We have 2 half whiskey/wine barrels at the front door I fill with flowers. It's all the bending over planting that kills my back. We did take a break to eat lunch on the back patio and then went to plant the 2 boxwoods and 2 daylilies. We had the last daylily to plant when our retired friend stopped by for a visit, so then we ended up sitting on our front porch with him for an hour LOL. 

We bought 4 big pots to go in front of the garage and shop but decided we need some of the plastic saucers to go underneath, since we have stained concrete. I had decided to to see my mom on Sunday, since I won't have time next weekend, with our friends here. I will swing in Home Depot and pick those up this morning. Dh is staying home this trip, so finally I get a break to myself, LOL.

I then took a nap to rest my back, which always helps to relax it back to normal. A later afternoon walk around the yard and I saw one of my iris's bloomed, one flower so far. I'll bet more will bloom in today's sun.

A picture I posted 2 or 3 years ago and tagged my mom in, one of her old neighbor friends just commented on it to say she hasn't heard from my mom in a long time and was wondering how she is doing. I sent her a PM letting her know about moving her here and the Alzheimer's. She said give my mom an extra hug from her and I said I will definitely do that when I see her today.

Tomorrow dh is taking the car to the dealer to get the issue checked out. It sounds like they just want to diagnose it tomorrow and then we have to bring it back for the fix. But, I guess they said if it's an easy fix they'll do it then, while dh waits. So, for at least tomorrow's trip, he's just taking it up there by himself. If we have to return and leave it there, I'll take it back and he'll follow me in his truck.

I'll get some flower pictures this afternoon, when I get back.


  1. I feel for you, and I can't wait to see pictures. It's not my back which bother me from bending over, but the pain around my lower abdomen and hips. We've been working on putting in more perennial beds these past couple of weeks. I had to clear the grass, make a border with big rocks which I first had to scour from the property. I have carted every. single. rock. Then we planted, including dividing Black Eyed Susans. I was a little late in the season for dividing them, and they are not happy. Plus, their root structure is TOUGH to divide. I hope they make it, as I got them from the house before this one, which is our farm. We planted them with the kids when they were still toddlers--in fact, I think my youngest might not have even been 1! Perennial borders take longer to have pizazz, so I think I might add more Cosmos. DH loves them, and they grow quickly from seed, but I am not opposed to getting starts, as they reaseed as well. I LOVE Daylilies, but the pickings at our local nursery were VERY slim. Boy-With-a-Plan has been at the ready helping me with this project. The others have either full or part-time jobs. But, they are always stopping by DD's place of employment to say "hi" and coming home with a "treat" for me with her discount. And, her place of employment just happens to be the local nursery. (She hired youngest as seasonal help too.) Yeah, lots of planting going on. The latest treats were a Tulip Magnolia, and a Lilac. They also seem to

    1. Damn cat--the end should be "They also seem to have neurotic obsessions with hanging baskets and shepherd's crooks!" ENJOY THE WEATHER!

    2. I'll bet your yard is beautiful! It started thunder and lightning last night and then rain, but it has cooled down at least.

  2. I cannot wait to see all the flowers! Lying down seems to help my back. Of course, if I lie down during the day, I do nap.

    1. A lot of it doesn't look great yet, as the petunias and lobelia need a few weeks to fill out in the planters and pots.

  3. What a beautiful view you have. Hard work having all that land I guess, but it certainly is beautiful!

    1. it is beautiful and yes, a lot of work. I do love how all the iris's are spreading and come back every year. That's a bit easier than planting....but last year I realized I have to cut all the stems down before winter and that was a job, haha!
