Wednesday, May 24, 2023


 I ordered some cat litter and cat food from Petco online yesterday. It's showing UPS is delivering it today! Geez! I can't believe it's that fast. 

Today I have the quarterly update phone call with my mom's investment guy. Boy, these quarters go by fast. It's actually been almost 4 months. I chatted with them (him and his son, who also is working there and will eventually be taking over when he retires) a few days after moving my mom into memory care. It sounds like today's chat will just be with the son, which is totally fine. The elder, while he is very nice, it always comes across as a bit overnice/in-genuine (to me).  The son is more my style, LOL.

A few months ago I signed dh up for a 90 day online subscription to the city newspaper. He wanted to look up some archives and read current stuff while he had the subscription. It was $1 for the 90 days. I thought I canceled it, but apparently you have to call and cancel. That is so annoying, so I got charged $10.99. I am not paying $11 a month for this, (nor does dh want me to), so I called and got it canceled. Just have an option online to cancel! it would make life so much more convenient. Too bad I screwed up and am out the $11.

Hmm..well it's now 10 minutes past when the investment guy was supposed to call. Usually they are right on the button with the time they set up. Oh....wait...I'm off the hour time zone difference, LOL. I wrote down 12pm, but that's their time zone, not mine and usually when I make note of the appointment I change it to my time zone, but I didn't on this note. Ok, I feel better now, haha.

My dd's older dog is not eating the past 2 days. She is so frustrated with their vet. She had the dog in for his annual checkup like 2 months ago and had the senior labwork done. His liver # was high and then the vet wanted to put him on some med and retest in like 2 months. That appointment is next week, but yesterday morning he wouldn't eat (very UNLIKE him). She worked from home and called the vet in the morning when they opened at 8:30. Took her half the day to even get them to call her back for an appt. They told her they do in house labs and 20 minute results, but at her appt they said they would call her back with the results. So she waited and waited and no call. He wouldn't eat dinner nor breakfast this morning. She calls again at 8:30 (worked from home again) and they say the vet isn't in until 9 and will call. No call 2 hours later, so her dh calls and throws a fit with them and finally they call dd back and says his liver was better now, so they are having her drop the dog off this afternoon so they can keep him for awhile and try to figure out what is wrong. Hopefully they can figure it out. Obviously something is wrong with him to not eat. She and her dh were about ready to just take him to an emergency vet (and find a new regular vet).


  1. Notice from March 2023, "The Federal Trade Commission today proposed a “click to cancel” provision requiring sellers to make it as easy for consumers to cancel their enrollment as it was to sign up." Finally! So easy to sign up, impossible to cancel. Took me forever to even find a phone number to cancel Disney Plus.

    1. hopefully it happens. Netflix and Apple tv make it easy, so it also makes me not have a problem to sign up again. SiriusXM is a pain in the butt to cancel too!
