Thursday, May 4, 2023

Getting rid of junk

It doesn't feel like it should be Thursday already this week. I had to run into town to pick up a prescription during my lunch break. I was only gone a half hour, so for the rest of my break I worked on getting another bag of old papers from one of the bins in nearby upstairs closet thrown out. It's a closet in the guest bedroom next to my office (my office doesn't have any closets) and I put 2 big bins in there to get out of my office and I've slowly been going through them to try to get rid of what I can. It's mostly papers from years ago. Lots of reports and such from my side job, back before I had 2 monitors, and had to print out reports to use. My goal is to get down to one bin in the closet. It's kind of a long narrow walk in closet, but looks like a complete mess right now. Then I went into the other guest bedroom closet (also a large closet), where while it's all neat in there, there are still 3 bins in there. One has all our old dvds and vhs tapes. Now that the bonus room is carpeted and we won't have to move the tv cabinet around anymore, I took all the movies and put them underneath/inside the tv cabinet and now that bin can be put out in the shop with the other stacked empty bins. Also in there were 3 books that are dh's, so I gave them to him to add to his new den bookcase. I still need to go through the other 2 bins in that closet and see what I can get rid of. I opened the lid on one and on top was a crocheted afghan. I think my mom made it years ago, but could have been my grandma. They both crocheted. It's a cream color and I think I'll take it and put it across the back of the sofa I have in my office. It looks like half of it is sewing/craft stuff.

ok, I just went and got the afghan - it's not what I thought it was - it was something I had started knitting years ago, just before we decided to move and never got it completed. It was when I was trying to learn to knit. It's not very good, LOL and maybe 2/3 finished. Now I have to try to figure out what to do with it.....Also in the bin is this rolled up black construction paper thing. I figured it must be something dh wanted to keep that dd made for school or something. So I just brought it into my office to cut the tape holding it rolled up and it's nothing! Just black rolled up poster/construction board, LOL. I'm sure it was something, during packing that dh just couldn't throw away.....I certainly would not have packed that to move, LOL. I will get it put into the garbage when he's not looking. Otherwise it will be a 10 minute conversation to get it thrown away! I have to do that all the time, just get rid of old stuff like that and get it into the garbage sack with other stuff I am throwing out so I don't have to deal with him, LOL. Even throwing away MY old work papers would end up being a discussion if I told him I was throwing them out. When I am emptying all our little waste baskets from bathrooms and bedrooms I also take a second white kitchen garbage bag with the papers and stuff I am throwing out and put it underneath the regular one when I throw it out in the big garbage can. Just something I've learned over the years to cut down on dealing with him never wanting to throw anything out or having to go through a whole discussion just to get something thrown out, where I have to explain what it is and why I'm throwing it away.

Last night I watched new episodes of 2 shows I am watching on Apple+tv and read a few pages of a book I'm trying to get into.

I thought I had finished and posted this earlier today, but I guess not. Got interrupted too many times, I guess.

We have an issue that needs to be fixed on our car (under warranty). Dh called today to make an appointment for it to get done. Good grief. First it's 3 weeks before we can get the diagnostic appointment for car so they can see what the issue is, then we can take it back at another appointment to have the work done. He also told the service dept that if they get a cancellation feel free to call him and and he can come in any time.


  1. Tommy keeps too much. I try to respect his right to keep stuff. But, it is too much some days. I ask him mostly, but sometimes I toss things. He goes through the bags in the trash can outside for whatever reason. He had two filthy, caked dish drainers he insisted he needed to keep. I had the cleaner put it in a bag and put it in her trunk! He has not missed them being under the kitchen table! I offered to buy him another if he would toss those. Neither of us would have scrubbed, soaked and sanitized those two. I will buy another for him.
    I hope whatever is wrong with the vehicle will not get worse in the time it takes to get it into the shop.
    Did you know there is a business that finished items that people do not finish? It takes all sorts of items, but I do know they take crocheting and knitting.

    1. DH is very good about not hoarding inside the house, though if I am going to get rid of something from the house I often do have to do it without him knowing because he will have to try to find a way to not get rid of it, LOL. If he dies before me I have decided his shop would just be too overwhelming to deal with (especially as I would want to sell this home and downsize) so I will tell dd and her dh they are welcome to take or try to find what they want out of the shop and then I'm just having someone come haul it all away to dispose of it/sell however they want.

  2. I too, hide stuff I am tossing out, or do it when DH isn't around. Thankfully, he doesn't bring much into the house, but once it's in, he's loathe to let it get out. I had an enamel lined cast iron Dutch oven that was chipped, thus not safe to use for cooking. Amazingly, a few days after it chipped, I found one on clearance in the supermarket--same brand, just a different color. I put the old one in the new box, and tossed that in our outside garbage can, then put the day's trash bag over it, so he wouldn't be any the wiser. It's exhausting to have the discussion, even if it's just a word or too, about, "Why are you tossing that out?" It's also infuriating, isn't it?

    1. oh yes, that sounds exactly like what I do/go through! LOL. It is exhausting and infuriating.

  3. Good luck with the decluttering! I've done a lot recently but it just serves to prove to me how much more there is to do! Eewww, I'm so tired of curating stuff!

    1. I really just want to get rid of all these old papers, it's mostly all related to years of working from home stuff that just needs to get tossed, but some of it has acct# or social security#'s so I need to shred some of it, which is time consuming and annoying.

    2. I had lots of stuff I needed to shred. I finally bagged it up and took it to the ups store for them to shred. I don’t remember what I cost, but it was reasonable, and we’ll worth it to just have it gone.

    3. Well that's a super smart idea! I did that once years ago, before we moved and got rid of a lot of it, but somehow still had lots left
