Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Just wow

Well, I don't think my new assistant is going to be employed much longer. Along with the total slacking last week, he outright lied yesterday.  Friday I was off for the day, but left him plenty of work and also instructions of what to work on. He worked 8 hours on Friday. Yesterday morning I checked to see how much he got done...hardly anything. What he got done should have taken maybe an hour. So, after he was logged in to work yesterday morning and we said our hello's I just asked "so, how did it go on Friday?" His reply was that the system was really slow and kept disconnecting him and that he contacted IT and they were able to figure it out.  I'm thinking oh, ok, I guess that explains why he didn't get much done.

I told my boss about it and she said ask him who in IT helped him. 95% of our IT issues are handled by our outside IT company, which he wouldn't even know about, let alone how to contact. We have an inside guy who does a very little bit of IT(not his main job with us), he was the one who gave him his laptop and showed him how to log in remotely, etc. He told me it was our inside guy. So, my boss contacted him to ask if he helped resolve our assistants issue on Friday. He said nope. He has not had any contact with him since his first day, when he gave him the laptop! 

Well, I think that pretty much did it for my boss. She just told me she was going to tell him she needs him to come in in person to the office for a meeting. Plus, yesterday he worked from 8:30 to 2:45 and got very little done. He worked pretty slow until about 1p. I could see by looking in our system what he had done and then could see that he was entering some invoices (each takes a minute or two to enter). Between 12:45 and 1pm he entered 5. Then nothing until 2:15, when he then entered the next invoice on the report he was working on. He then only entered 5 invoices for the next 30 minutes, and then he signed out for the day. What was he doing between 1 and 2:15? Not working, obviously. Totally unacceptable and I'm ready to be done with him. I'm not working with someone who needs to be babysat and watched over, let alone lies to us. I'm also not getting paid to be a supervisor........


  1. Too bad for him. Does he not realize you can monitor his work progress? I am amazed.

    1. I can't believe he at a minimum doesn't know I can tell how much he's gotten done in a day. I am amazed, too.

  2. Seriously I need to work for you! The kid doesn't realize how good he has it with being able to work remotely and around his class schedule. I will never understand the younger workforce....

    1. It's such an easy job. I'm sure he finds it boring work, but dang, for $23/hr and totally flexible schedule, he should be on top of it all.

  3. It’s not just younger people. My oldest works for the state. Two of her coworkers, (actually employees I guess since she’s the boss) both 50+ take naps at work. Well one is gone now. He retired. She has 2 coworkers that work remotely. One sells real estate while he’s on the clock. The other one bakes and does crafts. These people are both 40+. It’s almost impossible to fire a state employee. This started long before my dd became the boss. It was allowed when the other guy was there. Dd is trying to load these people up with so much work that they don’t have time to nap, bake cookies, or sell houses, but it’s a work in progress.


    1. My dh was just talking with an old friend of his who is a county worker - he told dh of a couple of stories like that. He works in maintenance and they want him to spend 2 hours replacing a part that is a 5 minute job. Our tax dollars at work...

    2. It drives me crazy when I hear these stories. This is just one office, in one division of state government. I’m sure it goes on to some degree in every office, and probably not just in Montana. Dd has been slowly weeding out some of these slacker employees, by putting expectations on them. She’s got a pretty good staff in the office now, but the work from home are a problem and it’s hard to catch them.

    3. Dh's friend who is a county worker is in WA state, he actually has 3 friends who work for different county depts there and they all tell the same stories.

  4. My son works for a very large international organization and he was just telling me that his computer died on him the other day. They had had a consultant in from DC for a while but who had gone back to DC so they gave him her computer to work on. However, if the computer hasn't been touched in any way for 40 days it completely resets itself - and guess who needed to have his computer reset? Yep, the consultant's computer hadn't been touched in at least 40 days!

  5. I worked for a private educational institution. We certainly were expected to work. But, I was advised to look busy. There is only so many lesson plans I can work on until it becomes useless to continue. However, people with lesser education who were being paid more sat at their computers and shopped for clothing and furniture. I only knew this because occasionally I heard animated conversation or over heard conversations outside my door. I was appalled because I thought we were supposed to work. In hindsight, I should have stated reading was part of my work and continuing to expand my knowledge of my field. Now that I am thinking about this, I could have read classics and taken copious notes. Rats! A missed opportunity for reading on the job.

  6. NO surprise there. My friend's assistant is a young man, and it is the same work attitude, sad.

  7. You could be better of hiring someone who is retired and looking for a part-time job. That person can possibly do a ton of work in a couple of hours.

  8. It's an epidemic of non workers right now. I live in a little town but with a huge tourist area's all around me and they are begging for workers! Anyone who wants a paycheck and can walk and talk at this point. This kid (I say that sarcastically) had it good. Too bad he's to lazy to try to understand that. Go for the older workers who don't mind working for a paycheck! What has happened out there in the working world? I just shake my head....
