Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Birthday celebration

It was a good time at memory care yesterday, celebrating my mom's birthday. Of course she had no idea it was her birthday and had to be reminded several times. When we got there she was sitting in her recliner in her room. She had on a sleeveless nightgown over her clothes. Okie dokie, LOL. I brought her a new top in a birthday gift bag which she opened, so I suggested she try it on (so I could get the nightgown off her, haha). So, she gets the nightgown off and then her top underneath off..........and her on backwards.....I'll just give ya'll a minute to let that visual sink in!........... OMG! We then decide to take the cupcakes and go out into the common area and I realize her jeans (elastic waist kind) are also on backwards. 

Quite a few of the residents and a staff member or two had just come in from out in their enclosed patio area (I think it was too hot, so they brought them back in) so I had just put all the cupcakes out on the bar countertop and we were sitting with mom at a table to eat ours, so the staff helped some of them get cupcakes. It was like a 5 year old's birthday party, LOL. The cupcakes were a hit and everyone seemed happy. A lady was there visiting her dad (in a wheelchair) and she stopped at the table to say hi and it sounds like she is there a lot and knew my mom and wished her a happy birthday and told us my mom is the sweetest lady.  We chatted with her for awhile, which was nice. Then one of the staff walked up with this resident who was just giggling and laughing. They stopped near our table and said it's my mom's birthday, would she like a cupcake. She thought the staff said it was their birthday so she says "happy birthday" and laughs...then they said no, it's S's birthday...then someone else asked the laughing lady if it was her birthday? and she laughed and said "I don't know!" and laughed some more. We all got a good laugh. She ended up with more of the cupcake on the table and in her lap, then in her mouth I think, LOL

Another gentleman kept stopping people and asking them if he could ask them a question? "do you know where Walmart is?". We answered this a a couple of times, as well as staff and others did too. The head nurse told me he just moved in a week ago, so he's still adjusting, but he wants to take a bus to Walmart. I said yes, the first week or so is tough and the nurse said yes, I remember your mom kept wanting to call her parents to let them know where she was. I was impressed that 3 months later she remembered this and specifically which resident it was. I think overall the staff seems really good with the residents. Most of the time they all seem very happy and content, which I think has a lot to do with how the staff acts with them.

After we left we got our groceries picked up and stopped at the farm supply store and got our lawn fertilizer for the year. Then we decided to go through Dairy Queen drive in and get peanut buster parfaits. Yum. All in all a good day.

I had plugged her phone back in when I got there - she had unplugged the modem adapter from the wall, even though it had tape over it. Later afternoon, just before dinner dd tried to call was back unplugged! Dang! But then dd tried again about an hour later and it was ringing, but my mom was still at dinner, so she tried again around 5:30 and got to talk to her. Someone must have noticed her phone unplugged and got it plugged back in. She told dd that "family came to see her today", so at least she remembered that we were there. I'm still laughing about the bra. When we got out to the truck I was laughing so hard I was crying.


  1. Happy Birthday to your mom! I thought about trying on my bra backwards but, with my chest, it is not possible. Not that you needed the info but... When I went in for my physical, I had to rush to another exam after my chest X-Ray and I wore my T-Shirt inside out. Thankfully, I noticed it soon enough. Lol.

    1. LOL. I have put my t-shirt on inside out too, but thankfully noticed right away

  2. At least you had a pleasant day with all those sweets, backward bra humor, and the residents laughing. I have tried to imagine my bra on backwards and I cannot! If I owned a bra, I would try it backwards. Is there even a bus to take them to WM? I cannot imagine a trip to WM with memory care residents. Maybe you need to take a drill, screws, and screwdriver to attach something to hold the plugs in the wall.

    1. No the memory care residents cannot take a bus anywhere. Doors are locked and require a code to get out. They will take them on some supervised drives/outings and also to doctors appointments, but not shopping.

  3. I think we should all get to wear our bras backwards sometimes so good for her. And happy birthday mom!

  4. I am so glad she had a wonderful day! The backwards bra is a look but definitely not one I will be recreating! ;)
