Thursday, May 11, 2023


Today is my Friday, since I now have tomorrow off. Yesterday morning dh's monitors were acting up again to the point neither was working, but if he unplugged the old one, his newer monitor would work. I told him later, when I had a break from work, I'd bring down one of my monitors to test. I wanted to know if it was his monitor going bad or if it was the cable adapter going bad. If my monitor would not work, then I would know it was just the $15 adapter that went bad. But, my monitor worked fine, so it's the monitor that went bad. Dang it! Now I'm out $120 instead of $15, but I have ordered the new monitor. This morning I got an email it has shipped, so it should be here early next week.

Our retired friend picked up a new puppy, from a breeder, that is going to be flown up to his daughter in Alaska, but he stopped by with it yesterday. OMG - such cuteness! It's a black schnoodle puppy. To heck with work and doing payroll, I just held the puppy for awhile, haha. 

Well, this week we seem to be having an issue with my new hire kid not doing much. We are right now trying to see if we can see for sure how much he's done this week. He's worked about 20 hours but it appears very little done that I can tell. Part of it is hard to see because I gave him some misc stuff to work on, when he wanted a break from the regular stuff, but told him the reg stuff is still the priority. What got me concerned yesterday is he had clocked in to work yet his Teams status was showing "yellow" as away for quite awhile. I then sent him a message via Teams, saying hi, just checking in to see how it's going and no reply for over an hour and 15 an hour I messaged my boss that I'm a bit concerned that he's not working. She is seeing if our IT guy has a way to see how much time he's spent working. I guess he tried to do that for her yesterday and it crashed IT guy while trying to do that. I can sort of have a way to see what he's done and on some of it, even what time he completed it. I'm seeing VERY little. Like I gave him a report on Monday to enter all the invoices into the system. Even going super slow, he should have gotten the report done in a couple of days. It appears he has entered like 10-15 invoices each day, Mon-Wed. I'm only seeing the14 entered yesterday, all showing a time stamp of like between 3 and 3:40, which ya...that's about how long it would take to enter them...but what did he do the 2 1/2 hours before that and the hour after that?????  Ugh. Boss is frustrated too and right now she is back with IT guy to see what he can confirm. We're not paying someone $23/hr to not will be interesting to see if there are any IT logs that can show what he's doing.


  1. It sounds like he is milking the system. Maybe he needs to dig ditches and see how much he is paid and how hot and dirty he gets. Too bad for him.

  2. I need to quit my accounting job and work for you!!! Way less stress :) Have a great weekend with your daughter.

  3. Does he not know that there is a way to see every keystroke if they want to track? They even make key jigglers to make it seem a person is working? I have no need to know, but I do.

  4. Hmmm...the new boy is MIA. Too bad. Is this his first "real" job?
    Puppies can make you forget everything. :)
    Happy Mother's day!
    Enjoy :)

  5. Very few people are disciplined enough to actually work from home. My Dh had to make everyone come back to the office because of the very things you describe. My dd works for the state. They have quite a few remote workers now (she’s not one ) and she knows of one person who even naps during the day, goes to appointments without taking PTO, etc. it drives me crazy because that’s our tax dollars! If someone is working a call center type job, like CS jobs at the power company, they are sorta forced to work, but a lot of work from home jobs aren’t, and there’s very little accountability.


  6. On the rare occasions when I got to work from home I actually didn't like it much. Felt I couldn't take a break or get a coffee and had to spend all my time in front of the computer! I hope this young man works out for you but it really is a bit early to be starting goofing off already!
