Friday, May 5, 2023

Short Friday post

I don't know where this week went. I supposed having Tuesday off made it go by quicker. 

DH needs to rent a forklift for a couple of days so he can get his pallets and other heavy stuff up onto the loft in the shop. He called and got that scheduled and the soonest they can bring it out is next Tuesday, so he will be busy doing that Tuesday and Wednesday. The daily rental fee is about what I expected, but the delivery fee, since we are out of the area, is quite a bit. For a short period we had an equipment rental business in our small town, but it didn't stay in business too long. Too bad, that probably would have been much cheaper. At least once he gets the stuff up there (or at least this is the plan) he will have a wide walkway in between 2 rows, where he can get a bin off a stack or pallet and set it down and go through it, etc. It will be great to see how much better and less crowded it feels in his shop once that stuff gets moved up. 

The hot weather has cooled and we are having thunder and lightning this afternoon. I hope we don't lose our power, at least until I'm done working for the day.

Weekend plans: just cleaning house, getting ready for guests the following weekend (dd/sil). Tomorrow I will make another banana cream pie for dessert. I bought the ingredients and need to make it while the bananas are still good.  

I'm being so slow to get my posts written the past few days! I start, get a paragraph or two, then the rest of the day I add a few sentences off and on. I'm annoyed with myself! Maybe tomorrow will be better.

I did call my mom and hey - at least her phone still works and she was in her room. She was apparently a bit upset (nothing major) about something to do with eating or getting a snack. Then I said well, dinner is pretty soon, at least and she said "well, I don't know about that with what's going on around here! but I did get something to eat at least".  


  1. I don't suppose you dare ask your mother for details of the problem. It seems like her problems are short-lived, which is a good thing.
    Maybe husband will not see the clean space as another good storage space.

    1. She cannot give me more details, she will just say things like "I don't know how to describe it" or "I don't know, it's just weird". I am keeping my fingers crossed on dh and is new space, but over time he will end up filling it, I'm sure.
