Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Terrific (positive thinking) Tuesday

Back to work this morning. Well, for the first 5 hours anyway. Then we have to leave to take kitty in for his 2nd round of shots. I did end up logging into work yesterday for about a half hour to take care of something, so I'll count that towards today's hours and make up some when we get home and the rest of the week.

Speaking of kitty - ya, he already tried to climb up the big Christmas tree......it's going to be a long month, LOL.

Yesterday we ended up going to the city so dh could get a new floor jack. The one he has always had, is probably at least 40 years old and doesn't work anymore. He decided to just go with a bit cheaper one at Harbor Freight and feels it will work fine for what he uses for off and on. We also stopped at Home Depot as he now needs another one of those huge 55 gallon storage bins. 

Every year Mrs Neighbor decorates the 3 mailboxes out at the entrance to our street. No decorations this year. I'm sure that's a message, too, LOL. I have always thought it neat that she does that. I'm sure she always just decorated theirs, before the other 2 of us moved in, but once we put up boxes she just did all 3. I'm not doing it, if that's what she's thinking. We've done enough to cheer up the neighborhood with outside stuff and since that's always been her "thing" to do, I wouldn't want to feel like I was taking away something she has always done.

Pay day today. Bills are now paid. I still have yet to get a bill for the dr's that saw dh while he was in the hospital. Only received a bill for one, but claims processed show several (9 days worth). We will have to go back to the city in the next week or so. Dh's mechanic friend just wants cash for the transmission rebuild, rather than just giving him a check. Too bad we didn't know this yesterday while we were driving past our bank! I usually only go to the city on weekends, since I work weekdays, so I guess another trip. If it turns out he's coming back to put it in after the 8th, then we will just be able to pull the cash out when we go in for dh's prostate biopsy on the 8th.

I completed dh's health insurance application through the healthcare.gov website last month. I keep getting emails that say "finish your application". Every time I log in to double check it shows "application completed" with a confirmation code. Frustrating and confusing. My luck he'll end up with no insurance.

My neck is back to bothering me, with the headaches. My elbow is still an issue. Ugh. I'm going to order that neck extender thing I used to use at the chiropractors office. Elbow isn't as bad, but certainly not better. Mostly I'm just tired of the daily headache after I get up and my neck starts hurting more and more.


  1. If you decorated the mailboxes she usually decorates, you would be labeled and interloper for sure, even if you waited until Christmas Eve to do so.

    How far up does kitty climb? Does he like ornaments or lights? What makes him quit climbing?

    1. I think you are right about the mailboxes. I have no intention of stepping in on that decorating, LOL. Kitty just climbed up a little bit and I got him out/down. He likes the ornaments. He hasn't tried to climb again, but I do now have a spray bottle ready!

  2. I get those same messages re ACA healthcare and I've chosen my plan. I think they just send them to everyone, which is silly. Should only send to those who haven't chosen a plan

  3. I've had something like you are describing with your neck going on for over a year now. Especially bad when I lay down. Had injections into the side tendon, didn't do much (but I'm sure it's a hefty bill!). Hoping it just fades away, but it's been over a year. :-/

    1. I used to have this the first year or year and half after my accident (2007) but after going to the chiropractor and then going every so often it was ok. But, since moving here I haven't been because it's so far and they always want you to come in a bunch of times and it's so far, LOL.
