Monday, November 22, 2021

Oh Monday!

I really didn't accomplish much at all yesterday. My elbow was hurting any time I moved it. Even to just grasp something in my hand made it hurt. I kept putting the heating pad on it off and on all day. Really annoying.

I have this cute little sugar bowl that used to be my grandma's. The top and spoon are silver and it was time again to polish it up, so it looks nice with guests coming to use it.

Yep, that's all I did yesterday! I went upstairs to the guest bedroom where I had left the washed Christmas duvet cover and decided I didn't feel like wrestling the comforter inside it, especially with my elbow hurting, so I folded it up and left it there :(  DD can help me next Friday get it swapped over to Christmas decor.

I spent some time online putting together a grocery pickup order for Wednesday. Back to Walmart, since Albertson's was a bust. I really don't even remember what I did (or rather didn't do)  yesterday. But I must have done something between getting up at 7 am and taking a nap at 2pm. Oh, I did do some ironing of 2 pillow cases and 2 shams. They came out of the wash the day before super wrinkly. I haven't iron anything in so long. What's up with the wrinkles not coming all the way out of cotton?? While I got the big wrinkles out, I kept spraying with water and ironing and still you could see faint wrinkles that would just not come out. I had the iron set on the cotton setting and it seemed plenty hot. Maybe my iron is just getting old. I've had it for probably at least 20 years, but it was good one.

The neighbors to be were at the property yesterday (at least it wasn't a drive up, turn around and leave visit this time) but they literally spent like 5 minutes standing there staring down at the survey stake their surveyor placed right in front of the original one that was already there......we could see them from dh's den window. We were kind of laughing with each other wondering what in the world they could be thinking/saying to each other looking at it for 5 minutes, LOL. "Well, dear, I guess his fence is inside his side of the property line" "Well, dear, we apparently don't get an extra 3 inches of property". I don't know, LOL. It'was just weird.  

DH kept pretty busy all day, but didn't over do it. He cleaned out 2 gutters at the back of the house (from all that wind and rain we had recently) and then used the leaf blower to blow off all the million of fir needles all over the patios and driveway. His mechanic friend called again. Now he's not going home until Tuesday, so won't be stopping by until then to pick up the transmission to take with him. DH said if he keeps this up, he'll end up inviting himself for Thanksgiving dinner, LOL.

When dh came to bed last night he said he remember he had one of those elbow wrap support things from when he injured his elbow. I had forgotten about that. He said he left it on my counter in the bathroom. I was thinking to myself it's probably too big. I remember buying it and think I got a Large, of course.  He got up this morning when I was making my coffee and said he'd help me put it on. I said it's probably too big and he's like it's adjustable! I said I know but it's still a large, LOL. And I have small arms/bones. He ended up having to wrap the velcro straps around my arm twice, haha! Before he put it on I had used my arm a bit this morning to feed the dog and it wasn't hurting quite as bad as yesterday, at least. The elbow wrap does seem to feel like it's giving it some support now, too.

My mom called me yesterday. I was surprised to see she called from the new landline phone. But that's good. Means she actually remembered it's there on her desk and knew how to push the button with my name on it to call me. She did remember now she is coming for Thanksgiving, but still can't remember when and then keeps saying "and you're taking me back Thursday after dinner?" No, we'll take you back Friday.

oh goodness me! I just got a notification on the medication system app that my mom chose to skip this mornings dose. Well, that's a new one that hasn't happened yet. The menu on the front of it will be highlighted at "dispense". Below that is "skip" (wish it wasn't there!). She would have to push down below the push button to get it to move down to skip. I'm sure she did accidentally. She then called me as she tried to push dispense button again but of course now it told her this feature is locked, contact your caregiver. I had to call the company. I was impressed that someone answered the phone right away and was able to help explain to me how to dispense. She had to push the down button several times to get to "skipped/missed dose" on the menu and then press the ok button. She has her morning meds dispensed now. Whew! I just hope her accidentally pressing the down button to "skip" doesn't become a new thing she keeps doing. 

Ok, that's enough excitement for one morning. Not to mention my dog came upstairs this morning and decided he wanted to play with the kitty, LOL. There was some rambunctiousness going on. No wonder dh got up a bit earlier, haha.


  1. Oh your poor mom. It seems like she is forever finding new ways to "mess with the system" doesn't it. Poor love! And I hope your elbow feels better before Thanksgiving at least! It's a busy day and you can probably do without the extra hassle of a dicky elbow!

    1. I'm really trying to baby the elbow. But, at least my dd can be my extra elbow ;)

  2. My heart goes out to your mom. I cannot even imagine living in constant confusion. I hope, your elbow gets better soon.

    1. It seems like it would be scary to get so confused

  3. Cute sugar dish! I like silver. Hopefully, your elbow will recover before Thanksgiving. Does it hurt to drive?

    1. I haven't driven anywhere the past week. DH and I ran into town on Friday, but he drove. It hurts to even grip anything with my hand. Shoots pain up in my elbow.

  4. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here (obviously!) but I hope you have a lovely one.
    Speaking as someone who used to work with textiles it sounds like your pillowcases were on a very hot wash/dry to get that crinkly. x

    1. that's good to know. I think I did wash them on hot setting
