Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Calls calls calls

I realized I forgot one more phone call from my mom - another one after I got the groceries put in my car and was driving there from the store. Her apartment is like 6 blocks from the store. Yep, she called me again, LOL. At this point I didn't even let her tell me what she wanted. I said I'm pulling in your parking lot, I'll be there in a minute.  

Then she called me last evening, something wrong with her phone, so she tried to dial me or something, I'm not really sure. Then she acted like maybe she had been talking to uncle or trying to call him. (I see on call log she called him, he called back, and then she called him again, about 15 minutes before she tried me. I'm surprised he didn't call to tell me "she's having problems"). Then I told her I'd try to call her back and of course she had accidentally turned the ringer off again. Having that volume button on the side of the phone, that she doesn't even realize is there, is constantly getting pushed down. And it's hard to explain to her how to fix it, because she can't push the top of the button when we are on the call or else the volume of the call just goes up, not the ringer. So, I have to tell her about 10 times "after we hang up, close your phone, then open it, but don't make a call. Push the top of the button on the side of your phone". She managed to do that and could hear the ringer when I called back. Then she told me "oh I didn't know that button was there. I've never had this happen before". OMG..Yes, it happens every week almost, LOL. 

I'm about ready to go throw her cell phone out her window. Then I mentioned the new landline phone on her desk. "What phone on my desk?" The white telephone sitting on the corner of your desk that we put there yesterday" (I'm thinking OMG did she unplug it already and put in a drawer?". Then she says "oh yes, I see it". I reminded her again she can use this phone to call me or uncle when her cell phone isn't working right. Both calls I made to the phone company about her new phone they really tried to sell me their cell phone service. I said, no thank you! The whole point of this landline is to get her away from using her cell phone.

I tried to get online with my mom's phone/internet company. I have always been able to log into it from my computer. When I called to add the landline service they asked for the 4 digit code, which is shown on the statements. I was logged in, so I opened the statement copy and gave the lady the number. Well, yesterday I logged in, wanting to see if, by chance, their phone service shows calls made and received (like her cell does). It wouldn't let me access her info unless I supplied the 4 digit code. I couldn't then open a billing without the 4 digit code either. Why does every thing have to be so difficult? So, apparently without this code, the only way I can get logged back into mom's account is to do it from her computer/internet modem. I'll have to try to remember to do that next time I'm there. There is no way in hell I could talk her through that on the phone, LOL.

DD and her dh are coming for Thanksgiving this year. It's been a few years since we got to have it with them. Not since we lived here. The first year we were here we were building and lived in the shop. The next year they didn't come either. Then last year was Covid. She's also like I can help you start decorating for Christmas on Friday. I'm like yay! I said you both can help me and dad put up the monster 12' tree, LOL.  (you know, the one my kitty is going to try to destroy?! LOL). DD said they will also come over sometime during Christmas. They get like the week off between Christmas and New Years.

I can see the top corner of of our back patio roof cover from my office window and every morning when it gets light out a bird lands on the corner of it and chirps. Kitty then gets up in the window ledge to watch it. Every morning. I'm not sure what kind of bird it is. Fairly large. Smaller than a raven but much larger than the usual little tree perching birds that hang around here. And he's gone. It's like he has to land there every morning for a minute to say hello.

Time to put some warm clothes on and walk down to the mailbox to mail something for work. It was 31 when I got up. At least a little warmer than yesterdays 25. 


  1. Wow your temperatures have dropped. We're at about 50F here today but we got snow behind us. "Winter drawers on" as they say!

    1. We tend to cruise right into winter after summer is over, LOL.

  2. I am so glad DD and her hubby are making the couple trips down!! That will be a lot of fun :)

    1. Me too! I keep telling her they should just fly over, especially in winter. It's only an hour and 20 min flight and quick and easy to pick them up at the airport here, since it's so small and just a 35 min drive to it.

    2. A flight sounds so simple! But I know they have a dog or dogs? Will they bring them? If so I suppose driving wins out!

    3. yes, most often they bring them. Ya, by the time they'd take them to her dh's parents, get to the airport, etc, they'd be almost here, LOL.

  3. I wonder about the dynamics of new dogs and little kitty. Kitty is going to be so glad you put up a tree for her to climb. She might climb it to get away from the new dogs...lol.

    If you take the battery out of her phone, it will not work, of course, so you can take it with you to get it fixed and she might find the phone on the counter. Maybe she will forget the cell.

    1. dd's dogs are used to a cat, though I'm sure if kitty thinks they are too much he can go hide, LOL. At some point in the near future I have a feeling I'll be doing something like that with her phone

  4. We lost our long summer too-down right brutal today. I'm sorry the phones are still a headache.

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