Thursday, November 4, 2021


I decided to get a few of my Thanksgiving dinner items ordered now, online from Walmart. I was hoping to ensure I'd get everything and not be outed when I go to the store to pick up. Boy, you'd think a company as big as Walmart with all the money in the world could get their act together for their website and ordering!

First thing I notice is my local store isn't saved. Fix that (again!). Put in my cart the items I wanted to order, making sure they were items that also had shipping available and not just store pick up. I got to check out and half of my order is shipping and half is showing to pick Bentonville Arkansas. I go back and change my store again. Again, in the screen just before checking out it shows all my items are "SHIPPING". I go to check out and again, half are picking up, in Arkansas. I gave up, left the stuff in my cart and tried a few hours later. Same issue. Beyond annoying. I don't want to pick up some of the items at my local store, let alone in Arkansas! I'm also pretty sure the error of having to pick up my last order at the Walmart on the other side of town was not MY error. I even tried it on my phone app and same thing. Keeps changing part of my order to pick up in Arkansas. I wonder how many people have placed orders for pick up, thinking the order was going to their local store and the order isn't there.

Since we also have turkey dinner on Christmas, I'm just going to double and order it or buy it at the store (which ever I end up finally being able to do) all now, so I'm not trying to get it again in a month.

I plan on going into the city the weekend after next to see my mom again and will hopefully get everything then. I'm going inside the grocery store to pick out a turkey. I think last year I ordered online, but you get what you get within a weight range and I think I ended up with this very large turkey that I didn't need last year, LOL.

I finally got on the phone and called my mom's medicare advantage insurance company and changed her mailing address to mine. She gets stuff in the mail all the time from them, mostly related to the "explanation of benefits". She gets one (usually several pages of nothing) for each prescription every time it's filled and they process the claim, or goes to see the dr. Apparently the mail order prescription company billed the insurance incorrectly and it was denied, so then of course she just got that paperwork, which of course confused her (it confused me at first!). I looked up her claims online and see somehow they denied it first and then a couple days later processed and paid. I told her to shred these, but most likely she'll either call me again in a few days about it or it will still be on her desk next time I go. So - now all that mail will come to me and not her. I think that is about the last of the regular mail for her. Everything she gets now will just be junk mail (which is bad enough!). I remembered a year or so ago I sent in a form to her insurance company listing me as a person who would take care of her account, so they had that on file, so no issue getting the address changed to mine. 

I really try to let her stay "normal" as long as possible with each issue that comes up, but eventually I realize she's just going to keep having problems with it, so there is no point in doing it the same way anymore. It's one thing that she understands when I told her they billed the insurance wrong and it's been reprocessed. It's another that she doesn't remember I told her this and have to keep dealing with the same thing numerous times.

She has left the med dispenser plugged in this week. It really is a nice system and I love that it tells me that she dispensed her meds and exactly what time. Every so often she forgets she already took it and calls me because she thinks it's not working. She called at 6:30 last night to tell me it wasn't working to give her her pill. I told her I was notified that she already took it at 6:10, so since she already took it, it won't dispense another pill to her. The problem, of course, is that she doesn't remember she just took it so doesn't quite believe me, I think. I told her that's what's so nice about this machine, if she forgets she already took it, the machine knows if she did or not.

AND I SPOKE TOO SOON! I just looked at my app this morning (7:40am) and she has unplugged the device again!!!! What in the world??? WHY WHY WHY? What on earth makes her think she needs to unplug it when it's taped to the wall with a note written on the tape not to??

update: I called my mom just before 8. Somehow/for some reason now she unplugged it from the back of the machine itself. She, of course, doesn't think she did, but that plug in in back fits in nice and tight. There is no way it came loose on it's own and the machine itself is pretty heavy. It's not like it gets bumped or moved around on her counter.


  1. Can you get it hardwired in, or have your husband build like a cubby for it? I'm thinking like the microwave cubby, where the plug is hard to get to so she doesn't think to unplug it? How super frustrating, for both of you!

    1. I don't know about hardwiring, or if we could since it's a rented apt. It's just boggling my mind that she thinks it needs to be unplugged. She doesn't unplug anything else in her apt.

  2. Oh goodness gracious... I feel so much for you and your mom.. It's got to be so hard for both of you... As for Walmart don't even get me started..LOL... On Sunday I placed an order to be delivered to my house and left on my stoop between 11 and 12 pm Monday..

    Monday rolls around myhusband is in the hospital having a test run, I am putting away laundry and the dogs start goin ballistic. I look out the window and a little old man is bring what I thought were my groceries so I go back to putting laundry away. He leaves, I open the door, there are only TWO bags there with things that are not MINE!.

    Now I try and contact the store and of course they are as useless as tits on a bull so I call the corp. cust. service and a woman gets on who can barely english she has NO IDEA what I'm even talking about, as Im on the phone with her I get a text message from Walmart that they are on the way with my groceries. I was like WTH hell is going on. I finally did get MY groceries but I've had this happen in the past with them or they don't show up, or they forget things.. I am DONE with Walmart delivery. I"ll be going to Food Lion pick up or Kroger home delivery from now on.

    1. We live too far out for delivery, or I can only imagine what that would be like. LOL. I'm going to try the Albertson's store now. They just added online ordering and curbside pick up.

  3. I am beyond frustrated saving my store just for looking at ads online. "Save your store" is a useless function most of the time! And, I had a package from Amazon delivered somewhere out west. And, I live in Alabama.

    The Walmart cashier even at the register loaded in my cart a smoke turkey tail. So, somewhere someone is missing it. I know technology is great and I approve. But, it is ridiculous.

    The only delivery I ever have is Amazon. Yet, they cannot even get the package to the right place on the porch!

    I cannot imagine why your mother unplugs that machine and not other things. She had to work at the plug in the back. I know it is hard for you. I wonder if she thinks this is hard or if she forgets she is confused.

    1. she forgets she is confused. She just called me because she was looking at her phone again and saw I called and thinks she might have missed my call. She has no memory we talked 2 hours ago or about what. Sad.

  4. Oh mama. Poor heart. As it is close to another outlet, she probably thinks she needs to take it out for something, then of course her mind forgets. Plan C from you is on the way! (whatever that is.) is there a different outlet that might be more convenient?

    1. This time she unplugged it from the back of the machine, so it must not be that she wants to use the outlet. For some reason her mind keeps telling her this machine must be unplugged. She doesn't have very many outlets and the machine is pretty large and really the only place that there is room. Her little table on the opposite wall in her kitchen has no plug ins and her little desk is already full with her computer/modem and now new desk phone

  5. I wonder if she confuses it with an item that needs charging?
    They used to say don't let your item charge for too long and maybe there's a memory of that, that somehow if an item is plugged in too long it harms it.

    1. at first she mentioned a couple times she thought it was charging and done, so I figured it must be that. It's strange though that she doesn't unplug anything else in her apartment, LOL.

  6. You are doing what you can, but it seems like her mind is mixing up even basic information, and she has no control. I mean if seeing a note that says do not unplug, and yet she does anyway, something is not reaching her form post it to brain.

    1. yes, all of a sudden it seems worse for her. I never thought to tape the plug in also to the back of the machine. The interesting part is she apparently is still doing fairly well remembering she needs to take meds each morning and evening as I see from the times she does the dispensing, it's often a little bit before the machine is even chiming to notify her it's time.

  7. Oh wow, you really did speak too soon about mom didn't you! Again, you have the patience of a saint, but I'm sorry you're having to deal with this too! As for ordering online, I used to like buying clothes from Next in England but when I would get half way through the order they kept switching me to the States (so higher shipping costs and import duties). It drove me nuts and I stopped ordering from them in the end!

    1. I finally got an order to go through that was all items for shipping and not pick up. My mom was always such a busy and independent lady. It's sad that her mind doesn't work right now. She's so healthy otherwise and she'd have been a busy 80 yr old, if not for her memory

  8. The brain is so unpredictable in dementia. A very common thing is thinking that they took a shower and put on clean clothes “yesterday “. I think my husband would go forever if I didn’t remind him and force the issue. You might arrange the soap in the shower a certain way and see if it is moved the next time you visit. It is interesting how some things she remembers easily but other things not so much.
    She is very lucky to have you.

    1. I can tell when she hasn't showered from her hair and so far so good, but I'm sure at some point that will start declining, too. I find it interesting the things she does remember, but others just can't at all.

  9. I love WALMART. Living out in nowhere land we depend on our Walmart for groceries & other house hold items. But their website has serious issues. It won't save my store. A lot of items in stock they won't deliver. I'm not talking groceries. I think they are trying to compete with Amazon & they just are not there.

    1. I've always loved Walmart, too, but their website is a mess. It seems that when they merged grocery pickup orders with everything that can ship it's so confusing. I liked it much better when the grocery ordering part to pick up at store was it's separate own thing.
