Sunday, November 28, 2021

Weekend fun

Ok - back to normal, haha! But, it was so nice having dd and her dh here for a few days. The left about 8:30 this morning. Friday after lunch dd and I took my mom back to her place. Dh and SIL were going to get that yard Christmas manger scene I bought after Christmas last year set up. After we got mom dropped off we went to Home Depot to buy a huge storage bin dh wanted. While in the store we get a message from dh that he wants a huge blow up snowman. I messaged back OMG - are you serious?! Yep. We ended up coming home with an 11 ft Santa! along with a snowman and friends. Go big or go home ;)

After getting home around 3:30 that afternoon the rest of the afternoon was spent doing more inside Christmas decorations, while the guys did the inflatables. Plus they had a minions Christmas inflatable to put up. While I worked on putting some various Christmas stuff downstairs around the house, dd decorated the 7ft tree in the dining room. I still have lots to do, but at least 2 trees are done. That evening after leftovers turkey dinner, we played a game dd brought called Mexican dominoes or something like that. That was fun to do. We never did end up watching a movie this weekend.

Saturday we took about an hour and a half drive and toured an old prison and car museum. The old prison was really neat, but boy was it cold as we just had light sweaters or jackets on. We hadn't planned on being outdoors, but it was worth it to see that old prison, originally built back in like 1880 and closed in 1980. Then we drove about another 20 minutes to the town dh's mom grew up in and found the house she grew up in and dh took some pics and we went to look at the huge mine her dad had worked in as a the paymaster, but the visitor part was closed.

We got back at 5:30 yesterday evening and got to see our yard lit up from the road. I think we did good! Though we need a light to shine on the manger scene at night.

We were all pretty tired from the busy day and lots of walking. We just had turkey sandwiches and snacks and lazed on the couches for the evening. DH was doing more history searching online about the old prison.

I still have a ton of inside decorating to finish. Still need to do the garland on the stair railings and everything to do upstairs. But I have today and tomorrow, as I have tomorrow off work.

Mostly I think I need a nap!


  1. Your house is so beautiful all decorated! I love it.

  2. Replies
    1. thanks. dh gets all the credit for the outside :)

  3. Your outside decorations are beautiful!

  4. Your yard decorations are fantastic. Love the colors. I'm sure your trees (inside) look nice. Today, I'm putting away all my fall decor & this week I'll start on Christmas. Can't wait.
    I love all the blow ups you have in your yard. Good job!!

    1. thank you. I'm almost done inside now. I wonder how long these blow up things last.

  5. Your outside decorations and lights look very nice.

  6. Mexican Train Dominoes and they have something called Chicken Foot with that.
