Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Crazy weather

Dh's mechanic friend (I've also referred to him as "loud friend" LOL) came yesterday afternoon and took out the transmission from dh's pickup. He was on his way to his house/property about 90 minutes past us. He's slowly been finishing the log cabin home, that is not his permanent residence yet. He will stop back in Sunday (when the back up his pickup isn't loaded with building supplies) and pick up the transmission to take back with him to have fixed by another guy. He said that guy usually has transmissions back to him in a few days and then next trip over here, in a couple weeks, he'll bring back dh's transmission and get it put back in his truck.

While he's a super nice guy, he's so loud and very very know it all. He's the type of guy you can handle in small doses, haha. I know dh was kind of dreading him even being here for a few hours, not to mention he said he would have his dog (lab) with him, which we figured would be just hyper. But, dh said friend wasn't too bad and the dog was surprisingly well behaved. I said probably because friend does his mechanic work from home now and the dog is always with him and not left alone all day.

He left about 4pm. Then the winds started in. We'd had some strong gusts off and on during the day. I was making dh an omelette for dinner and thankfully was just about to fold it in half and get it on his plate when our power went out. Good thing I had planned to just have a bowl of cereal, LOL. And good thing earlier I had filled up the tub with water for toilet flushing, just in case. DH went and got out the little emergency lanterns we bought awhile back. They really light up bright. The power didn't come back on for about 2 hours. With it being 61 degrees out yesterday, at least we never got cold in the house at all or even needed to turn on our gas fireplace for heat.

Shortly after power went out my dd called. She said she needed "adult advice". That's her word for when something comes up she hasn't had to deal with yet in her young life, LOL. Though not funny in this instance. They were also experiencing a big wind storm and a big cedar tree in their back yard blew down and into their neighbors yard, at a minimum doing damage to neighbors fence and possibly their shed in back. Is this covered by insurance? Do we just give the neighbors our insurance information, like you do in a car accident? I said, yes it's covered and I would call your insurance company myself and check with them what you should do. She said her dh was going to call now. Then I got on my phone and googled the situation and was surprised to see it say that it was actually the neighbors insurance that would cover damage to their property from a neighbors tree. So, I called dd back to tell her, but said I'm sure her insurance will obviously know and clarify this. In the meantime she had sent some photos of the tree down to our family group chat. Dh told her he was afraid of that happening when they told us about all the other trees they had had removed from their backyard the past 2 summers. It takes away the support for the remaining tree(s). Dd then called me back to say her insurance company did say that the neighbors insurance would cover it and their neighbors had called their insurance and was told the same. I did not know that's how it worked. Good to know. 

DD and her dh, being the conscientious and good neighbors that they are, offered to chip in on the neighbors deductible. Once they all could get through the limbs and branches a bit they could see that the shed did not get damaged, only the fence. So, it was not nearly as bad as it could have been, that's for sure. A couple hours later dd sent me a sweet message:

Thanks for being a phone call away and being a helpful mom. R called his parents too and while I understand it's not a thing everyone knows what to do in the situation, they were no help at all and were more concerned with telling us about stuff they're remodeling in the house and progress with that today. Like, I don't care, I just had a tree come down that very well could have landed on my house. Lol. So, you da best!

While I had a little reprieve last week from my pinched nerve in my neck and headaches from it, it came back yesterday. I took Tylenol first. Then Aleve later. Nothing helped. While the power was out I went and took a nap. I remembered some neck stretching exercise my old chiropractor used to tell me to do, so I am going to try that. I need one of those things I used to use at his office every so often, that you wrap around your neck and pump it up to stretch out the neck for 5 or 10 minutes.

Ok, time to get some clothes on and take mail to the mailbox to go out. It's the beneficiary form on my mom's retirement account. I also emailed the assistant and let her know I am putting in today's mail and she should see it in a few days.



  1. Your husband's loud friend sounds like my BIL. Ok, but so loud and opinionated.

    1. he also likes to butt in before you are done talking with what he knows, LOL. Most times he seems to like to contradict, no matter what you are saying and he's the expert on everything, haha. I always tease dh "where do you find these friends?" LOL

  2. I am glad the tree did not hurt anybody and did not cause much damage. Your DD is so sweet and thoughtful. My neck is causing me some trouble too. Hope we both feel better soon.

    1. I'm sure it was good that they got all those other trees cut down, but probably should have had this one cut, too. I wish this neck issue would clear up! usually it only lasts a few days here and there, but this is getting ridiculous.

  3. My friend J is loud sometimes, but mostly knows everything! He makes me tired. That is unbelievable that her husband's parents were so uninterested in their problem. I need a neck stretcher as mine is bothering me, too.

    1. dh's friend is tiring too. DD is usually extremely self sufficient, so when she calls me for advice, I know she needs it. I almost bought one of those neck stretchers years ago, when I used to see the chiropractor pretty regularly. Now I wish I had.

  4. There are some good physical therapy videos on UTube that give you exercises to help with pinched nerves in the neck/shoulder. I think they are called nerve slides. They are so handy when you don’t have time to go to physical therapy appointments.

    1. I need to just go find a chiropactor. That totally fixed it before. PT never did much good for me. I did it for over a year.

  5. Sounds like our family gatherings, back in the day. Had 2 uncles (brothers) who knew everything and tried to out talk each other, while their wives are trying to get them to shut up. It was insane and horrible. I used to go home with a headache every time. They didn't get away with it when my grandfather was still alive because he would tell them to sit down and shut up. I loved that man. Just a hard working farmer but he had a way with words. Ranee (MN)

    1. I couldn't imagine having this guy for Thanksgiving dinner LOL.

  6. If I remember correctly, it's considered an "Act of God/Mother Nature" type of insurance claim. Glad they didn't have any damage. That was really kind of your Dd and her husband to help out the other family with the deductible. You don't find someone doing that very often. :)

    1. it was a tall tree, as were all the others the had cut down. It's good it fell the direction it did so not more damage was done.
