Saturday, November 6, 2021

Just Saturday ramblings

Now that another grocery store is offering online ordering and parking lot pick up, I'm going to give them a try. DH and I used to shop there all the time until I started using the Walmart grocery pick up. Plus I've always felt I've saved more shopping at Walmart. So, I just did a price comparison of 20 items I regularly buy. Walmart came out $6 cheaper in total. Some things were quite a bit higher at the other store, but some things were on sale and cheaper. I'm sure by watching their weekly sales flyer, a person could stock up on the good sale prices and probably come out better than Walmart, or at least Even Steven. 

I received an email from my health insurance company to do a health questionnaire and get a $25 Amazon gift card. Took me all of about 5 minutes and now I have $25 to spend. Plus I got my monthly $3 Verizon up rewards Amazon gift card. Last month I got a $50 Amazon gift card from a work deal.

Dh's wealthy friend must have finally sold his house after almost a year of trying. He posted on Facebook a link to the new big 240 some acre ranch he just bought. Only like $5 million. Just gorgeous, of course (like his house he sold for $4 million). This is the 3rd time they have moved in like 3 or 4 years. First they sold their big ranch nearby us, because it was too much work. Then lived in a fancy big condo while they looked for something new. Bought like a 25 acre "ranch" but not really happy there and turned out they missed their big ranch and wished they hadn't sold it. So, now they will be on an even bigger ranch then they had the first time, LOL. His wife has amazing decorating taste, as well as the $ to do it. From the listing pics of their new place just purchased, whoever owned that place did too.

DD always watches her local Facebook marketplace for stuff. A cute little rustic cabinet popped up for only $10. She messaged right away and got it. It's adorable and she put it in one of her guest bedrooms and is using it to store their board and card games.

Has anyone had the Covid booster shot? I'm not sure if my mom got it or not. I know she had some paperwork from her place about it, a couple months ago, but I'm not sure if it got done yet. (they did do flu shots for them). Someone I know, in her 80's got the booster shot and was very sick for 2 days after. Well, I hope my mom already got it, because if so, then she was fine with it. Too bad she can't remember. I wonder if it would show on her health insurance as a claim? I suppose I could ask at the front desk of her apartment place.

When I ordered my mom's new jeans from JCP, so I'd get free shipping, I ordered myself a few things I need. Two new cardigan sweaters. The two I wear most often are getting pretty old. I got another dark brown one (but it almost looks like plum color) and a dark blue one. Both have pockets in front and one does have buttons. I also got another set of queen sized sheets that were on sale. While both my guest beds are queen sized and made up, I do not have a spare set of queen sheets, in case something happened and I needed to do a quick change of bedding.

I made it through a day and a half now of mom not unplugging her dispenser. Let's hope it continues.


  1. Your DD's rustic cabinet is very cute. What a bargain!

    The Ministry of Health offered Pfizer-BionTech to those who had two doses of the Sinovac last year. So, my uncle got his first PB shot a couple of months ago. He will probably get his second shot in a few months although he is hesitant about that. My SIS and BIL got their booster shots but, they both had the Sinovac due to the recommendation of their doctor. I had my PB shots in June and July. I am not yet eligible for the booster according to the Health System but, I think, I will be able to get it after January.

  2. Don’t you have her medical power of attorney? I would think you’d need to get a notice and need to sign for it. I surprised and would call them about this.

  3. Everyone I know who got the Pfizer booster reported few symptoms (if anything, they were tired the next day). My cousin got the Moderna booster and was achy/feverish the next day only. Your mother should have a vaccine card that they would have updated if she has gotten the booster.

  4. I think for your mom that Medicare would cover her booster & vaccines.
    I've heard their are less side effects of the booster due to already having antibodies built up from the vax. I don't know this as fact.

  5. My husband got the Moderna and I got Pizer we had no side effects, I also got flu shot same time. Joyce

  6. The piece of furniture is well-worth $10, from what I can see. I suppose you can tape everything down that goes wrong. I had a covid antibodies test, so now I will get the booster. My allergy doctor wants to see if I gained any antibodies.
