Saturday, November 20, 2021

Maybe, hopefully

I was messaging with my boss yesterday about something related to payroll and we both brought up how impressed we are with our newly assigned payroll person at the payroll company. My boss said she had been trying to run some report and couldn't get the info so she called her to get help. Turns out some reporting things never got turned on at their end and is info/reports we should have easily had access to all along. Then my boss said she was trying to run reports that showed dates of salary changes and salaries. Hmmm...I am really hoping that means some damn raises are in the works! Because my last salary increase date was almost 3 years ago and same for almost everyone else. Maybe not in my case, but for those employees that live and work out of the office, in that major metropolitan area, I'm sure a lot of them would now have other opportunities to find higher paying jobs, with the way the job market is now. It's hard to feel valued and appreciated when you haven't seen a raise in 3 years. My dd and her dh work for a huge huge company and one of the reasons dd got such a large salary increase is that they want to make sure to keep employees and keep up with what other companies are offering. Plus they also increased their benefits. My company needs to get on the ball with this. They have really slid back the past 2-3 years, where before they were always ahead of the curve. I can understand not getting bonus's because we haven't met sales goals, but performance reviews and salary increases should still be on the table for all of us. Another thing that kind of irks me. About 4 years or so ago the company spent a buttload of money to hire these "office culture consultants". It really did nothing of benefit that I can see, and that money would have been more well spent on the employees salaries and or benefit packages.

I think we are going to skip going to visit friend today and dh is going to get started putting up all the Christmas lights outside. I'm going to start getting ready for Thanksgiving and having guests. I do have Wednesday off as a vacation day, but I'm really going to try to get as much prepared before then, rather than try to get it all done Wednesday (my normal modus operandi) and be exhausted by the end of the day.

We've been letting kitty outside a little bit and training him what door to use. He's got that down. And being a typical cat he likes to go out in the dark, LOL. And it's darker early now. DH let him out after dinner last night. The past couple of times he's only been gone like 10 or 15 minutes and comes back to the door to be let in. Last night it was almost an hour! We were both getting a little worried. I tried calling him 3 different times. Then all of a sudden he was at the patio door and wanted in. He slept with us again last night and stayed until just before I got up. I think he's getting all this figured out.

I told dd she and her dh are in charge of figuring out a movie or two to watch Thanksgiving evening and/or Friday evening. Usually we.....and by we I mean I, will find a movie for us all to watch. So, I'm hoping they will have something figured out to watch or rent online and I don't have to scroll through trying to figure out what the 4 of us would like. I told her don't worry about it also being something Grandma would like to watch. Pretty much now when she is at my house and I turn the tv on she picks up her crossword puzzle book and does that, as she doesn't have much interest anymore as she can't really follow a storyline. If nothing else, dd will have 7 hours in the drive over to find something, haha.

Well, time to get back down the the kitchen and see if I can even make room for this big turkey. I wish I could have gotten one a couple pounds smaller but they didn't have a lot there last weekend and it was either like 12# or 20# or bigger, there was nothing in between. I did pick up some canned yams at our town store yesterday, so I think I have everything now but the rolls. My plan is to pick those up when I go get my mom on Wednesday.



  1. Your kitty sounds like now he is settled in the house with his new family. How cute!
    I hope a raise is coming your way too. With prices sky rocketing, everybody can use extra money. Thanksgiving is my favorite US holiday. We do not celebrate Thanksgiving over here. Also, since we are not Christian (or anything else really), we celebrate just the New Year and I usually cook my favorite Thanksgiving dishes and roast a turkey or a roaster chicken for that. SIS and I like to decorate our homes a little this time of the year despite being non-Christians.

    1. I think there are lots of the holiday decor that isn't 100% Christmas that would work, too.

  2. I hope a coyote or something larger does not take your cat. At least your mother can be content. Hopefully, a raise will come your way. My experience is that rolls go fast and there are none at all nearer to Thanksgiving.

    1. That's been my experience, too, that you have to get rolls early or they are sold out.

    2. I was worried about coyote or a big owl! Typically though when we hear the coyotes they are always on the other side of the river, though I'm sure that's not always the case. Ok, you guys are probably right about the rolls...I just messaged my dd to pick some up and bring, LOL.

  3. We've just watched Nomadland and I can recommend it.
    Frances McDormand and another actor are the only professional actors in it; the others are who they play.
    I found it made me think a lot afterwards. x

    1. thanks for the suggestion, I haven't heard of that one.

  4. Uugghh consultants!!! Oh I don't mean all consultants because many of them are good at what they do, but it's all the bullshit "let's improve workplace relations or workflow" crap that used to get my goat. We were a very efficiently run HR department but some genius brought in a consultant who was paid thousands to set up communal "meeting room" where we could all post our news/concerns. Many moons later we happily went back to meeting round the coffee machine for a chat! Turns out that particular consultant was one of the references for the newly-hired narc HR director - you know the one that's been fired from her last five jobs!
