Saturday, November 13, 2021

Stupid Saturday

Another bad grocery pick up experience. Got a text from Albertson's about 3 hours before my scheduled pick up time that my order is being canceled because they do not have staff available to do curbside orders. OMG! Just great. Now I had to re write out my grocery list and take an hour to shop. What a complete waste of time yesterday to get online and do up the order. Guess I won't be trying to ever order from them again.

Only 3 calls this morning from mom before I got there (6 last trip). First one was this morning saying did you say you were coming today? Yes, I'll be there at noon and I'm bringing lunch for us to eat. Call 2 at 11:30. "where are you?" I'll be there at noon and I'm bringing lunch for us to eat. Then she says she'll meet me downstairs so she can help me carry it up. Ok, I didn't bother to tell her it's only one bag of food. Then she calls a 3rd time. "I'll have you pull up by the front door to hand me the stuff so you don't have to park and carry it". No, it's one bag of food, I'll just park and meet you inside. Then she said something about a suitcase and I thought she meant my purse.

I get inside and the lady working today at the  front desk asks me how long I'm staying and I say oh, an hour and a half or so. She says "oh, your mom thought you are staying overnight, so I was going to add you for a dinner meal.". Oh no, not overnight, LOL (Like where would I sleep? LOL). As we are going up the elevator mom says "boy this is a long day for you to come and see me". I'm like no, I just live about 40 minutes away. I'm not sure what she's thinking, but obviously isn't quite remembering how far away I am. We had lunch and then I got out my tape and taped plug ins. I see what she did with that med dispenser I taped in thick blue tape to her wall. Unplugged it, wrapped the blue tape around the big plug in and put it back in upside down and had her microwave unplugged again. I plugged it back in and retaped the tape that says "do not unplug" across it. She suggested putting a note above it that says do not touch, so we did. Then I took the electrical tape and taped the plug in to the back of the machine and the same thing on the 3 things that plug into the back of her modem. Hopefully that works. I used lots of tape, too.

Then I turned her computer on. Wi-fi wasn't working so I got that going again. And for some reason her background and the background for every app/program was black. It took me a bit of googling to figure out what setting to fix that. No clue how that got turned to black. The whole time I'm trying to figure it out she's yakking away "is it this? is it that?" Then the best one: she said if I can't figure out out, she's sure her guy friend could. LOL Then I remembered to log into her internet/phone account so I can get her 4 digit code to log into it from my computer. It's on auto pay, but I want to see if they have anything that shows a call log like her cell phone does.....

Since I had to take an hour or so to grocery shop this afternoon, I skipped doing her laundry. I will be picking her up before Thanksgiving to have her here a few days, so I will get all her laundry then and bring it to do when we get here that Wednesday afternoon. And with getting upset that my grocery order got cancelled and having to take time to write up a new list I totally forgot to bring her new jeans with me. Grrrr!

I hate grocery shopping LOL. If I was going to do it myself I sure wouldn't do it on a Saturday afternoon at peak people time! I didn't really even have that much stuff but the cart was full and no more room. Finally got checked out - slow checker, plus she had to bag it all herself. I get it pushed out to my car and think "ugh! now I have to load it in the car, too" LOL.  I texted dh that I was heading home and that grocery shopping sucks and he said "see, you miss having me as a fun shopping buddy!" LOL.

And I still don't have canned yams.......


  1. I really don't know what the deal is lately, but EVERYTHING is taking 2-3-4 tries to get the simplest thing done...I'm (half) glad I'm not the only one experiencing this....

    1. it's getting frustrating. Our new "normal", I guess.

  2. Your love of Albertson's was short-lived! I don't blame you.

    I love that your mother suggested the Do Not Touch sign. She has her lucid and wise moments. Never mind she thought you had bags to carry in and was spending the night.

    From 1-3 pm on Saturday is the peak grocery shopping time. I read that this week. I am going to order some things from Amazon if they don't show up in the stores. It does help to have someone load the car. Did husband take the groceries in the house when you came home?

    1. They didn't even have someone to help the cashier bag and load the bags into the cart. DH always brings in all the groceries from the car into the kitchen, so that is a big help.

  3. Well Albertson's was a bummer. I had a ridiculous experience with Walmart this week over attempting to order & have dog treats shipped. Crazy!
    Let's see how all your taping works out.

  4. Oh goodness! we have never tried online orders but my friends do, they haven't had any issues yet but that is frustrating. I hope taping it all up helps solve the problem. hoping you get a day of rest today!!

    1. I'll probably do some mopping, but other than that, hope to rest and get a nap in :)

  5. I still can't get into delivery now that we use so much less than when kids were home. It was a game changer a few years 20 years ago for me though when just one more thing on my plate was wearing me thin.

  6. If I lived 5 or 10 minutes from grocery stores, I'd shop, but add in 50 miles each way, it's a long shopping trip. Plus, if I'm going to drive that far then of course I need to make other stops and pick things up, since I went all that way, LOL.
