Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Quick post

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I think I'm going to take today off from a long blog post. Even typing a bunch now causes pain up at my elbow. I've lost count how many times my mom has asked me now what time I am coming and what time she is going back. I know she wants to let the front desk know and for meals and I'm sure she's told them just as many time now. I can't even imagine how many calls I'm going to get today between now and when I pick her up at 2pm.

I have a little to-do list of things to get done before I go pick her up. I'm not sure if I'm going to get the vacuuming upstairs and mopping downstairs done. I'm right handed and probably wouldn't even be able to move my arm when I get done. Ugh. I'll see what I can do using my left hand/arm.

We got a dusting of snow last night. Very pretty outside this morning.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing you and your family a nice, relaxing time and fun!

    1. Thank you very much! dd will be a big help when she gets here :)

  2. That arm/elbow won't stop hurting until you stop using it. My arm swelled so badly, I had no fingers, just looked like a blown up rubber glove. Immobilizing arm and meds worked. This was difficult as I had a 9-month-old baby. Have a nice time with your mother.

    1. I know and I have to use it! Dh told me the same thing but I have too much to do. The elbow wrap thing does help some

  3. Seems like mopping might be a good job for your DH! enjoy your down time.

  4. Have a lovely Thanksgiving, and I hope your arm feels better soon!

  5. I’m sure your house is looking great anyway without extra mopping and your daughter will be only too happy to help. It’ll be lovely to have the different family members together under one roof. x

  6. Don't worry about the vacuuming or the mopping. Everyone will live whether it gets done or not. You should try an ice pack on you elbow. Maybe your husband could help wrap the elbow wrap with an ice pack tucked in. Maybe he can help with some of the other details for your dinner also? Try to rest it when you can because it is not going to get better until you stop working it. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving and whatever dinner ends up being, it will be fine. 2 or 3 days down the road, no one will remember and you will still have a sore elbow. Ranee (MN)

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! Since your daughter brings a dog just vacuum after she leaves LOL. People only care about your company and the food! Do you think your mom might benefit from a large white board mounted on the wall in her room? You could ask the staff to update the notes about when you will be there. It would be easier for them to do that instead of answering questions she might ask them.
