Monday, November 15, 2021

Halfway through Monday already

Dh has his MRI this morning to follow up on his pancreas. The GI dr had wanted to look at it 6 weeks out from his endoscopy (or however long it's been) to see what the pancreas tail looks like. Not sure when we'll get the results. It was nice that it was able to be scheduled at the mobile MRI unit at our town hospital, so we didn't have to drive to the city for it. Last night he asked if I was going with him. I asked do you need me to? His reply was well, they might ask about insurance...I rolled my eyes and said then you hand them your insurance card...this morning he decided I should go, because he was having an MRI w/contrast and what if something happened to him? we only have one working vehicle and what if he couldn't drive, what if...Fine. As they flip flop every time we are there whether they will let another person come in with the patient, today was a no. I would have went and waited in the car anyway as we were parked out by the trailer the MRI is done in.

His mechanic friend is supposed to come today to take out the transmission from his pickup. 

I'm barely back to work and now see the power is out at the office, which explains why I got disconnected from my remote connection, LOL. Before it went out I was able to set up my new voicemail greeting on our new phone system. I did the recording from my webcam speaker and the playback kind of sounds like I'm in a tin can. I think I'll see if I can do it from my phone to have a better sounding greeting. Nope, I can't figure out how to access the voicemail menu. Oh well. At least I finally have working voicemail again.

While I was waiting for dh to get done with the MRI my mom called. She didn't think she had taken her morning meds but it wasn't dispensing. I looked at told her she did take them 20 minutes earlier. This is so good to have this info available to me. I honestly cannot believe she wasn't doubling up on med doses before!

I was outside yesterday for a couple minutes and was like boy, it sure feels warm out here. I went inside and looked at our thermostat and it was 61 outside. Same today. Pretty warm for mid November around here. Weather to be colder next week, but no snow, so should be ok for dd and her dh to travel over here and spend a few days for Thanksgiving.

Still no power back on at the office. Been chatting via our Teams messaging with my boss, who has the day off, LOL.


  1. I hope the MRI shows good results!

  2. I am allergic to contrast dye so I have to pre-medicate before testing. Hope hubby's test went well.

    1. He's had the dye a few times for ct scans and gallbladder surgery and no problems with it, thankfully.

  3. It will be good to know what the tests tell the doctor. Your husband is feeling vulnerable. Technology certainly is helping your mother stay out of more restrictive care.

    1. if it wasn't for the medication dispenser and that all her meals and housekeeping is taken car of, she definitely would need to be somewhere else. There is no way she could live in her own place now.

  4. I'll be taking my neighbour to the hospital sometime next week as his wife is afraid to drive there. They hate each other but she will HAVE to go with him because he doesn't understand anything about their insurance. Funny how it always seems to be down to the wife to get that figured out isn't it! But I hope everything goes well for your hubs!

  5. Hope your DH's tests come back fine. He sounds like he has recovered well so far since he is doing quiet some work at his shop.

    1. So many people told him once he gets his gallbladder out he'll feel so much better, but it really hasn't made a difference, unfortunately.
