Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Go away

This pinched nerve/knot in the back of the right side of my neck is getting annoying. It was feeling better last week, after I used the small rice heating pad on it a few times. Then Monday it's back and by afternoon I end up with a terrible headache that nothing works on. I can feel the knot back there. The left side of the back of my neck is all smooth and kind of concaves in slightly. The right side you can feel the knot. I decided to take one of those old Flexeril pills I still have bunches left when I went to bed last night. Hoping it would release the knot. I sure slept good, of course. But woke up late (of course) and still feeling a bit slow and groggy. I'm not sure if it helped or not. The pain and headache is kind of a gradual thing that comes all day. Yesterday I also started doing some neck stretches my old chiropractor used to have me do. I'm trying to stay ahead of the pain/headache today. I took ibuprofen this morning and also have used the rice microwave heating pad on it.

We got some snow most of the day yesterday but it didn't really stick until later afternoon, so we have a dusting on the ground and in the trees, since it got below freezing.

I'm thinking of starting a second blog, just to write about what it's like to help take care of someone with progressing dementia. I know I talk about it a lot on here, and some of you probably get tired of it. But, I'm sure others, who are experiencing the same thing or who might be in the early stages with their loved one, might not mind reading about it on a regular basis. 

Sometimes I find the medical/science part of it all fascinating. Other times I just need to vent and rant because it can all be so frustrating and exhausting to deal with. I'm sure my dd gets tired of hearing about it, just about every day from me. This might provide me the outlet where I don't need to burden her with it every day. soon as I can think of a blog title, I'll start, LOL. Maybe.


  1. I am sorry for the pain in your neck. (Literally) This is your blog, your domain and whatever you write here should be just fine. With that said, if you want to start another one, I will read that, too. Hope, you feel better soon.

  2. Long time lurker and just want to say I really enjoy your blog. I have never gotten tired of hearing about your mom's progressing dementia but I can understand why you would want to start another blog that deals with that topic. I hope the neck stretches and heating pad helps!

    1. thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I always see other people that have more than one blog, for different topics, so thought maybe I should to it that way.

  3. I don't get tired of hearing about your mom.
    I went thru the same situation from beginning to end. I can relate & I sympathize with you.
    A lot of people find themselves in your situation & I know they would find this blog or another related blog very intinteresting. Dementia is a scary but fascinating issue of the aging brain.

    1. thank you. I'm learning quite a bit from reading what others are going through from this Facebook group.

  4. Replies
    1. so far today, it feels like the knot is still there, but no headache so far, so I'm keeping fingers crossed.

  5. I appreciate everything you post about your mom and her situation because I have an 88 almost 89 year old father that has moved into assisted living. It's complicated. Fortunately, he does fairly well with his memory but he isn't as strong as he would like to be. He was diagnosed with Covid last November and was very sick and lost a lot of his strength and that part of his recovery has been slow. He walks with a cane but I notice he has been using his walker more often. It's expensive and he does not have the financial safety that your mom has, unfortunately. Like I said - complicated. Whether you write it here, or somewhere else, I will read. As painful as it may be, try to massage the knot in your neck/shoulder and even just put your finger on it and put as much pressure as you can handle. I have the same problem and mine is aggravated by stress and tension. Some days my shoulders are up under my ears and I don't even realize I'm doing it. The heat is a good idea also. I think you quit too soon. Keep using the heat and massage the area even if it feels like it's gotten better. If the heat doesn't feel right (you will know) then use an ice pack. I am sorry you have been struggling this for a while now because I know exactly how you feel. Good luck. Ranee (MN) (this is not medical advice - just suggestions of what has worked for me)

    1. thanks for reading along with my life :). It is so hard to press on that sore knot in the neck, isn't it? I know I need to keep doing that and I'm really trying to today.

  6. Caring for aging parents isn't for sissies, that's for sure. It's good for you to vent - somewhere. I have 6 siblings & because I'm the only one who doesn't work & don't have kids, I seem to get to handle most of the things with my parents (taking them to all appts, laundry, grocery shopping, picking up RXs, etc.) which is exhausting - both mentally & physically. So I get where you're coming from. My parents have their minds, but physically deteriorating - just the opposite of your mom. But we keep trudging on because we love them & it's the right thing to do. But as I always say, "The Struggle is Real!" :-) Thank God for gin & tonics! LOL And a really wonderful husband who supports me as I continue to care for them. Hang in there! We'll have no regrets some day when they are gone.

    1. that would be hard to have all the responsibility when there are 5 others who could help, but I suppose that's what dh's sister felt with 4 other and she did it all for her parents. But everyone else lived in different states. I tried to help by doing some of the research for her on medicaid and such and dh was really good to call his parents every day there the last few months. Isn't that the way it seems to go - either their are physically healthy and their mind goes, or their body goes, but their minds are still in good shape.

  7. I find long days at my desk and soreness hits neck muscles hard. I hope you find relief. Your mom stories are real life that so many of us have or will deal with. You're a trooper.

    1. I'm guessing I've changed the way I sit a bit or something that has gotten my neck "off". Thank you!

  8. After going through physical therapy, I found my solution. Have your husband put his thumb on the knot and press hard. You can show him on his arm how to work the knot. He needs to press hard for a while, and often during the day if he can. Then, something hot on the place. Otherwise, it lingers. My pt would have me moaning in pain, but he worked out the knot for me. It works for me. Try it.

    1. thanks for the tip. that makes sense to put the heat on afterwards

    2. Of course, he should sort of massage the knot. I hate having a knotted muscle. It hurts so and impairs all sorts of movement. I usually scream a bit when someone is tending a knot for me at home.

  9. It was another blogger (I think) who mentioned the book Still Alice. It was the (fictional) story of Alice when she learns she has early onset dementia. I don't know if you've read it but it's very interesting and quite moving!

  10. I never get bored with your blogs.
    Feel free to mix it up, finances, dementia, life at home - it’s always interesting to me. x
