Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Just another day

That last claim, from dh's August hospital stay, and under his old insurance, was finally processed. So, instead of the imaging place trying to bill me $765, it went through insurance, they adjusted it down to $474, paid 60% and my share will now be $189. Much better. I'm still waiting to see what the bill was on dh's gallbladder surgery, though at this point he's only a few hundred dollars away from meeting his max out of pocket with the insurance I put him on Sept 1st, so that's all I'm going to owe towards it. My guess though is the total bill for the surgery will be like $15,000. Next Monday he has an MRI to be done on his pancreas. This will be 100% covered by insurance now.The GI doctor had wanted to do this to see what the tail of his pancreas still looks like, in comparison to what it looked like when he did the endoscopy. Then in early December he goes into the urologist for the biopsy of his prostate. Dr. said at his age and psa level a 25% chance of it being cancer, so needs to get checked out.  This will also be 100% covered by insurance.

This afternoon I have to do a training meeting to learn how our new work phone system is going to work. We are switching to using Microsoft Teams phone system. I have a feeling it will be a pretty easy transition, as we already use Teams quite a bit and almost everyone already uses it to make calls internally. Starting next week we'll be able to take and make external calls with it. Good and finally I will have working voicemail again, LOL. I won't really (unless I want to) even have to use my cell phone for work calls anymore. I have a webcam and speakers on my computer and will just most often probably do the calls through that. I've gotten used to it with our internal calls this past year. I do have the Teams app on my phone and can take calls that way, if I prefer, but I've gotten myself in the habit of answering the calls via my computer, ever since I got the webcam. We also use Teams internally like messenger (more often than calling each other) which I've gotten used to, also. The only thing I don't like about it is emails provide me with a trail, if I am trying to research answers to an old issue. I find Teams to not be very useful when I'm trying to figure out something or find where I thought I was told something and then finally realize "oh, I'll bet my boss told me that in Teams".  Unless it was very recent, very hard to go back and find the information.

I'm still only getting one egg a day. 3 of the 4 chickens look great - feathers all grown back. I'm not sure why one is still missing some on her back and still her behind is bare. If it was caused by mites (the 3 started to grow back after I started adding the diatomaceous earth to their coop) The other 3 also look fluffier as it's their winter "coat" grew in. I had to turn the water heater base on a couple weeks ago as many nights it's getting below freezing and freezing the water in their waterer. I wish that last chicken would get her feathers growing back with this cold weather.  

I managed to sleep until normal get up time this morning. It usually takes me a good few days to adjust to the time change. I've had a pinched nerve in my neck for at least a couple weeks causing me daily headhaches. Yesterday finally seemed a little better, so I'm hoping it's finally going away. I get this happening (from old car accident) every so often, still, but usually doesn't last this long. The other day I finally dug out my little rice heating pad to heat in the microwave to use on my neck. Maybe that helped loosen it up. Yesterday dh was complaining his neck hurt. Then while we were watching tv last night he falls asleep sitting up on the couch with his neck all bent over to one side. I'm like no shit Sherlock! You fall asleep like that (he does that sitting at his desk too) and no wonder your neck hurts.

ANDDD, told ya yesterday I spoke too soon about my mom not unplugging her med dispenser. I see it's unplugged again this morning. Oh well, only a few more days and I'll be there to permanently fix that with more tape.


  1. Fall and spring, it takes me a while to get used to the schedule change. I know it is just an hour, but feels different in my bones. I'm sorry the challenge on the medication is still going on.

    1. I think I want to be a bear and go hibernate for a bit

  2. From what you've written previously I think you might miss having your email trace possibility but I guess you'll have to go with the flow won't you. And sorry about your mom - you jinxed her by speaking too soon!

    1. I'm kind of tempted, if I think I might need some info from a work message down the road, to cut and paste it into an email to myself with the subject, LOL.
