Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A slow day

Nothing much going on today so far. Kitty is still very sleepy from his vaccines yesterday. He slept the whole night with us and got up when I did, followed me up to the office and has been sleeping ever since. Kind of nice to have a couple days of quiet, LOL. He goes back in at the end of December for his last shot and neutering. We're also taking our dog in, as he's gotten a couple more lumps we want checked out.

I don't know who it was that said something to dh (probably in his conversation with Mr. Neighbor about our Christmas lights) about how expensive it must be to have them on. Yesterday I looked it up and with the LED lights (that are like 90% cheaper than incandescent) and with the amount of lights we have, it's going to be approximately an extra $30 on the bill. Big f'ing deal....

Then dh gets a text this morning from our retired friend who lives in town "your lights look great, but you must have stock in the power company!". OMG! how about just saying they look nice and let us worry about what it costs. DH just texted back, thanks, but it's only about $30 in cost to run them and my wife felt that was worth the cost". All these people freaking out that it must cost a fortune to have the lights on, yet they think nothing of spending hundred of dollars a month on cigarettes, alcohol, pot, whatever.


I'd say we are somewhere in between heavy usage and enthusiastic usage. This is from the website (and I found other similar cost examples) from the company we purchased the LED lights from. I think we'll just put up even more next year........I'm tired of people and their stupid opinions.


  1. I have never cared how much it cost to have Christmas lights. I love them. I get up at 5:45am I have them programmed to come on then until about 8:00am. Then I have them programmed to come on at 4:30pm until 11:00pm.

  2. I don't understand the attitude you are getting from your next door neighbors and the neighbor down the road. Was it the neighbors down the road who put a string of lights on the ground next to their driveway and then plugged it in? Are these the same neighbors with the child who brought you pinecones in his wagon? From everything you have ever written I know you and your husband have always tried to be good neighbors. I'm disgusted with all the hell you have gone through with the next door neighbors and the chaos brought on when their son and family came to visit. Sheesh! Sorry about the long comment. I'm feeling talkative today. lol

    1. it was Mr&Mrs Neighbor, directly next door to us, who put the string of lights on the ground and the neighbor about a mile down from us who he passed on his comment. We haven't heard a peep out of young neighbors with the little boy and baby. No worries on the long comment! thanks

  3. Maybe they are just jealous. I don't understand attitudes about your Christmas lights. As long as they make you happy that is all that matters.

    1. I think they are wonderful and am happy dh likes them and enjoys it, too.

  4. I would be thrilled if you were my neighbor & I could enjoy your lights.
    Silly people...full of jelly!

    1. I don't understand people. They'd complain if we were crappy neighbors and had a yard full of yunk yet still complain that it looks nice.

  5. When I lived alone in a huge two story house, I left two lights on all night, on both ends of my porch which was a wrap around up against my bedroom. This was my security. Sometimes, I left on lights in various rooms when I was sewing late into the night. People who lived in trailers, acqaintances, would comment that I could save money by turning off a few lights. My teacher neighbor down the street also commented. (all these houses were huge and in Historic District) I told her it was my security. She laughed at me and said she turned off everything at night as she was not afraid. I told her no, I would not be either if I had a husband over six feet, a big teenager, a teen daughter who could help me scream, a big dog under the porch who wanted to eat everyone, and rifles and pistols in the house. She looked funny and said she understood. Why did people want to comment on how I spend my money? I would just enjoy your lights.

    1. I don't blame you, I would have left a few lights on, too. I've always been annoyed at people that make comments about how someone spends money or "how can they afford that?" when they have their own stupid stuff they are spending money on.

  6. I think some people just have great satisfaction talking about other people's money. Just don't know why. It is your money, your home, your decorations. Enjoy!

  7. i am confused as to how many neighbors there are. Mr & Mrs., the neighbors with the kid and neighbors about a mile away? For some reason I thought the ones a mile away were the ones with the kid! It was kind if crapoy for one neighbor to repeat what the other said, kind of like they are fueling animosity between neighbors. Maybe I'm a little desensitized, but I wouldn't have taken offense to town neighbors text--I would just think they were trying to make me laugh. I sure enjiy people decorating for the holidays.
