Saturday, December 18, 2021

Start of the weekend

I know I still have gifts I ordered still coming. I really need to figure out what is still left and if they are going to make it here in time. Frustrating as some of it I ordered in plenty of time - like the first week of December.

DH has never been much of a cat lover. He'll tolerate them, but not enjoy them. He's really enjoying this kitty, LOL. He gives us lots of laughs and is starting to have his routines with dh and since he's a friendly cat, he'll give dh some loving whether he wants it or not, haha.

After our company meeting yesterday afternoon they did end up closing for the day. Ok, so it was almost 3pm my time and I had already worked over 7 hours, LOL, so it wasn't much of a break for me. I finally figured out how to add my own background to the Teams meeting view. Most of the employees were in the office, but our satellite office in the other side of the state and the other handful of us that work remote all the time were watching via Teams. Mostly it was the not good news that this year pretty much was a crapper again, and lets go get 2022. One of the managers who spoke said she doesn't ever want to hear the word Covid again and when everyone comes back to the office (everyone gets to work remote until after the first of Jan) there will be no Covid. The president made a comment that he never wants to have to write another "policy" email about Covid again and isn't going to. Since I'm not in the office to get the vibe going on on a daily basis, I'm not really sure what their real meaning is, or maybe I'm just reading more into it. But, it gave me the impression that they are sick of anything to do with it - especially as it's never going to end, so let's get on with life and work.

DD messaged me last night (we "chat" all throughout the day, every day) that they were out running some Christmas shopping errands and went to this coffee stand a couple friend they have likes, so they were buying a gift card for them. They noticed a cop car pull in behind them with it appeared the cop had his young daughter in the passenger seat with him. They paid for their order. Very sweet. 

Our friends who live in Texas sent us some nice gifts. DH got a little buffalo metal art and a buffalo canvas print. I got a cute rooster cup holder you hang on the wall.........only I already have the same one! DH got it for me when he went to Texas 5 years ago. I can't tell them I already have it, so will just thank them, of course. The one I already have is hanging in my kitchen with 4 coffee cups. I'm trying to figure out something/somewhere else to use this 2nd one. Maybe when we get our closets done I can hang it on the wall in there to hang jackets on. I'll figure out something. There isn't really anything I can think of of to hang it in the chicken coop for. I don't have anything for the chickens that needs hanging on hooks.

I'm hoping my grocery order goes smoothly today and that I find a turkey, LOL. Walmart is still showing all their frozen turkeys out of stock. I find that really hard to believe. Hopefully Albertsons has some. If not, I guess I get dd to pick one up (she has oodles of grocery stores near her) and bring it with them on Thursday.


  1. Anything you put in with chickens, will be a target for jumpers. But I am sure you can find someplace for the hooks. If she picks up a frozen turkey, will it thaw in time for Christmas? Cats are very entertaining.

    1. I would have her pick up the turkey in time to start thawing it in her fridge and then bring it here in their cooler.

  2. Your daughter paid for the cop's coffee? That was a lovely thing to do!

  3. Oh, I can relate about policies about the pandemic. We have been remote for almost two years, and soon I will be permanently remote. Our year was not great as well.

    1. I'm not really holding out a lot of hope for 2022 to be much better, business wise.

  4. You could use it to hang scarves, belts or necklaces. Or by the door for guests coats, or dog leash? (maybe you don't need a leash, as you live in the country unless you would for walks?) You probably thought of these already but thought I'd suggest them as they might trigger an idea of your own. Ranee (MN) (good luck getting your turkey)

    1. I was thinking all those things too, but I don't wear that stuff, LOL. It's not really something I'd want to hang by the front door. Roosters seem to belong on the kitchen or laundry haha. We already have a horseshoe coat hook in the laundry room for coats and the dog leash. I might end up giving it to my half sister, see if it's something she might want. She has a new home she just moved into and is decorating and she loves chickens and roosters.
