Thursday, December 2, 2021

Vet decisions

I feel off what day it is this week, with having Monday off. But, it's Thursday, yep. Kitty came out of his vaccine induced sleepiness and was back to normal by evening. No good sleeping last night, LOL.

DD watches her local marketplace ads all the time and has gotten some good deals lately. That little cabinet I posted for $10. Then she just picked up this really nice piece she is using for a coffee bar. Nice solid wood, with baskets on the bottom, for only $50. Then yesterday someone advertised some free decor type window frames. DD was able to get them. They were from Hobby Lobby and still had the stickers for $60 ea on them. She hasn't figured out where she will put them in her house yet, but I'm sure it will look cute.

I was reading Sam's blog (Sam, Coffee, Money, and Thyme) yesterday and she mentioned making Scandinavian rosettes. That brought back memories of my grandma. She used to make these at Christmas time and I remember as a girl, helping her. They were so good, too! I got online and ordered an iron set and will find the recipe and am going to make some for Christmas this year. Thanks for the nice memory, Sam! I hope they turn out as delicious as I remember them being.

At last minute at 7:30 this morning (actually the meeting had already started) my boss sent me a message to jump in to listen to a meeting about a new process that affects my job. I'm glad I did, learned something new and was very impressed with our new guy's work on this. I sent him an email that he has done an amazing job with this project and it will definitely save me time and relieve some headaches I always deal with related to it.

It feels so strange to walk to the mailbox this morning and it's 55 degrees out. My chickens have gone on strike with egg laying. I was at least getting a measly one egg most days, now I haven't gotten one in probably a week. 4 chickens and zero eggs, LOL. They are not earning their keep.

I will need to run into the town pharmacy sometime in the next couple of days. DH was prescribed 2 antibiotic pills he needs to take the morning of his prostate biopsy next week. They aren't open on weekends, so I'll probably just go do it tomorrow. I need some bananas from the store, anyway. I'm taking the whole day off next Wednesday, as his appointment is at 10:15, but it doesn't sound like it's a very long procedure, but at a minimum I'll miss half a day of work, so I'm just going to take off the whole day. No anesthesia is used. It does sound like it might be a bit before he knows the results. After his appointment we need to stop at the bank and get out the cash to pay dh's mechanic friend for the transmission rebuild. He won't be bringing it back for a couple more weeks, but we'll get the cash out and have ready for when he does show up with it.

We have decided to change vet's for the animals. Go back to using one in the city. We have no vet out in our county. When we first moved here I tried a vet in the city, but they were so so crowded in their waiting room and I felt like we were just rushed through. Then I tried a newer vet that was close to the freeway exit and they were fine. But, then I found that mobile vet I used a couple of times and that was the best option. Sadly, he closed his business after Covid locked down everything last year. Then last spring when our oldest dog got really bad that Friday night and we knew we were probably going to have to put him down, the only vet I could find open on a Saturday was a country vet up in the county to the north of us, an hour drive. It's only a 15 more minute drive than to the city, so we've continued to use this vet. When we picked up our dogs ashes we made an appt for the other dog to have his lump on his chest looked at. Then we had to drive up there again for the removal surgery - and wait 3 or 4 hours, which isn't convenient, really. There's nothing up there to do (small town) and dumb to drive an hour back home, wait an hour, and drive back an hour. We just ended up taking a long drive for 3 hours that day.

So, now we have another appt at the end of this month for kitty to be fixed. Again, wait 3 hours to pick him up. I also scheduled, while we are waiting, for our dog to be looked at again. Now he has 2 new lumps. One higher up on neck and one on his side. Since the other lump removed was cancerous, it's likely these will need to be removed. Which means another hour drive, wait 3-4 hours. I noticed there is a nice new vets office a couple blocks behind from where my mom lives. 45 min drive each way and if I have to wait 3 or 4 hours, at least I'm in the city and can get shopping and errands taken care of, as well as see my mom, hang out at her place until the dog or cat is ready. Get her laundry done, etc.

The other reason to change is that recently the owner of the country vet office retired and sold it to another vet. They are now only open on Tues and Thurs. Not the most convenient and what if your pet gets sick say during the night Thursday and you want to get them seen on Friday and then can't because they aren't open until the next Tuesday? The new vet lady seems good, but that's a pretty limited days of operation. I'm thinking I get the dog into the new vet in the city, if he needs to go back to have the lumps removed, then I'll get them to do the cat's neutering on same day.


  1. I thought the mobil vet was a cool idea especially in a rural area like yours. Too bad he had to close down his business. 3-4 years ago, I had a flat tire. I know how to change it but, I cannot lift these big tires anymore. When I googled a place nearby, I found a mobile tire guy. He had a van with everything he needed to repair a tire. I was impressed.

    1. that mobile vet was so perfect. His big van was all set up as a vet exam room and he could do surgeries. I'm still so bummed he's not in business anymore.

  2. I wonder why there are so few vets? I know it is rural, but people still have animals. Kitty is going to learn about

    1. You'd think we'd have one vet out here. I think just about everyone we know who lives in this county has at least 1 pet.
