Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sunday morning coffee chat

I can't figure out what is going on with my mom's internet. Rather than asking her to see if her modem was still plugged in, I just decided to wait and see if the app showed connected later. If it was just that her internet was down for a bit, I didn't want to disrupt her and spend a half hour just getting her to try to see if everything was plugged in at the modem. A little while later I checked the app and it was back online. Then later during the day it was off. Then back on. Then off when I went to bed and still off this morning. I really don't think that is caused by her unplugging and plugging back in off and on all day. I'm guessing something going on with her internet connection. When it was off yesterday morning I logged into her internet account to see if I could see if it was connected and it just said the information was unavailable. I should have checked it again, when I knew her internet was working, to see if it does tell me or not if it's working.

She called me yesterday evening. Now she wants to know what the plans are for Christmas. Now I'm going to be asked this daily for the next few weeks. As always she brings it up by saying "well, my place here is having a holiday dinner, so I'm fine with that if you don't want to come and get me". I told her of course we're having her here and dd and sil are coming over too. It will have to be at least 2 nights again. Even if I go get her Christmas eve morning, we wouldn't take her back until the day after Christmas.

After raining all day yesterday, the temps finally dropped overnight and it turned to snow. Just a little bit covering everything. While not feeling 100%, my neck and elbow are better. Though this morning as I'm putting my coffee creamer back into the fridge it completely slipped out of my hand and straight down to the floor. Even though the lid was snapped closed the force of hitting the bottom of the container on the floor splattered creamer all over the front of the fridge and the floor, for a good feet each direction.

Oh good grief. I was logged into my mom's internet/phone/tv account. Still shows connection status unavailable. There was an option to restart the modem, but has to be done through their app. So, I down load it. It shows status on everything as "pending". Then I open the Hero app and it's working again. But internet status still says pending. I don't know why it keeps going off and on. It doesn't affect the dispensers ability to notify her it's time to take and to dispense, but it does affect it communicating with me to my app, so I know if she's taken or not.

Today I'm going to vacuum the hard flooring downstairs. After I vacuumed my bedroom (trying to use left hand/arm as much as possible) and then used the pet hair attachment to go over our duvet cover and even the pillow cases (our dog is shedding terribly right now) my elbow and back were done for awhile. It should be easy to go over the hard flooring today. Not so much work as on carpet. Then I'll mop the kitchen and make sure I got up all the creamer off the floor.

DD made this easy and delicious white chocolate bark candy she brought at Thanksgiving. I think she got the recipe from Joanna Gaines recipe book. Just 3 ingredients. White chocolate, dried cranberries and pistachios. I'm going to make that for my neighbor Christmas gift. I ordered some cute holiday food boxes from Amazon to put them in. I was hoping you can buy pistachio's already shelled, and yes, you can, LOL. DD said she didn't know that, so she had to shell them all.

And now the Hero app shows my mom's internet is disconnected again. Wonder if it's something wrong in the Hero machine itself and not her internet....I wish her internet online would show if it's working or not. And apparently you can't restart her modem remotely, like their website said. It said download the app to do it, but the app just has instructions to manually unplug and plug in the router. GRRRR!!! I don't understand why it keeps working and then not.

About 20 miles from us someone was trying to sell 8 acres - for $750,000. It's on the river, sort of.  It's kind of a triangle shaped property. Imagine a piece of pie with a bite taken from the point. That "point" part is on the river. Been on the market for 100 days. They just reduced the price by $250,000. Duh! It's not even worth $500k. The only one of these high priced properties or homes in our area that have sold is one. And turns out it was bought by some developer type. We were told they put $100k into updating it (spent almost 1 million for it) and now have reduced it to 5 acres (was 40) and the updated house for 1.4 million. It was on the market like 20 days and then they reduced it by a big $10,000 LOL. The HVAC guy has not sold his place for 2.2 million. Some other people we know with lots of acreage and an ok house have not sold for 1.7 million. Another for sale a few miles from us for $875k have now reduced their price by $80,000. And the newest addition for sale is a 2 bedroom log cabin on 10 acres on a hillside for $1 million dollars. Those people are NUTS! If that place is worth a million mine is worth $3 million, LOL. It's not even a nice place. Maybe worth $300k. Anyway, the thing is most are NOT selling at all. It will be interesting to see if this updated/flipped place sells. Apparently the investor is going to subdivide the lots into 5 acre parcels, but he hasn't listed those yet for sale.


  1. I'd read rumours of a housing bust (who knows if it's true) but those prices are horrendous aren't they?

    1. Someone who works at a bank told us they heard that there will be a housing bust next spring.

  2. Real estate prices are absurd here (Central Florida) and probably everywhere. What goes up must come down, I wonder how far down it will go?

    1. it's gotta crash at some point. These prices are insane and just can't be sustainable for long term.

  3. I hate to wish bad will on anyone, but these out if control houses have to go back to some normalcy and I feel bad for those that overpaid for their homes, depleting cash because they bought houses higher than appraisal. My daughter may be lucky she got out bid and might benefit this spring.

    1. Oh, and candy gift sound's delicious. Something that a little bit would go a long way to be festive. I bet it's really pretty too. Nice gift to give and receive.

    2. I hate to wish it too, but it wouldn't surprise me if this flipper that bought the million dollar house and land is going to lose some money. I think sales (at least here) are way down. The ones that do seem to be selling are are at least in a more normal price range. The candy was delicious.

  4. A 1/3 acre lot in the city is worth $40,000 here. I am not sure if that is high or not. I don't know about creamer, but a bit of a milk skim makes a floor slippery like ice. So, I always use a bit of dish soap and "wash" the floor right them. After a hand was injured, I dropped a huge office staple right on a professor's instep.

    It is strange about her internet.

    1. there were lots next to us and across the street when we lived in town. I think they were asking like $30k a few years ago. One guy bought up 5 of them and built a house on one and I guess has plans to build and sell on the rest, but nothing has happened yet and this was a year or two ago.
