Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday to do's

A fairly productive day yesterday. We left the house at 10am and it had just started snowing, but it ended up just being a tiny bit and after about 8 miles from our house the roads were bare and good. We went to Albertson's first and they had a pretty good selection of frozen turkey's in various sizes, so I got a 17 lb one. We also picked up the Gatorade zero dh likes, as there was probably a good chance Walmart would out it on me. We were walking past the bakery items and dh goes..oh a cake...we could use a cake...they were Christmas decorated, but then he said "or you could just make that funfetti cake, that's my favorite." Next to the turkeys was frozen rings of shrimp, which dh loves, so he grabbed one of those.

Getting in the car I got an email from Walmart that only 2 items were substituted and nothing outed. As we were about to turn into Walmart I got a text the order was ready and it was 10 minutes early. We were the only car waiting for groceries - on a Saturday at 11am. I have never ever had it like that. We were out of there by 11 and stopped at Wendys for lunch to take with us. DH was "better" and only got a single cheeseburger, rather than his usual double. I got their grilled chicken sandwich.

After getting home and groceries unloaded and put away, I made a half batch of rosette cookies, but now I think I should have made a full batch. More of them fit into my little Christmas gift boxes than I thought would and then dh said he wanted to take a box over to where the snow plow guys (and our friend) work out of, just down the road a bit. Nothing has been delivered yet to anyone. I'll probably give my neighbors a call or text this afternoon and see if they are home to deliver the boxes. And dh's mechanic friend is supposed to be coming tomorrow to put his transmission back in his pickup. I want to give him a box of goodies, too.

After making the rosettes, I went and took a short nap. I was feeling tired but really couldn't sleep. The kitty, on the other hand, had no problem, LOL

I got back up and got the funfetti cake made. Around 4pm or so dh started eating his shrimp. As I had hoped (when I pointed out the shrimp rings to him in the store) that ended up being his dinner and I didn't have to make anything (my plan, haha!). Later in the evening I made us some grilled cheese sandwiches.

I started reading a book, rather than watching tv last night. I couldn't really find anything on live tv to watch and didn't feel like searching for a movie. I was definitely ready for bed. At 8:45 I was so tired and about to fall asleep in the chair. Finally, I made myself get up at went to bed, but after walking around up and downstairs turning off all the Christmas lights I wasn't quite so sleepy. Must've been the grilled cheese that made me so sleepy.

We were supposed to get a bunch of snow yesterday and through the weekend. Nope. Nothing. And now it's warmed up so much that if it does it will probably be rainy snow. Well, as I type this it has started snowing so we'll see how much and if it decides to stick. It was so cold the prior 2 days that yesterday morning the river started to get ice chunks floating down. That's my favorite way to see the river, but by the time we got home from groceries it had warmed up and the ice chunks were gone.

On today's agenda is to get all my gifts wrapped! DH is total opposite me. He wraps everything right away, as it arrives and puts them under the tree. I always wait and do most of it at one time. He sets up a "wrapping station" up in the bonus room. DD sent me a picture of this gift wrap organizer box she just got and I said "oh dad would like that!" so I ordered him one. He will have fun putting it all away in his new storage, haha.

I think I will make more rosettes and a small batch of the white chocolate bark, to use up the leftover ingredients.


  1. I've found it so much better to pretty much wrap presents as I buy them too as I hate having to do it all at once (I'm a terrible gift wrapper), so I get where your DH is coming from! And ah that kitty looks so cute - that's gotta be the life, right?

    1. Ok, finally blogger is letting my reply. Kitty has the life, that's for sure. He was at the right place at the right time and got lucky.

  2. Last time I was in the US, I had wrapped all the gifts for my BFF who was working. Today, I was talking to her and she said, she misses my gift wrapping because she doesn't like to do it. Lol! My dad was a great gift wrapper. He used to make custom boxes for odd shaped items.

    1. I'll bet she liked having you gift wrap! I don't hate it, but it's not something super fun for me either. When I was little we had this elderly lady friend who made the most beautiful gift boxes.
