Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Winter wonderland

We've been getting lots of snow. Dh LOVES snow, so it was a good distraction for him yesterday to be outside plowing. He seems pretty good with everything, though I'm sure he'd just like to know the plan going forward, instead of sitting here wondering for over a month. With the cancer being at such a low level/small area, I'm sure it will all be ok.

The night before and yesterday afternoon he got his drone out to take some pictures. When he started to make the comment yesterday morning "when I had my drone out at midnight last night.." I said midnight? how could you see anything with it in the dark? Oh.......ya....we're kinda lit up here, LOL.

Yesterday afternoon he got some really nice pictures. In these drone, up in the air type, it sure can look like we live alone out here, nestled in the mountains, LOL. 

I think this one above might have to be our Christmas card next year :)

Just as dh was finishing up his plowing yesterday, Mr was doing his driveway. He had his dogs out, so of course they had to go tear around at our property, then take off down to the neighbors at the end of the street, so Mr went to chase after them. Dh had just finished plowing. Mr Neighbor came out of his driveway with his plow down, going down the street after the dogs, so of course just leaves a berm of snow right across where our driveway meets the street. Really? When the temps drop that little berm just freezes and turns into a hard pile of ice/snow that we would have to drive across. If dh doesn't get it knocked down before that, then we either have to drive over it or if he tries to push it out with his plow, after freezing, it's just a small hill of ice that the plow of course doesn't want to push through. So, dh went back to the garage and got out his snow shovel and got rid of it.

A little later they were chatting at the fence. DH has hardly talked to him since his son and family were here. He was telling dh about some local politics with the sheriff, then he says is your email still the same? dh says yep. He says well, I've been sending my emails, like usual, but they are bouncing back to me? dh says oh, come to think of it I haven't seen any emails lately from you. We don't know what would be causing that. Dh has had the same email address for years LOL and he's getting other emails.

The long outdoor extension cords dh ordered came and he got the gate opener all plugged in and said it worked great, so it looks to be it was that the solar system isn't enough power, even in the middle of summer. Not surprised. We haven't been impressed with anything solar, that we have. I bought a very expensive landscape type solar light to light up our manger scene. It's a pathetic little bit of light.

The weather report is saying snow all day today, but it's not coming down yet. I just went to the mailbox to drop off my Christmas cards and a couple other things to go out. Nice peaceful walk. Looks like at a minimum dh will be plowing again after he gets up.




  1. Very pretty. It would make a lovely card.

  2. Oh your house is so pretty. Sam's right - family Christmas card!

  3. Yes!!
    Perfect Christmas card shots.

  4. How pretty! I hope, it snows here this year. Enjoy your beautiful view.

  5. I love the pictures, especially the second and third ones. Beautiful. Ranee (MN)

  6. Those are beautiful pictures and an impressive view. I think I might have to say something about the berms and how inconvenient and dangerous they are.
